Medicine Science

7,154 papers
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Medicine Science is the interdisciplinary field that encompasses the study of health, disease, and medical practices, integrating biological, clinical, and social sciences to understand and improve human health outcomes through research, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses.
Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) is a rare scrotal anomaly occurring consequent to the migration of both gonads to the same hemiscrotum. In this case we aim to present a 24 years old male patient who has pain and swelling its diagnosed... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a progressive 10-wk aquatic resistance training on neuromuscular performance and muscle mass of the knee extensors and flexors in healthy women. Methods: Twenty-four healthy... more
A 20-year-old male patient was admitted to Infectious diseases outpatient clinic with 25 days' history of pain and swelling of the left hand and forearm. He had received a single dose of diphtheria tetanus-diphteria toxoid vaccine (Td;... more
The patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) method is a crucial part of daily anesthesia practice, with different application methods to provide analgesia after orthopedic surgeries. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of intravenous... more
Purpose: To compare the effects of different patterns of regular brisk walking on fitness, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and psychological well-being in previously sedentary adults. Methods: Twenty-one subjects (14 women), aged... more
To present test-retest 'repeatability' of the DeVilbiss Respiratory Trainer (RT2) for maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and time of contraction (Tcont) of the inspiratory muscles (Tcon). METHoDs: Forty male subjects (20.8 ±1.3yrs)... more
The purpose was to investigate the effect of a 16-wk intrahospital supervised conditioning program including both resistance and aerobic training and a 20-wk detraining period on measures of aerobic fitness, muscular strength, functional... more
Purpose: To examine the influence of footwear on tibialis posterior (TP) activation in persons with pes planus. Methods: Six asymptomatic adults with pes planus (arch index of Յ0.16) participated. Subjects performed a resisted foot... more
Purpose: To determine which exercise most selectively and effectively activates tibialis posterior. Methods: Five healthy adults (two men, three women; mean age 31 yr) with an Arch Index (AI) within 1 SD from norm performed three... more
Aim of this study was to identify cause of death and related histological findings, and to find relationship between them in sudden natural deaths (SND) that were subjected to medicolegal autopsy. Totally 209 SND cases were enrolled in... more
A minimal wearable system to monitoring remotely normal free-living activity (e.g. laying, sitting, standing, and slow walking) of patients in their home space is proposed. Owing to its wireless features, the system can represent a useful... more
Purpose: Strength athletes often employ the deadlift in their training or rehabilitation regimens. The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activity between sumo and conventional style deadlifts, and between belt and no-belt... more
Purpose: Strength athletes often employ the deadlift in their training or rehabilitation regimens. The purpose of this study was to quantify kinematic and kinetic parameters by employing a three-dimensional analysis during sumo and... more
The purposes of this study were to determine i) if there is a sex difference in the age of the elite marathon runners and ii) if the sex difference in performance altered across the years that women have participated in the marathon.... more
The main objective of this study was to determine the reliability of measuring treadmill exercise economy (V ˙O2submax ) and the maximal oxygen uptake (V ˙O2max ) in prepubertal girls tested twice, 6 wk apart. We also wanted to examine... more
This study was designed to determine whether Exerstriding, a modified form of walking using walking sticks (Exerstriders®), resulted in an augmented cardiorespiratory response and a greater energy expenditure than when walking without... more
Purpose: To determine the association between prerace plasma vitamin E concentration and performance in sled dogs competing in the 1998 Iditarod Race. Methods: Prerace blood samples were collected from 670 dogs. Samples were analyzed for... more
Post high-intensity exercise lymphocytopenia is well documented, but its underlying mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. A possible mechanism is a reactive oxygen species-induced DNA damage after high-intensity exercise.... more
Epidemiyolojik ve in vitro çalışmalarında bor bileşiklerinin anti karsinojenik olabilecekleri gösterilmiştir. Sitogenetik yönden stabil olan hücre hatlarında kromozom aberasyonları, kardeş kromatit değişimi gibi testlerle yapılan... more
In this study, we aimed to investigate the properties of events of isolated cecal necrosis related with diverticulum, the difficulties of diagnosis and the risk factors. In physical examination of a male patient presented to the emergency... more
Purpose: This study examined the effects of heavy resistance training on the relationships between power loss and surface EMG (sEMG) indices and blood metabolite concentrations on dynamic exercise-induced fatigue with the same relative... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of creatine (Cr) supplementation on force generation during an isometric bench-press in resistance-trained men. Methods: 32 resistance-trained men were matched for peak isometric... more
