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Die Publikation stellt Fragmente jüdischer Kultur in den Handschriften und Altbeständen der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz vor. Ihre Identifikation, Übersetzung und Interpretation leistet Andreas Lehnardt. Die Einordnung in den... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksProvenance researchHandschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des BuchesMainz
For use by the Author only | © 2022 Koninklijke Brill NV xii sigla and abbreviations vl I.A. Vullers, Lexicon Persico-Latinum Etymologicum, 2 vols. (Repr., Graz 1962). wkas Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache, ed. by Deutsche... more
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      Medieval LatinByzantine GreekMedieval Jewish-Islamic science (Medicine); medieval Arabic-Hebrew medical terminologyMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
Anlässlich der 700 Jahre jüdischer Präsenz im historischen Tirol vereint der hier vorliegende Band neue literarische und historisch-archäologische Erkenntnisse. Die Forschungsergebnisse ergänzen die Geschichte im eigentlichen Sinn und die... more
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      Medieval HistoryHebrew LanguageBiblical StudiesJewish History
Philippe Bobichon, « Bibliothèques juives médiévales », in Houari Touati (éd.), Encyclopédie de l’humanisme méditerranéen, 2019, URL =
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      Late Middle AgesHistory of the BookMedieval Hebrew LiteratureMedieval Jewish History
On Hemorrhoids was written for a young man of noble family who was seeking a regimen to deal with this problem. While it is not the first monograph on the subject. Maimonides’ work bears his personal stamp with its emphasis on dietetics,... more
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      MaimonidesMedieval LatinMedieval Jewish-Islamic science (Medicine); medieval Arabic-Hebrew medical terminologyMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
for some literature items about the collection. There is a catalogue by I.I. Gintsburg, Каталог Еврейских Рукописей СПбФ ив ран. Catalog of Jewish Manuscripts in the Institute of Oriental Studies. Memorial Edition, in Russian (New York:... more
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsSamaritan PentateuchMasoraCodicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew ManuscriptsPassoverJewish Funerary Customs
A study of the characteristics of colophon in Hebrew manuscripts. Published in "Colofoni armeni a confronto. Le sottoscrizioni dei manoscritti in ambito armeno e nelle altre tradizioni scrittorie del mondo mediterraneo. Atti del... more
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    • Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
The royal Palace library in Madrid keeps a single hebrew manuscript. This is a bible dated 1487. The fifteenth century sephardic bibles share some characteristics that differ from those of previous centuries. and this particular bible... more
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      Codicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew ManuscriptsMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
In this study the author shows how Italy has been the major source of Hebrew Manuscripts and printed Books for the most important collections all over the world. In the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, due to the expulsion of Jews from... more
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsHistory of the Book: Medieval Hebrew ManuscriptsMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
This article presents the edition and study of a new list of words that occur twice with two meanings discovered at the end of the Leningrad Codex B19a. The list is written in a figurative shape and forms one of the designs on the first... more
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      Hebrew BibleHebrew ManuscriptsBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Micrography
Ja hem comentat en l'apartat de la introducció les dificultats que s'esdevenen de representar els sons catalans amb l'alfabet hebreu. 972 A més de la no correspondència fonètica i gràfica entre una i una altra llengua hi hem d'afegir els... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureCatalan StudiesCatalan LanguageHebrew Language
Las bibliotecas españolas contienen diversas colecciones de manuscritos hebreos de excelente calidad y muy variados temas, habiendo sido algunos de ellos utilizados para ediciones de las más importantes Biblias Políglotas, como la de... more
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      Medieval Hebrew ManuscriptsHebrew Manuscripts collections
The Masoretic notes that appear alongside the biblical text written in geometric or figured shapes are little studied to date. The few existing studies usually focus on the form without paying attention to the content. The biblical Hebrew... more
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      Jewish StudiesHistory of the BookHebrew BibleManuscript Studies
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Cartography
Preface I am happy to offer to the reader this edition of the Hebrew translation of Maimonides’ Medical Aphorisms by Zeraḥyah ben Isaac ben Sheʾaltiel Ḥen, also known as Zeraḥyah Gracian. Born in Barcelona, he emigrated at a later date... more
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      MaimonidesMedieval Jewish-Islamic science (Medicine); medieval Arabic-Hebrew medical terminologyMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Jewish StudiesBook HistoryHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
The Creation era, widespread among the Jews already in the Middle Ages, is usually considered clear and reliable. However in certain manuscripts the year from the Creation of the World can be ambiguous, either because of a vagueness of... more
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      ChronologyColophonsMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
The paper traces the uses of different types of parentheses in the history of Hebrew scribal culture and printing – in punctuation as well as in textual criticism, references, glosses, etc. As a pair of signs, parentheses have some... more
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      Jewish StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesTextual CriticismManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
Codicum hebraicorum fragmenta. Nuovi frammenti di manoscritti ebraici medievali provenienti da legature nella Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Asti, in «La Bibliofilia. Rivista di storia del libro e di bibliografia» 2021/1 (CXXIII) •... more
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsThe Italian Genizah ProjectMedieval Hebrew ManuscriptsHebrew binding fragments
Although Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was not a book collector, at his death his library of more than 1200 manuscripts and incunabula was one of the largest private collections of the late fifteenth century. Unfortunately, despite the... more
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      Count Giovanni Pico della MirandolaMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
In this note "In memoriam" of Luisella Mortara Ottolenghi, zal, Liliana Picciotto and Mauro Perani offer a Biography and the updated list of all the studies published by Luisella, in the field of Hebrew manuscripts and their... more
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      Medieval Hebrew Illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
How can it be possible that sheets dismembered from the same manuscript are now found in two distant libraries, namely as Bologna and Leipzig University Libraries? In fact, several Juridical Books Bound in 16th-Century Bologna were... more
