Medical biochemistry and metabolomics
Recent papers in Medical biochemistry and metabolomics
In our previous studies, the opioid receptors located on pinealocytes have been identified and characterized, and these receptors have been found to play a stimulatory role in melatonin synthesis by activating the rate limiting enzyme,... more
The Maastricht Utrecht Adherence in Hypertension (MUAH) questionnaire provides clinicians with information about the causes of a patient's poor adherence to antihypertensive drugs. In this study, the authors aimed to develop and... more
Conclusion: We have shown that two equations selected from the literature give incorrect RMR values. The case of Harris Benedict equation, that overestimates the RMR of our patients by 1.3 10%, has particular clinical relevance since this... more
Large but not small cholangiocytes: (i) secrete bicarbonate by interaction with secretin receptors (SR) through activation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), chloride bicarbonate anion exchanger 2 (Cl − /HCO 3 − AE2) and... more
Using differential display reverse transcription-PCR (DDRT-PCR) we have identified several sequences that are specifically expressed by Histoplasma capsulatum during infection of murine macrophages (M⌽). Here, we report the... more
Affinity depletion of abundant proteins from human plasma has become a routine sample preparation strategy in proteomics used prior to protein identification and quantitation. To date, there have been limited published studies comparing... more
characteristic (ROC) plots: a fundamental evaluation tool in clinical medicine [Reviewl. Clin
three strains of mutant rats with congenital conjugated The workshop covered three major areas: Unconjuhyperbilirubinemia. (2) The roles of the classical and gated bilirubin (UCB) chemistry and physical chemistry; newer molecular... more
Advance care planning (ACP) and goals of care designation (GCD) are being integrated into modern health care. In cirrhosis, uptake and adoption of these practices have been limited with physicians citing many perceived barriers and... more
Sample from riser Calmagite reagent Polyethylene tubing 1.14mm ID Absorbarice-FC I-FC 2 1g. 1. SMAC magnesium manifold diagram C, flow cell CLINICAL CHEMISTRY,
Endothelial-derived microparticles (EMPs) are a novel biological marker of endothelium injury and vasomotion disorders that are involved in pathogenesis of cardiovascular, metabolic, and inflammatory diseases. Circulating levels of EMPs... more
We measured apolipoproteins (apo) A-I and B by rate immunonephelometry (rate INA) during Phase 1 of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III. We also made the measurements by radial immunodiffusion (RID) in a 20%... more
HeLa cells were studied with the use of light microscopical immunocytochemistry to obtain more information on the nucleolar localization of nucleophosmin (B23 protein) and RH-II/Gu protein. In control cells these proteins are colocalized.... more
Telomeric DNA consists of G-and C-rich strands that are always polarized such that the G-rich strand extends past the 3' end of the duplex to form a 12-16-base overhang. These overhanging strands can self-associate in vitro to form... more
Supplemental Figure 1. Ribose-614 cleavage is unaffected by the addition of 10% complementary strand. Addition of equimolar amounts of the complement greatly lowers cleavage rate and plateau. (A) Cleavage profile for ribose-614 (100... more
Introduction: The emergency laboratory in Hacettepe University Hospitals receives specimens from emergency departments (EDs), inpatient services and intensive care units (ICUs). The samples are accepted according to the rejection criteria... more
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of 10 weeks of resistance or treadmill exercises on glycemic indices levels prior to and immediately following exercise in adults with type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND... more
Orotic acid (ORA) is an important biochemical marker for uridine monophosphate synthase deficiency, an autoso-mal recessive disease characterized by macrocytic hypo-chromic megaloblastic anemia, growth retardation, orotic aciduria, and... more
Objectives: Development and validation of a direct enzymatic HbA1c assay that utilizes a single channel on chemistry auto-analyzers without the need to run separate glycated hemoglobin and total hemoglobin assays. Design and methods: An... more
Xenopus liver contains a protein inhibitor of glucokinase that, in contrast to the mammalian regulatory protein of glucokinase, is insensitive to fructose 6-phosphate and fructose 1-phosphate [Vandercammen A. & Van Schaftingen, E. (1993)... more
Lipoxygenases are a group of closely related enzymes responsible for the dioxygenation of various polyenoic fatty acids containing all-cis-methylene-interrupted double bonds. The nomenclature for lipoxygenases is based on the site of... more
