Medieval Manuscripts
Recent papers in Medieval Manuscripts
The Diocesan library in Pelplin contains several manuscripts which originate from its mother monastery in Doberan. They probably came here with the first monks from Doberan to the newly founded monastery in Pogódki (1258) which moved to... more
Ornament as Argument explores notions of ornamentation and materiality in 10th and 11th-century Christian manuscript illumination. In particular, the book investigates the function and metaphoric meaning of so-called textile pages—images... more
Racing against time and under threat from the night-time bombing campaigns of the German Luftstreitkräfte over London, M. R. James labours to catalogue the medieval manuscripts of Lambeth Palace Library.
This paper, given at the 2020 Virtual International Medieval Conference (Leeds) addressed two later manuscript copies of Hrabanus Maurus's "carmina figurata," In honorem sanctae crucis and examined how visual alterations to the poems... more
introduzione al volume che l'insegnamento del vocabolario della propria disciplina non è sempre la principale preoccupazione di un docente universitario, e che ciò vale anche per chi «insegna la paleografia e le materie correlate, quali... more
Resumo: Como um dos períodos mais ricos em termos de produção de documentos, o reinado de Alfredo, o Grande (871 – 899) se destaca em diversos âmbitos. Estando em um contexto de reformas, o reinado de Alfredo ressignifica as produções... more
The present study is based on the juxtaposition of 27 Old Slavonic (Bulgarian, Serbian and Russian) manuscripts of the service Book of Apostolos from the 11 th to the 16 th century. The conclusions about the history of the service book... more
Disputation and debate have accompanied human development from its beginnings. However, what we still call 'disputation', technically speaking, is a particular method of reasoning and analysing, involving either a debate between two... more
In: Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers & Anne S. Korteweg (eds.), Splendour of the Burgundian Netherlands. Southern Netherlandish Illuminated Manuscripts in Dutch Collections. Utrecht/Zwolle/The Hague 2018, p. 10-19
A transcription of Leonin's "Viderunt Omnes" (c. mid to late 12th century), showing excerpts of the original two sources with comparative variations and a modern transcription. For a recording and score-video see the link below:... more
En l'an 818, l'empereur Louis le Pieux, fils de Charlemagne, mena une campagne pour pacifier les rebelles bretons. Alors qu'il se trouvait dans le campement principal de l'armée, Louis rencontra l'abbé de Landévennec. Grâce à une charte... more
Script for video: on concept of "manuscript" from codicological point of view. It is part of the series, "Deciphering secrets: the Illuminated Manuscript of Medieval Europe", offered from 15-7-2016 in... more
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe, Blackwell Companions in Art History, 2nd ed. (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2019) (a collection of thirty-nine original essays from leading and upcoming scholars in the... more
Catalogue of the manuscripts in Dutch of the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels, vol. 10
For an audio-video animation of the manuscript with the modern transcription see the link below: An edition of the anonymous labyrinthine ballade on three canons, "En la maison Dedalus" (In the... more
The essay was prepared for a project entitled Chemins d'Arménie, which was never realized by the organizer.
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 673 (= Sg) contains an early version of the Decretum Gratiani (pp. 3a – 201a) and an appendix with 20 further texts (pp. 201a – 203a) in part 1 and numerous patristic, homiletic, canonistic and other... more
Fondato intorno all'anno 613 dall'irlandese Colombano nella valle di Trebbia, il monastero di Bobbio ricoprì un ruolo centrale nella trasmissione di testi della classicità latina. 1 Oltre a ciò, il monastero irlandese è anche noto per i... more
In influential handbooks of old norse-Icelandic or old west norse (hereafter own) and of comparative Germanic linguistics, an archaic 2nd person present singular form est of the verb vera/vesa "to be" is often given side-by-side with... more
SOME MODERN SCHOLARS, such as Jeremiah Hackett and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, assert that the thirteenth-century work most commonly known as the Speculum astronomiae should not be attributed to Albertus Magnus. However, this article,... more
This article examines in detail a psalter for the use of Sarum executed in Rouen c. 1490-1500, to which a series of unexpected additions have been made. These include sections painted in the style of the Netherlandish Dark Eyes Masters... more
« Nouveau survol des écrits de Pierre d’Ailly : de la tradition manuscrite aux premiers imprimés », dans Pierre d’Ailly: un esprit universel à l’aube du XVe siècle, ed. J.-P. Boudet, M. Brinzei, F. Delivre, H. Millet, J. Verger, M. Zink,... more
The Voynich manuscript is decoded by Alisa Gladyseva Research years: 2015-2019 The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including American and British code breakers, but nobody of them could... more
Script for video Black inks' origins go back to India, fourth millennium BC. These primitive inks' main component was soot or smoke black, mixed with some agglutinating substance. This black ink is chemically... more
Review of Catherine A. Bradley and Karen Desmond, eds, The Montpellier Codex: The Final Fascicle, Contents, Contexts, Chronologies, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2018), pp. 351, 2 colour + 17... more
Apart from glosses, illuminations and diagrams, the margins of medieval manuscripts commonly feature annotation symbols – signs that were used to perform routine operations with text or provided a framework for its use. Two annotation... more
From a literary point of view, the Early Middle Ages can be defined as an age of compilation. However, the nature of medieval compilation has often been misunderstood. This is because scholars have limited themselves to identifying the... more