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      Codicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew ManuscriptsMedieval Hebrew ManuscriptsMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts reused as bookbinding
This study describes the fragments of medieval Hebrew manuscripts, reused as bookbinding and recently discovered by the author at the State Archives of Camerino, in the central-southern Marche Province of Macerata. The study (of the... more
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      Hebrew BibleMedieval Hebrew LiteratureMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
Texts with mystical contents are very rare among the Hebrew binding fragments discovered in German libraries and archives. One newly discovered fragment in the Gotha Research Library contains part of an unknown mystical composition. The... more
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      Jewish MysticismMetatronLurianic Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism. KabbalahCodicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
The survival of Maimonides’s personal copy of Commentary on the Mishnah, an early work that the author revised throughout his life, provides an unparalleled window into the ways that Maimonides (1138–1204) continually reconsidered legal... more
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsJudeo-ArabicMaimonidesArabic Manuscripts
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      Economic HistoryHebrew LiteratureHistory of ScienceManuscript Studies
In an Ashkenazi Bible manuscript from 1299 (MS Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. hebr. 16), the masora magna was added to the Bible text in micrographic script. The text of the masora forms letters, which in turn form words and this design was applied to... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryMedieval AshkenazHebrew micrographyMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
The author reviews the 37 years of research on fragments of medieval Hebrew parchment manuscripts that were reused as bookbinding from the mid-16th century. The phenomenon does not concern only the Hebrew codes, but also those of the... more
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      The Italian Genizah ProjectMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Jewish StudiesSemitic languagesHebrew LanguageArabic Language and Linguistics
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      Medieval Catalan LiteratureJewish HistoryHebrew ManuscriptsFilologia Catalana
This paper discusses a variant reading found within a Jewish polemical document containing a version of Matthew's Gospel.
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsGospel of MatthewMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
שתי הערות על קטעים הקשורים בפירוש רב האיי גאון לברכות - אחד נדפס על שמו ואינו לו, וחברו נדפס על שם רבנו חננאל אך הוא לרב האיי. מתוך כך מתברר שהקטע שנדפס בשגגה על שם רב האיי, וקטעים נוספים, הינם שרידים מהחיבור שהיה נחשב אבוד לחלוטין -... more
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      Medieval Hebrew LiteratureHebrew ManuscriptsMaimonidesGeonic Literature
This article examines occurrences of Mishnaic Hebrew in textual witnesses of Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch. The commentary contains many quotes from, and paraphrases of, talmudic literature, and Rashi's own writing, too, is... more
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      Mishnaic HebrewRashiMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      HistoryPhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyJewish Studies
Toolkit for Genizah Scholars: A Practical Guide for Neophytes prepared for the participants of the EAJS SUMMER LABORATORY FOR YOUNG GENIZAH RESEARCHERS, Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München,... more
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      Jewish StudiesDigital HumanitiesMedieval HistoryJewish History
The present article studies a fascinating manuscript, a unicum, housed in the British Library, Heb MS Add 27559. This manuscript of works by Ṭodros Ṭodrosi of Arles features a lengthy Hebrew anthology of logical and scientific texts,... more
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      Medieval logicAl FarabiMedieval Jewish PhilosophyAverroes
This treatise was composed at an unknown date at the request of al-Malik al-Afḍal Nūr al-Dīn Alī, Saladin’s eldest son who complained of constipation, indigestion, and depression. The treatise enjoyed great popularity in Jewish circles,... more
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      MaimonidesHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeMedieval Jewish-Islamic science (Medicine); medieval Arabic-Hebrew medical terminologyMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
Jews living in Arabic speaking lands did not need Hebew translations of scientific and philosophical texts, but they did find it useful to have Arabic texts transcribed into the Hebrew alphabet.
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceIslamic PhilosophyHistory of Astronomy
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsJewish Cultural StudiesJews in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeJewish Art
These are the first few pages of a recently published paper. Let me know if you are interested in a full pdf
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish ArtMedieval Hebrew Illuminated manuscripts
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      Maqama LiteratureEuropean GenizahCodicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew ManuscriptsBerekhya Ha Naqdan
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      Alexander the GreatMedieval Hebrew LiteratureHebrew ManuscriptsTranslation
This PowerPoint want to talk about the vicissitudes of medieval Hebrew manuscripts, especially in Europe, searching what they reveal about the stories of Hebrew fragments, their wandering from land to land and their final destine to be... more
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    • Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
in: Metatexte. Erzählungen von schrifttragenden Artefakten in der alttestamentlichen und mittelalterlichen Literatur (hg. v. Friedrich-Emanuel Focken und Michael Ott, Materiale Textkulturen 15), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016, 299–334 (Open... more
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      Codicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew ManuscriptsHasidei AshkenazMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
The Yearbook is published on behalf of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies ISBN 978-3-11-057560-6 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-057768-6 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-057624-5
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      Medieval Jewish HistoryGlossesMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Al-AndalusMedieval Hebrew LiteratureJudeo-ArabicBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
"אחת שאלתי" – קדושתא לשבת פרה לר' אלעזר בירבי קיליר', קבץ על יד י (כ, תשמ"ב), עמ' 55-13
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      Hebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesHebrew LanguageHebrew Bible
To date, research has related to the unique Jewish art of Micrography in scant overview articles. These focus on the array of motifs or the connection between the decoration and the main text it decorates. The content of the decoration’s... more
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      Sephardic StudiesKabbalahManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Sefardic studies
Los estudios hebreos y judíos en la Universidad de Granada poseen un amplio recorrido. Muestra de ello es que, en el siglo XVI, con su creación, la disciplina teológica ya era uno de sus pilares fundamentales. Con el paso del tiempo, la... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureJudeo-ArabicDead Sea Scrolls