Among their wealth of publications, Reg Morton and his assistant, Joyce Wingrove, issued a number of interim reports on the constitution of early bloomery slags. Two such reports detailed the procedures and methods which they used in the... more
Until recently, archaeological evidence for medieval iron production has been very sparse. In the past decade, several sites with traces of iron production have nevertheless been found in the Silkeborg area, especially during... more
NINA Rapport Dette er en ny, elektronisk serie fra 2005 som erstatter de tidligere seriene NINA Fagrapport, NINA Oppdragsmelding og NINA Project Report. Normalt er dette NINAs rapportering til oppdragsgiver etter gjennomført forsknings-,... more
Rezultati zaštitnih istraživanja kasnoavarodobnoga groblja Šarengrad -Klopare 2019. godine The results of the rescue excavations of the Late Avar Age cemetery of Šarengrad -Klopare in 2019
Rezultati zaštitnih istraživanja kasnoavarodobnoga groblja Šarengrad -Klopare 2019. godine The results of the rescue excavations of the Late Avar Age cemetery of Šarengrad -Klopare in 2019
Apart from these two centres, there were smaller metallurgical areas in Poland, located in Silesia, in the region of Opole, Brzeg and Wołów. Th e fi rst study of slag in the region of the Holy Cross mountains was initiated by Professor M.... more
Geophysical survey of two low mounds in a field to the east of Iron Acton was undertaken following their recognition as bloomery mounds. Each mound is approximately 10x15 m and marked by darker soil than the surrounding area. The slag... more
Archaeological and geophysical investigations at Veøy indicate that iron production was of great significance for the place’s economy and prosperity during the Viking Age and the Middle Ages. Both soil samples and magnetic susceptibility... more
Oppdragsgiver: Statens vegvesenløpet av fire uker i juni/juli måned 2017 utførte Arkeologisk museum en undersøkelse av lokaliteten ID 178225, bosetningsspor utetter Årsvollveien, gnr. 64, bnr. 7 i Sandnes kommune. Tiltakshaver var Statens... more
This article examines the spatial, temporal and socio-economic relationships between pits and ‘spatial divisions’ on Dilling. Pits is a collective name for various embedments that are dug into the ground. ‘Spatial divisions’ are roads,... more
Bilaga 1. Provtagningsplatsernas lägeskoordinater Bilaga 2. Vattenkemiska analysmetoder Bilaga 3. Analysresultat för vattenkemi-tabeller Bilaga 4. Analysresultat för vattenkemi-figurer Bilaga 5. Ämnestransporter och arealspecifika... more
This essay is about two areas called Hackås and Myrviken, situated in the middle of Sweden around the lake Storsjön. In Hackås we can see traces after an early agrarian settlement, and in Myrviken we find Jämtlands largest concentration... more
I mai 2019 ble det gjennomført en forskningsundersøkelse i en nausttuft og tuft (ID 38824) på Nergård, Bjarkøy. Det ble gravd en 10 x 0,5 m sjakt på tvers av nausttufta mellom veggvollene og sjakter på 5 x 0,5 m og 1 x 0,5 m i en tuft... more
Oppdragsgiver: Statens vegvesen, region vestTo delområder av det større kulturminneområdet "Gauselskogen" Id 90536 rett øst for Fv 44/Gauselveien i Stavanger kommune ble gravd ut om våren 2016. Mens det nordlige delområdet viste... more
The emergence, spread and development of iron working in the Carpathian Basin is an essential and interdisciplinary research field, an important stage of which being the results of the archaeometallurgicalarchaeomaterial examinations... more
Oppdragsgiver: Asbjørn TengesdalI denne rapporten presenteres resultatene av utgravningen som Arkeologisk Museum, Universitetet i Stavanger (AM) foretok på Tengesdal gnr. 81 og bnr. 4 i Bjerkreim kommune på forsommeren 2015. I tidsrommet... more
Na arheološkom nalazištu Sušine kraj Virja u Podravini, tijekom 2013. godine provedena su geofizička istraživanja magnetskom metodom na površini od 10.700 m 2 te potom i arheološka iskopavanja na pomno odabranoj površini od 300 m 2 s... more
Na arheološkom nalazištu Sušine kraj Virja u Podravini, tijekom 2013. godine provedena su geofizička istraživanja magnetskom metodom na površini od 10.700 m 2 te potom i arheološka iskopavanja na pomno odabranoj površini od 300 m 2 s... more
Na arheoloskom nalazistu Susine kraj Virja u Podravini, tijekom 2013. godine provedena su geofizicka istraživanja magnetskom metodom na povrsini od 10700 m2, te potom i arheoloska iskopavanja na pomno odabranoj povrsini od 300 m2 s ciljem... more