Many studies carried out among adolescents in Nigeria generally report the practice of preventive measures against HIV to be poor. This study was carried out to assess the HIV/AIDS preventive measures among adolescents attending secondary... more
There are different methods to treat calcaneus fractures. Since it is a weak area especially in terms of soft tissue coverage, an appropriate treatment method should be selected for the patient. Our goal in this study is to compare closed... more
There are different methods to treat calcaneus fractures. Since it is a weak area especially in terms of soft tissue coverage, an appropriate treatment method should be selected for the patient. Our goal in this study is to compare closed... more
Introduction: Inhaled A 2 -agonists are important therapeutic agents for the treatment of exercise-induced asthma in athletes but are restricted by international antidoping regulations. Purpose: To investigate whether 18 Kg of inhaled... more
Aim of this study is to compare endoscopic endolaser dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) with bicanalicular silicone tube intubation (BSTI) and external DCR results. The records of patients who underwent DCR operation were retrospectively... more
Treating acute stroke in the early period can lead to reperfusion and minimize the loss of neurological function. In this study, our aim is to analyze the prognosis of our patients who underwent intravenous thrombolytic and/or mechanical... more
The aim of this research was to investigate the causes of the emergence of sports injuries and to explain the differences in psychological response with regard to the severity of the injury. We examined 68 competing Slovene athletes with... more
The effect of triathlon competitions on death of lymphocytes from elite athletes was investigated. Material and Methods: Blood was collected from sedentary volunteers and triathletes at rest and after a short-duration triathlon (SDT) and... more
Aim: We have conducted this study to determine the attitudes of intensive care nurses towards evidencebased nursing. Materials: The data of this study which has been conducted with a descriptive and sectional pattern between June and July... more
Hypertension is epidemic in worldwide nonetheless, approximately five million men and six million women are hypertensive in Turkish society. This study was aimed to determine hypertension prevalence and related factors in... more
The spleen is the primary organ of lymphoma in only 1-2 % of all lymphoma patients. We presented three cases of primary splenic involvement of lymphoma that were treated. Presentation of cases: In the first case, four solid lesions were... more
Our study aim was to measure the urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase/creatinine (NAG/UCr) index in epileptic children who received levetiracetam (LEV) treatment at least for 6 months, and compare it to healthy children. Thirty five... more
This study was aimed to investigate possible harmful effects of formaldehyde (FA) exposure on the morphology of fetus liver and kidney development during pregnancy and also to determinate possible protective role of chrysin (CH) against... more
researchers assumed that sensory processing would influence the balance ability in children. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most pervasive neurobehavioral disorders in school-age children. Except for its... more
Although, osteochondroma is the most common bone tumor, metacarpal involvement is quite uncommon and usually accompanies multiple hereditary exostoses. Herein, we described a patient with solitary ostechondroma of the fourth metacarpal... more
The aim of the study was to evaluate the type of trauma, additional injury, age, additional diseases, need for ICU and blood transfusion, postoperative complications, mid-term patient satisfaction and hip functions of the patients who... more
The rotator cuff tear etiology is still unclear. Especially for atraumatic ruptures, degenerative processes come into prominence. This study aims to correlate between four most commonlyseen sleeping positions and patients with rotator... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the independence and relative strengths of association between coronary heart disease (CHD) risk status and both body fatness and cardiorespiratory (C-R) fitness in 12-and 15-yr-old adolescents.... more
The aim of the study was to investigate the awareness of residents in Saudi Arabia toward in-home drug storage and the using habits of their medications. This is a descriptive study that involved an electronic survey about drug storage... more
To examine the factors used by Coroners to distinguish between suicide and accidental death among young men in Merseyside and Cheshire. Design -Retrospective epidemiological survey of deaths due to external causes. Data sources included... more
INTRODUCTION-Month-to-month variation in physical activity levels in a cohort of postmenopausal women participating in a single site clinical trial undergoing lifestyle intervention was investigated prior to and after lifestyle... more
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) that may causes blindness. The vitreous is an extracellular matrix and it may have changes through liquefaction and syneresis in patients with DM, even in those without... more