Introduction: The association of the mutations in HBs Ag gene has not been studied adequately in patients with occult HBV infection (OBI). The current study was aimed to investigate the HBs Ag mutation, genotype of HBV and co-infection... more
Significance: It is of common sense that the world population is aging and life expectancy is increasing. However, as the population ages, there is also an exponential risk to live into the ages where the brain-related frailties and... more
Aggressive periodontitis (AgP), a severe and early onset type of periodontitis, is thought to be subject to significant genetic background effects. Formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) is a gene strongly implicated in AgP. To determine... more
The effects of a delayed and/or disturbed sleep-wake pattern on mental functioning, frequently found in university students, were confirmed by several studies. The sleep-wake pattern of university students is known to be delayed as their... more
Rapid in vitro evolution of bacteriophage T7, T3, and SP6 R N A polymerase promoters was achieved by a method that allows continuous enrichment of DNAs that contain functional promoter elements. This method exploits the ability of a... more
incubation times. Otherwise UV-Vis results showed the reduced absorbance in soret region to be a constant value in less time of incubation. Conclusion: These two different observations demonstrate that amount of fluorescence heme... more
Blood/plasma ratIo. mcen (and ratio.
Two new ether lipids, 1-O-alkyl/alkenyl-2-O-acyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine and its lyso form, 1-O-alkyl/ alkenyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine, were identified in the cell membrane of Mycoplasma fermentans using chemical analyses, GLC-MS,... more
Nightshift is a common work schedule in health environments, and is associated with decreased alertness and increased adverse events at work. This decrease in alertness can be predicted from biological models of sleep homeostasis and... more
Hexachlorobenzene-induced porphyria is iron dependent and characterized by the decreased activity of uroporphyrinogen decarbowlase and the accumulation of porphyrins in the liver. To examine the relationship between iron and porphyrins in... more
Endogenous cysteine proteases were given much attention lately, as their role in a variety of pathophysiological disorders became evident. Amongst them cathepsins, which are thought to be implicated in mediation of osteoporosis, cancer... more
This paper was my first as a graduate student of Professor Peter Perlmann at Stockholm University. At the time, RIAs were in full bloom, but they were too sophisticated for many areas of research and diagnosis because they required... more
We report a case diagnosed angiographically as fibromuscular dysplasia. Initially there was a "string of beads" appearance. Two months later tubular stenosis was also apparent, and the clinical picture had progressed.
BACKGROUND High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) is a biomarker used in diagnosing myocardial injury. The clinical utility and the variation of this biomarker over time remain unclear in hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis... more
The influence of membrane environment on human cannabinoid 1 (hCB 1) receptor transmembrane helix (TMH) conformational dynamics was investigated by solid-state NMR and site-directed spin labeling/EPR with a synthetic peptide, hCB 1... more
It is well recognized that variation in the geographical distribution of prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) exists: increasing the latitude its prevalence increases as well, but the underlying causes of such dissimilarity still... more
In order to realize the goal of stratified and/or personalized medicine in the clinic, significant advances in the field of biomarker discovery are necessary. Adding to the abundance of nucleic acid biomarkers being characterized,... more
Introduction: Normetanephrine and metanephrine are intermediate metabolites of noradrenaline and adrenaline metabolism. To assess whether normetanephrine and metanephrine analysis may aid in the diagnosis of Neuroblastoma, a reference... more
Vimentin is a type III Intermediate filament protein that is expressed frequently in epithelial carcinomas correlating with invasiveness and poor prognosis. We have analysed migration and adhesion to collagenous matrix of a panel of... more
Total homocysteine is defined as the sum of all homocysteine species in plasma/serum, including free and proteinbound forms. In the present review, we compare and evaluate several techniques forthe determination of total homocystelne.... more
A novel toxic cyclopeptide from Amanita suballiacea (Murr.) mushrooms that possesses structural features similar to viroidin is described. This peptide, alloviroidin, is identical with viroidin in mass, affinity for actin, and all amino... more