Maintenance of adequate permeability in the lower zone of a blast furnace is crucial for stable and efficient furnace operation. Permeability in the lower zone is influenced by the changing levels of hot metal and slag in addition to... more
Tuyere liners – an unusual inventory of Moravian early medieval ironworks? Among the most numerous relics of the activity of ancient ironworkers found during archaeological excavations of their workshops are the production waste in form... more
Rezultati zaštitnih istraživanja kasnoavarodobnoga groblja Šarengrad-Klopare 2019. godine The results of the rescue excavations of the Late Avar Age cemetery of Šarengrad-Klopare in 2019
Handling, mapping, and analysing large quantities of fuzzy data is a challenge. Scientifically determined provenances of raw materials in archaeologically retrieved finds are generally not very specific but point to smaller or larger... more
Following twenty or so excavation campaigns on the Castel-Minier site (Pyrénées, Ariège, France), this is a chance to present the chronological sequence in which this deposit was exploited, from the 10th century to the end of the 16th... more
A collection of 38 articles on Archaeology, Historical Arcaheology, Historical Osteology, History and Art History by authors in Sweden, Denmark and Germany, an introduction and also a bibliography as a tribute to retired reader Anders... more
ON THE TRAIL OF MEDIEVAL IRON SMELTING As part of the research project ’Iron production in Central Jutland during the Medieval period and the Renaissance’, we have searched for new iron production sites and excavated numerous test pits.... more
E18-prosjektet-Bind 4 Kapittel 7: Vedartsanalyse og kulturhistorie Treslag Tørr-rådensitet kg/fm 3 Effektiv, anvendt brennverdi kWh/fm 3 Effektiv, beregnet brennverdi kWh/fm 3
A Roman-Period bloomery smelting site had been excavated in the Lahn valley at Wetzlar-Dalheim in central Germany during 2006–2012. The production unit consisted of a big rectangular workshop pit with 13 slag pit-furnaces, two waste dumps... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The technology of bloomery iron production in Latvia is a little-studied topic. Only a few excavations have been undertaken, mostly during the 1950s and 60s in connection with hydropower development along the river Daugava. Sources from... more
La dendrochronologie offre la possibilité de déterminer la période de construction d'un élément architectural en datant l'abattage des arbres qui y sont mis en oeuvre. Des échantillons de bois ayant conservé leur cambium sont datés à... more
A Roman-Period bloomery smelting site had been excavated in the Lahn valley at Wetzlar-Dalheim in central Germany during 2006-2012. The production unit consisted of a big rectangular workshop pit with 13 slag pit-furnaces, two waste dumps... more
The 1862 municipal laws and the charters of 1874-Byggnads-och Brandstadga för rikets städer, change the basis for what constitutes a city. A process and an important factor to the disintegration of the traditional city is the emergence of... more
Utgravning av en lokalitet på Sand på nordsiden av Tjeldøya i 2021, hvor ca. 1290 m² ble maskinelt flateavdekket og undersøkt. Det ble påvist 18 kokegroper, en nedgravning og to lag av ukjent funksjon. Lokaliteten blir tolket som ett... more
Hus og gard langs E6 i 67 Band 3 OSLO 2007 E6-prosjektet Østfold Gro Anita Bårdseth (red.
Innhaldsforteikning FORORD KAPITTEL 1 RESULTAT OG MÅLOPPNÅING (Gro Anita Bårdseth) 1 KAPITTEL 2 IT-FUNKSJONAR I PROSJEKTET (Gro Anita Bårdseth, Per Erik Gjesvold og Christer Tonning) 19 KAPITTEL 3 METODISKE ERFARINGER (Gro Anita Bårdseth... more
Man atempts to know and see what is not visible with the naked eye goes back to the far past. By the combination of concave and convex lenses, in the 16th century, Dutchman Janssen made the first ever-increasing instrument. Robert Hooke... more
This paper presents results of recent research by the Archaeology Team of the Basque Country Mining Museum aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the technology of medieval bloomery iron smelting in the Basque Country region. A... more
catchment area is located in Northeastern Silesia, Poland, and belonged to the southwestern distribution area of the Przeworsk culture from the younger pre-Roman period until the younger Roman period. It is estimated that iron smelting... more