Medieval Cities
Recent papers in Medieval Cities
"Cos’era Udine agli occhi di un cividalese del Quattrocento, se non una ‘neonata’ irriverente? Partendo da questa domanda provocatoria, il saggio delinea lo sviluppo e la storia di Cividale durante il Medioevo da un’angolatura diversa:... more
"Nel Friuli patriarcale Cividale era solo una 'terra', ma la vocazione urbana - già visibile nella 'forma urbis' - era fortissima. Nel corso del Trecento il consiglio del Comune attuò una chiusura oligarchica: 'milites' e 'pedites'... more
Thanks to the system of ranking by centrality points which was elaborated by András Kubinyi, an ever increasing area of the research of the market towns is occupied by those analyses which examine the features and development of... more
Hoewel een stad doorgaans beschouwd wordt als een fysieke ruimte, toont deze benadering slechts één zijde van de medaille. Een stad is immers niet slechts de optelsom van zijn fysieke gebouwen, straten en braakliggende terreinen, maar is... more
El estudio de la ciudad medieval de Santiago de Compostela viene marcado generalmente por el ámbito eclesiástico, materializado en su catedral, el episcopado y la peregrinación. Estos análisis han dejado ciertos segmentos necesitados de... more
Artfully decorated wooden panels (pettenelle and cantinelle) and frames dating back as far as the 1400s still ornament many ceilings in Cividale del Friuli today. But, in the absence of any documentation on the subject (painting contracts... more
is to open dialog between worldwide historians, especially from Central and Eastern Europe. From the Ancient world to the present day, the human societies found various ways to connected each other in a vast social, political, economic,... more
We propose an approach to the festive phenomenon in Oviedo in the early 16th century. We review the most representative ceremonies, their origin and characteristics, the ludic manifestations derived from them -dances, games, bullfights,... more
Franck MAUGER, « Le dernier apanage, gouvernement et administration des comtés d’Alençon et du Perche (1290-1525) », thèse de doctorat en histoire médiévale soutenue le 19 mai 2017, à l’université de Caen-Normandie, deux volumes, 1053... more
The beguines of medieval Paris: gender, patronage, and spiritual authority, by Tanya Stabler Miller, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014, 293 pp., £36 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-8122-4607 -0; 978-0-8122-0968-6 (e-book)
Historiographical research into the Italian comuni has aimed to find a common denominator behind the proliferation of the town annals and chronicles from the early 12th century onwards. The trigger has been ascribed here and there to the... more
Resumo: A necessidade de um estudo sobre a sub-região da Serra de S.
The difficult establishment of the Premonstratensians in the city parish of Diest, as part of the power struggle between pope and emperor (12th century) and between local lord and duke of Brabant (12th-13th century), and against the... more
urmărit parcursul istoric al centrelor urbane din Ţara Românească, Moldova şi Transilvania, însă nu au reuşit să prezinte în toată complexitatea şi diversitatea acest fenomen. Prin lucrarea de faţă, Laurenţiu Rădvan depăşeşte această... more
Conferència impartida al Centre de Lectura de Reus (Sala Rosa Magrané) el dimarts 9 de febrer de 2016
Uno de los rasgos más llamativos de la vida religiosa de la Baja Edad Media fue el espectacular incremento de las mujeres consagradas a Dios, la diversificación de sus formas de vida y el gran peso de lo femenino en la simbología y el... more
Prikaz knjige u: Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru, sv. 62, prosinac 2020.
Se propone una aproximación al fenómeno festivo en Oviedo a principios del siglo XVI. Se repasan los ceremoniales más representativos, su origen y casuística, las manifestaciones lúdicas derivadas -danzas, juegos, corridas de toros,... more
Das Dissertationsprojekt widmet sich vordergründig der Untersuchung des Verkehrsträgers „Pferd“ und seiner Einbindung in das Gefüge spätmittelalterlicher zwischenstädtischer Kommunikationsformen im Westen des Heiligen Römischen Reiches.... more
Despite their documentary reoccurrence, fires have received sparse attention in historiography. Above all those which devastated the urban spaces of Regnum Italicum between 880 and 1080. When they do not naturalize occurrences of this... more
This Getty Foundation 'Connecting Art Histories' supported project investigates the layered art histories of medieval Mediterranean cities as the basis for scholarly connections that challenge and move beyond the boundaries of modern... more
Bir şehri gezmeye gidenlere verilen bir öğüt vardır. “Sakın ha pazarına uğramadan gelme!” Seyahat deneyimi olan pek çok insan ilk bakışta kendisine basmakalıp gelen bu öğüdün aslında ne kadar pratik ve faydalı olduğunu tecrübe etme... more
Source edition of a previously unpublished late medieval Danish document (in Danish w. source edition in medieval Danish)
El siglo XV asistió en la Corona de Castilla a un amplio y diversificado fenómeno de creaciones conventuales femeninas promovidas por mujeres que fue muy visible en las ciudades. Se inscribió en las reformas de la Baja Edad Media y... more
Historians of heresy and inquisition in late medieval German-speaking central Europe have long discussed the mobility and initiative of prosecutors – episcopal or mendicant inquisitors – as one of the main factors behind the... more
One of the main expressions of power of urban nobles during the Central and High Middle Ages in the majority of Mediterranean towns, was a possession of a fortified residence or a refuge. Many townscapes were dominated by mighty private... more
In the thirteenth century, Paris was the largest city in Western Europe, the royal capital of France, and the seat of one of Europe's most important universities. In this vibrant and cosmopolitan city, the beguines, women who wished to... more