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      Medieval Hungarian HistoryMedieval Hungarian Literature
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval Military HistoryEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)Medieval Hungarian History
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    • Medieval Hungarian History
The book describes the structure of the Hungarian queenship in the age of the Árpáds (11-13th centuries), and reveals the nature of the relationship between the institution of the kingship and the queenship. Several features in the... more
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      Medieval HistoryHungarian StudiesMedieval Hungarian History
When king Ladislaus III took the Hungarian throne, Poland inherited the problem of the Turkish expansion in the Balkans. The young king was eager to undertake a new crusade against the Turks. Did it stand a chance? Was it still possible... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryOttoman BalkansOttoman-Polish Relations
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      Medieval HistoryEnvironmental HistoryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryHistory of War
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      Medieval urban historyMedieval HungaryMedieval Hungarian HistoryHistory of Medieval Hungary
The path of the Crusaders, from Buda to Nagylak This study represents a fresh attempt to reconstruct, on the basis of newly discovered sources, i.e. conclusions that were derived from them, the path of the Crusaders in Dózsa`s peasant... more
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      CrusadesMedieval HungaryMedieval Hungarian History
Paul von Forchtenstein served as iudex curiae (court judge) in Hungary from 1328 to 1349. Thereby, he acted at the top of the judiciary of the whole kingdom. At the same time, he carried out significant diplomatic missions in Avignon and... more
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      Historia medieval de EspañaBurgenland history and genealogyMedieval Hungarian Historyarcheology in Burgenland
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      History of CrusadesHistory of VeniceZadarMedieval Hungarian History
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      Medieval HungaryMedieval Hungarian History
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      Slavic LanguagesSlavic LinguisticsHungarian languageRussian language and literature
The aim of this paper is to draw attention to the complexity of the regu lations and customs relating to the construction of watermills on rivers in medieval Hungary. First, the laws of medieval Hungary will be discussed, followed by... more
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      Environmental HistoryLegal HistoryCustomary LawMedieval Hungary
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      Hugarian LiteratureMedieval Hungarian HistoryKároly Kós
Báling Péter: Az Árpád-ház hatalmi kapcsolatrendszerei. Rokonok, barátok és dinasztikus konfliktus Kelet-Közép-Európában a 11. században és a 12. század elején. Budapest, Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi In- tézet,... more
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      Middle AgesÁrpád-KorMedieval Hungarian HistoryHistory of Árpád-Age
Examination of medieval intellectuals in the Hungarian Kingdom has a long traditions. In the last few decades well known scientists such as György Bónis, László Mezey, András Kubinyi and József Köblös had did researches this topic. The... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryHistory of Education
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of HungaryOttoman Empire
The settlement name, Kaba, occurred, in medieval times, in several regions of the territory of historical Hungary: in Transdanubia, in Bihar county, in the then territory of Szabolcs county, in Great Cumania. Similarly popular was it as a... more
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      HistoryGeographyLanguages and LinguisticsLocal History
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      Medieval urban historyHistory of HungaryMedieval HungaryHistory of Budapest city
Heinricus filius Stephani, qui tantis miraculis claruit." Szent Imre herceg a középkori európai történetírásban A Székesfehérvári Egyházmegye a 2007. évet Szent Imre-emlékévvé nyilvánította. Az esemény apropóját Szent Imre herceg... more
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      Medieval HistoriographyMedieval & Renaissance Hagiography & Didactic TextsMedieval Hungarian History
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      Medieval HungaryMedieval Hungarian History
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      History of HungaryMedieval HungaryArpadian AgeEarly Steppe Nomadic peoples migrations and social life
This study analyses how and for what purpose water-construction works were carried out in the Kingdom of Hungary ín light of sources from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries. The study aims to determine how the masters who took part ín... more
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      Urban HistoryWater HistoryUrban Environmental HistoryEarly Modern Hungarian History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsHistory of Hungary
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      History of CrusadesMedieval Hungarian History
Szabados György Magyar államalapítások a IX–XI. században Tartalmi összegzés A magyar állam legkorábbi életszakaszából a két alapítási mozzanatot volt hivatott kiemelni ez a könyv. Mivel e kétszeri magyar államalapítási aktussal nem... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryCentral and Eastern Europe
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval EuropeHungarian Studies
