Medieval Archaeology
Recent papers in Medieval Archaeology
253 252 "In den Wäldern wirst Du mehr finden als in den Büchern; die Bäume und die Felsen werden Dich Dinge lehren, die kein Meister Dir sagen kann." (Bernhard von Clairvaux)
Magnetic survey data presented as filled contour maps with a non-linear scale reveals the characteristic dipolar signal from iron smelting furnaces. High resolution data, from 10cm spaced surveys, can be modelled mathematically to recover... more
The seven branched lampstand within a church was thus a symbol of Christ and his Church. In theological terms, it had nothing to do with Jews – except to supersede them. This is a very important point in dealing with the Petersberg... more
After the conquest of pagan Hungarian tribes towards the end of the ninth century, and their gradual occupation of the Carpathian Basin, in the year 1000 a major change has occurred. Stephen I, the first king of Hungary was baptized and... more
in ATTI DEL XXII COLLOQUIO DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO E LA CONSERVAZIONE DEL MOSAICO (Matera, 16-19 marzo 2016), a cura di Claudia Angelelli, Daniela Massara e Andrea Paribeni, Tivoli 2017, pp. 313-323.
Venerdì 12 novembre 2021, ore. 20:30 Caspoggio - Sala dell'Immacolata Conferenza di presentazione dei risultati della prima e seconda campagna di scavi archeologici in località Castello a Caspoggio, sito dell'antico Castrum de Malenco.... more
Kniha byla vydána roku 1989 v Praze / The book was published in 1989 in Prague. Drazí kolegové, tato kniha je umístěna kvůli jejímu mimořádnému významu při porozumění archeologii Čech a její špatné dostupnosti zahraničním vědcům a... more
Below is an article on the Tully Lough Cross, an 8th-or 9th-century Irish treasure recovered from a lake in County Roscommon. I first posted this at my former blog in 2010 and the original link no longer works.
Research on early medieval Cyprus has focused on the late antique " golden age " (late fourth/early fifth to seventh century) and the so-called Byzantine " Reconquista " (post-AD 965) while overlooking the intervening period. This phase... more
J'adresse mes premiers remerciements à mon directeur de mémoire, Jean-Jacques Schwien, qui me suit depuis plusieurs années sur le projet de Granges malgré toutes les incertitudes que ce sujet laissait planer. Il a répondu présent quand... more
This dissertation examines ancient anchoring practice in the Mediterranean through ca. 1500 CE, as well as the history and technological developments of iron anchors, which are among the most important tools inherited from the ancient... more
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019
of ceramic studies in the commercial sector. Together, these papers provide a clear statement of where we are, and where we are going wrong. The volume contains much of interest, but would have benefited from a final chapter or expanded... more
""CE CHAPITRE regroupe l’ensemble des informations tirées de l’analyse des charpentes de notre corpus, menée conjointement sous le regard archéologique et dendrochronologique. Dans cette perspective, cette publication constitue la... more
Thesis which delves into the settlement patterns of various sites in civitas Cananefatium in comparison with excavated archaeological sites from civitas Batavorum.
Original thesis published in 2017, revised in 2019.
Original thesis published in 2017, revised in 2019.
As part of the historical landscape of the Transylvanian voivodat, the medieval road system benefits of scattered details and general information that scholars can use when attempting at its reconstruction. While the overall situation... more
Résumé Les fouilles menées sur des résidences élitaires et des fortifications du haut Moyen Âge se sont multipliées depuis quelques décennies en France comme en Belgique. Elles ont mis en lumière une grande variété typologique, des... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1999 / The book was published in Prague in 1999.
Finds from the arable fields in Brabant (NL) are usually regarded as waste that was mixed in with the manure, or as objects that were lost during the work on the land. As such they are thought to be of little archaeological relevance.... more
The article presents the results of the architectural and archaeological research which was conducted in 2015 in the basement with a fragment of the enclosure cellarium of the former Cistercian Abbey in Trzebnica. After presenting a... more
Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte Band 95 Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt landesmuseum für vorgeschichte herausgegeben von Harald Meller Halle (Saale) 2o16 Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche... more
The zooarchaeological data from rural settlements (casalia), castles (castra) and cities (civitates) of Medieval Apulia during the late Middle Ages (10th-15th centuries) allow to recognize different ways of production and distribution of... more
Vincenzo al Volturno. Ricostruzione funzionale in base ai dati topografi ci, strutturali, bioarcheologici e chimici MARIA GIORLEO E RITA LUONGO Marmora romana da San Vincenzo al Volturno FRANCESCA SOGLIANI Proposte di ricostruzione... more
Despite the attention of a number of scholars over the last half-century, the origins and early history of the chantry remain obscure. The following paper considers several examples of early medieval commemorative practice which may have... more
This ambitious book is about a way of building that for centuries dominated the making of monumental architecture – yet now not only is it lost as practice, knowledge of its very existence is consigned to oblivion. In pre-modern Europe,... more