Medieval Administration
Recent papers in Medieval Administration
Serving the state. The regional officers of Holland and Zeeland in the Burgundian period (1425-1482). This is a summary of my phd-thesis, a prosopographical study into the officers of the Council and Chambre des Comptes of Holland and... more
The ubiquitous presence of military slaves has been a distinguishing feature of the armies and the political systems of the Abbâsid Caliphs and the succeeding Sultanates in Islamdom. In the middle ages, the Seljuqid wazir Nizam al-Mulk... more
William Heron was sheriff of Northumberland from 1246 to his death in 1257/58. Even by the standards of his time, he was notoriously greedy and dishonest.
Aubrey II de Vere, eldest surviving son and heir of Domesday lord Aubrey I, became a royal chamberlain, sheriff, and justiciar under King Henry I of England. In 1133, the king made him hereditary master (later lord) chamberlain of... more
in 735. Gorenjskem (Radovljica, Kamen in Waldenberg) in predvsem na Dolenjskem in Notranjskem (Lož, Ortnek, Ribnica, Kočevje, Čušperk, Kostel, Poljane, Kravjek in Stari grad), k temu pa so spadale še deželnoknežje zastave Višnja Gora,... more
Between the mid-fourteenth- and the beginning of fifteenth century the Crown of Aragon definitely emerged as a thalassocracy, stretching from the Iberian Peninsula to Italy, and including the major islands of the Mediterranean. To rule... more
Tiré des actes du colloque d'Aix-en-Provence et Marseille, 19-21 mars 2009
After having examined the historiography of the Norman administration and the framework for analysis of earlier scholars which greatly affected the studies of later scholars, I show my understanding of the Norman administration summarized... more
L e développement historique d'un espace comme la Gallia Gothica, entendons par là le territoire des Gaules demeuré rattaché au regnum wisigoth après Vouillé, rend complexe toute étude qui voudrait s'attacher à la formalisation juridique... more
The paper concerns the husabyar, their status and function, and their relation to the emerging Swedish state during the late Iron Age and early medieval period.
This PhD thesis is based on the specificity of the history of the second House of Anjou (1360-1481) characterized in each generation by moments of discontinuity in which women find themselves in state governing positions as regents,... more
This article discusses the problem of the secular clergy's use and opinion of cash at various hierarchical levels between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries. The reading of a handful of diverse archival sources suggests the impression of... more
In the 13th century, the Lusignan succeed in building a very important power in Western France, thanks to a very skillful strategy of marriages and an intelligent policy between the English and French kings. During the first half of the... more
Franck MAUGER, « Le dernier apanage, gouvernement et administration des comtés d’Alençon et du Perche (1290-1525) », thèse de doctorat en histoire médiévale soutenue le 19 mai 2017, à l’université de Caen-Normandie, deux volumes, 1053... more
The Saxons had a significant impact on the development of administrative arrangement in medieval Bosnian and Serbian mining towns. The council of burghers (purgari) in these towns was an example of such an influence. The existence of... more
The National Archives in London holds many rolls produced by or for the Exchequer in the thirteenth century which have received little attention. These rolls were used in the process of compiling the pipe rolls, the great annual summaries... more
A study of agriculture in fourteenth-century Cheshire, and the process of leasing manorial estates and demesnes,
in: Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins 166 (2018), S. 139‒167 (mit Sven Eck, Michael Franz, Sabrina Hennig, Manuel Kamenzin, Christina Lang, Céline Petitjean, Leonie Ries, Verena Schenk zu Schweinsberg, Florian Schmidgall,... more
The study describes the process of transition of the regional administration and selfgovernment in the Kingdom of Hungary at the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th century. Based on the references in written sources, the author... more
Východočeský sborník historický 32 2017 BENEDIKTINSKÉ EXPOZITURY VE VÝCHODNÍCH ČECHÁCH DOBY PŘEDHUSITSKÉ Příspěvek k otázce geneze a významu klášterních dependencií* Josef ŠRÁMEK Přes veškeré úspěchy, kterých dosáhlo za uplynulé... more
In the 15th century there were several dozen officials in charge of administering the Duchies of Este, and their numbers were destined to increase significantly over time. It has already been noted, in as much as the available studies... more
The paper analyses two conclusions of the Fourth Lateran Council that had a significant impact on the operation of medieval ecclesiastical and secular courts: Constitution 8, which sets out the basic rules for an inquisitorial procedure,... more
In this article, I propose a new framework for understanding the administrative structure of France under Philip IV. I focus on baillis and seneschals, who were two types of major officials governing local districts (bailliages or... more
The chapter Tradition, manors and property of Eastern Bohemian nobility within the county authorities establishment is included in the section describing property and administrative nobility pursuits in the region. It attempts to explore... more
This article shows how groups that acquired the highest concentration of social and political power in the Po Valley in the High and late Middle Ages, firstly rural seigniorial lords and latterly urban governments, tried to subordinate... more
Surviving records of Zadar’s High court for civil actions (Curia maior civilium) from the second half of the fourteenth century provide insight into various aspects of judicial activities and its officials. This paper illustrates the... more
In a collection concerning patrons and professionals, this paper may seem not to be directly about either. The bishops whose chanceries are considered below certainly were patrons, but the exercise of this patronage, although revealed in... more
Le comté de Champagne, qui relève depuis le début du XIe siècle du patrimoine de la maison de Blois, s’érige en principauté indépendante en 1152 et devient pour plus d’un siècle l’un des fiefs les plus puissants du royaume de France.... more
Le règne de Louis IX est à la fois une période d'exaltation du héros chrétien, incarné par le roi, et de persécution des juifs. Il faut bien sûr penser aux ordonnances royales mais aussi au contexte général largement hostile. Car Louis IX... more
The paper examines the procedures of immovable property transfer in a medieval Dalmatian town by using Zadar as a case study. First of all, the paper deals with immovable property transfer through purchase contracts and the fact that they... more
«Στρατιωτικοποιώντας το Κράτος της Θάλασσας: Ο προνοητής και καπιτάνος της Μεθώνης (15ος αι.)», De Veneciis ad Mothonam. Έλληνες και Βενετοί στη Μεθώνη τα χρόνια της βενετοκρατίας, Διεθνής Επιστημονική Συνάντηση, Μεθώνη 19-21 Μαρτίου... more
The Bana Castle in the System of Administration of the Early Medieval Kingdom of Hungary
The expansion of the jury system in twelfth- and thirteenth-century England radically altered the nature of English politics. The use of juries stretched the tentacles of a rapacious administration into the localities. In doing so, the... more
Bien connue des familiers de l’histoire de la Maison de Savoie depuis la monographie publiée par Johann Ludwig von Wurstenberger en 1856-1858, la figure de Pierre II de Savoie († 1268) – le «Petit Charlemagne» –méritait d’être... more
Am Beispiel der Kurpfalz untersucht Ellen Widder das spätmittelalterliche Kanzleiwesen. Hierbei widerlegt sie zahlreiche ältere Ansichten. Stellte man sich früher die spätmittelalterlichen Kanzleien in Deutschland als... more