Magán pecsétek atlasza I. Szerző: Denis Pongrácz. A könyv 2360 címszót tartalmaz, a pecsétek leírásán kívül bemutatja a nemes családokat, valamint a többi pecsét tulajdonosait is, együttesen mintegy 530 oldalon és további 460 oldal képes... more
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Összehasonlítás a királynéi intézmény, befolyás és helyzet változásai a két királyné időszakában. Szemlélteti a női szerepek átmenetét és elismerését az Árpád- és az Anjou-kor határán. Az összehasonlítás szempontjai között nem csak a... more
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      Medieval HistoryQueenship (Medieval History)History of WomanMedieval Hungarian History
There were built 21 castles (incl. castellum, small fortresses etc.) in Gemer county in the Middle Ages. Geographical diversity of the land provided many convenient loactions for the establishment of these objects already before Mongolian... more
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      Medieval NobilityMedieval HungaryCastlesMedieval castles
The society of the agglomeration of Buda and Pest in the Middle Ages.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban HistoryHungarian
The history of vulgar language has long been a popular subject for scientificresearch. From the 19th century, linguistic and ethnographic approaches have dominated. Historians seldom participated in the field, and when they did, their... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical LinguisticsLate Middle AgesMedieval History
Xavier Barral i Altet, Pál Lővei, Vinni Lucherini, and Imre Takács, eds., The Art of Medieval Hungary. (Bibliotheca Academiae Hungariae, Roma: Studia 7.) Rome: Viella, 2018. Paper. Pp. 553; many color and black-and-white plates, and 12... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval HungaryMedieval Art HistoryMiddle Ages
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval Studies
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of HungaryOttoman Military History
Results of the archaeological and architectonic-historical Investiagtion of the Church of St. Martin in Hontianska Vrbica in 2014 – 2015 The submitted article presents results of the archaeological and architectonic-historical... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Church History
Before and after Mohács: Operation of the authorities of Gömör county (1470–1570) The study examines the staff of the county (ispans, vice-ispans, judges of nobility) based on archontological research, and then covers the role of the... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryMedieval Hungarian History
One of the most important documents concerning the practice of astrology at the court of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary is Biblioteka Jagiellońska ms. 3225, which has preserved the horoscopes of Matthias and his illegitimate son and... more
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      History of AstrologyMatthias CorvinusRenaissance magic and astrologyHungarian history
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      Medieval HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryMedieval Hungary
Paul von Forchtenstein amtierte von 1328 bis 1349 eine unvergleichlich lange Zeit als iudex curiae in Ungarn, wo er an der Spitze der Gerichtsbarkeit stand; seine Amtstätigkeit wurde in vielerlei Punkten für die künftigen Jahrhunderte... more
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      Historia medieval de EspañaBurgenland history and genealogyEmperor Frederick IIMedieval Hungarian History
From Esztergom to the Urals and Syria. From the Early History of the Hungarians to the Crusaders LECTORI SALUTEM! “ Let us gather and preserve our relics, lest they be lost forever, lest our past be a void, our present poorer, and our... more
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      Hungarian StudiesArcheologia CristianaLate antique and early medieval archeologyMedieval Hungarian History
On the layers of the water names of Transylvania and the insettlement of its ethnicities My paper aims at a detailed overview on the way of the settlement of the different ethnical groups in Transylvania at the time of the Great Migration... more
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      History of HungaryTransylvaniaMedieval HungaryHungarian Archaeology
This work treats an episode from the early relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Bosnian Kingdom through the prism of a joint attack on Bosnia carried out by Ottoman and Serbian soldiers in 1398. Namely, after the initial hostile... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
Hospitallers or Cruciferi? The Members of the Convent of Székesfehérvár at the End of the Middle Ages The consequences of the Western Schism and the isolation from Rhodes resulted in significant changes in the Convent of Székesfehérvár:... more
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      CrusadesMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryMedieval Church Historythe Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The paper discusses the position that Serbian rulers had in Hungary after Despot Stephen Lazarević (1389–1427) recognized the supreme authority of King Sigismund of Luxembourg in 1403/1404, the estates they received in this kingdom and... more
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      Serbian historyOttoman BalkansMedieval BalkansMedieval Hungary
An Estate of a Military Order on the Border of the Town and the Country: Szentkirályfölde in the 15-16th centuries
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMilitary OrdersHospitallers
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Hungarian HistoryArchontology
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      Eastern European StudiesRomanian HistoryMedieval StudiesTransylvania
Szakdolgozat, 2010.
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      Medieval HistoryPseudoscienceMedieval HungaryHistory of Budapest city