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This is a book review on  ''Miniature Armene /Armenian Miniature  Paintings. Introduction  by  Rev. P. M. Djanashian, Texte is revised, adapted, updated  by  P. N. Der-Nersessian, San Lazzaro, Venezia, 1990.
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      Art HistoryArtArmenian StudiesPainting
A transcription of Leonin's "Viderunt Omnes" (c. mid to late 12th century), showing excerpts of the original two sources with comparative variations and a modern transcription. For a recording and score-video see the link below:... more
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      Early MusicMusic Theory PedagogyMusic HistoryMusicology
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      PhilologyGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureLate Latin Literature
"A Chantar m'er" is a beautiful lyrical poem written by a 12th century female trovere or trobairitz from Provence, France. The translation is actually in the Old Occitan dialect of French spoken in Provence or Provençal. The author is... more
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      MusicologyMedieval MusicMedieval Illumination and Recreation of ManuscriptsMedieval Musical Manuscript
For an audio-video animation of the manuscript with the modern transcription see the link below: An edition of the anonymous labyrinthine ballade on three canons, "En la maison Dedalus" (In the... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic Theory Pedagogy
Un'analisi che esamini la Miniatura Insulare a partire dal sostrato culturale e storico-artistico in cui si è sviluppata, tenendo in considerazione la cultura e l’arte dei popoli contemporanei ad essa ed i precedenti, che si insediarono... more
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Irish ArtMedieval illuminated manuscriptsInsular Art
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      Spiritual EcologyContemporary SpiritualitySpiritualitySpiritual Leadership
The Index of Armenian Art is still a work in progress. The first fascicle or issue covered a specific period with limited and identifiable illustrated Armenian codices. It was to serve as a model for progression century by century in... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArmenian StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed Books
An illumination of red and blue pigments embellished with gold and outlined in black ink typically adorned the parchment comprising the pages of many 14th century books of the hours. Where did the pigments and materials for these... more
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Illumination and Recreation of ManuscriptsMedieval Art, Illuminated Manuscripts, Medieval History
Kniha vyšla v Petrohradu roku 1903 / The book was published in St. Petersburg in 1903 / Книга была издана в Санкт-Петербурге в 1903 году.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesIconographyMedieval Studies
Provisional Table of Contents
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      Art HistoryArtManuscripts and Early Printed BooksManuscript Studies
This is an SCA largesse scroll blank that has been prepared for TRH Maynard von dem Steine (whose mundane name is “Michael” and whose persona is German) and Liadain nì Dheidre Chaomhànaigh on the occasion of Their coronation A.S. XLIV to... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMedieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
This paper is about the miniatures of painter Toros Roslin (13th century) that represent the Nativity of Christ.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryArt
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Illumination and Recreation of ManuscriptsMedieval Art, Illuminated Manuscripts, Medieval HistoryIlluminated manuscripts
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsPaleographyMedieval ArchaeologyCodicology
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      Art HistoryManuscript StudiesCappadociansByzantine Iconography
Recent analyses including scientific analysis such as hyperspectral, multispectral and flourescence analysis combined with paleology, codicology and cartography has revealed additional information about the Gough Map, the earliest... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Illumination and Recreation of ManuscriptsPigments Analysis in Medieval Manuscripts
I created this paper to teach modern Medieval re-creationists the basics for learning how to begin to recreate medieval manuscript processes, often using modern materials. Using period materials such as hand-made pigments and inks,... more
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
This course is designed to instruct in how to layout your media for scroll preparation for SCA award. Examples will be shown and compared. In addition (separate handout), an adaptation of public domain software will be demonstrated for... more
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
Part 3 of 3 - The process of recreating several pages of the Pierpont-Morgan "Black Hours" manuscript, adapted as an award for a member of our medieval recreation/living history group. The original manuscript is one of only seven... more
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      Medieval Illumination and Recreation of ManuscriptsManuscript IlluminationMedieval Manuscript Illumination
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Medieval illuminated manuscriptsIlluminationMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
Descrizione di alcune miniature del codice Angelica 1102 della Commedia dantesca I. Il concetto senza fondo di “abisso” e la voragine terrena dell’inferno • La profondità assente nelle miniature dell’Angelicano 1102 •... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryDante StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)
This detailed construction of an SCA commissioned special manuscript was painstakingly created by making deer hide parchment, making inks, creating tools, and making pigments when possible.
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      Medieval StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)CalligraphyMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationIllumination
This paper is part of a three-part process I completed for a medieval living history and educational group. Part One involved creating three basic black pigments (vine, bone, and lamp black) from one burn rather than three separate fires.... more
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      Medieval Illumination and Recreation of ManuscriptsMedieval Manuscript Illumination
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Medieval illuminated manuscriptsIlluminationMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
Reproduction of an isolated illumination from the Gospel Book of the benedictine abbey of Liessies established in 764.
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Byzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval illuminated manuscriptsbyzantine art, Illuminated Manuscripts, paleography and codicology
On-line publishing of a leaf for a work on the simple.
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationIllumination
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
Reproduction of the King's armour. Some details of this illumination are less than one millimetre.
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
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      Medieval Children and ChildoodMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
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      Medieval StudiesManuscript StudiesOccitan LiteratureParliamentary Studies
A board drawn from my herbarium and dedicated to the veronique officinale.
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationIllumination
El Ms. 2703 de la Biblioteca General Histórica de la Universidad de Salamanca revela una distribución particular de los trabajos implicados en el proceso de creación del códice italiano. A la vez se recupera un manuscrito desconocido del... more
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      IllustrationManuscript StudiesItalian LiteratureSeneca
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Byzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval illuminated manuscriptsIllumination
A board drawn from my herbarium and dedicated to the veronique officinale.
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationIllumination
My new work on the Great Equestrian Armorial  of the Golden Fleece  (XVe). The Emperor, the Duke of Austria, the Duke of Bavaria and the Duke of Brabant.
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval illuminated manuscripts
On-line publishing of a leaf for a work on the simple.
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Islamic manuscripts illuminationByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval Illumination and Recreation of Manuscripts
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      Manuscript StudiesReception Studies (in ) Medieval LiteratureMedieval Illumination and Recreation of ManuscriptsLecture notes