Medical Informatic

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Medical informatics is the interdisciplinary field that utilizes information technology and data management to improve healthcare delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and facilitate medical research. It encompasses the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of health information, integrating clinical knowledge with data science to support decision-making in healthcare settings.
Summary Objectives To review the issues that have arisen with the advent of translational research in terms of integration of data and knowledge, and survey current efforts to address these issues. MethodsUsing examples form the... more
We propose methods for mutual authentication and key exchange. Our methods are well suited for applications with strict power consumption restrictions, such as wireless medical implants and contactless smart cards. We prove the security... more
Objective: The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) agreed on revising the existing international recommendations in health informatics/medical informatics education. These should help to establish courses, course tracks... more
Este artigo descreve o planejamento e produção de um conjunto de atividades relacionadas à estruturação do conhecimento envolvido no domínio da Geotecnia, área da Engenharia Civil. O projeto propõe uma ontologia para desenvolvimento de um... more
Diabetes is a global health problem with a growing number of individuals with diabetes mellitus in the world. Information and communication technologies (ICT) could play an important role in this group of patients. Objective. To report... more
Resumo – Neste trabalho mostramos os vários aspectos do desenvolvimento e implantação de um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica de traumas na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP), que é baseado nas... more
In autumn 2005, the University of Tromsø started a 2-year master of science in telemedicine and e-health. Students can choose between technology and health, and the program starts each fall. The program is developed and run in close... more
In rural Nigeria, the health system is in a disreputable state and this is attributed to several factors especially the flagrant underfunding of the health sector and shortage of skilled specialists at the primary health care (PHC) level... more
research is one important strategy in the quality management movement designed to improve the quality of health care and to control costs. Information systems are being utilized in variations research to provide an array of potential... more
Modern medical environments have seen an increase in technological complexity and pressures of handling more patients with fewer resources, resulting in higher demands on medical practitioners. Medical informatics designers will have to... more
We propose a platform for health monitoring using wireless sensor networks. Our platform is a new architecture called CustoMed that will reduce the customization and reconfiguration time for medical systems that use reconfigurable... more
Objective: The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) agreed on revising the existing international recommendations in health informatics/medical informatics education. These should help to establish courses, course tracks... more
This article presents a functionalities comparative degree of some information systems in the clinical nutrition area, searching to guide the nutritionist about his attendance routine in the doctor's office.
There is an increasing need for a larger and better trained workforce in medical informatics. The goal of the AMIA 10x10 program is to educate 10,000 clinicians in medical informatics by 2010. Building upon a previously developed course,... more
(HITECH Act) has put pressure on hospitals and provider organizations to increase the "meaningful use" of health information technology (IT) to improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs. In order for that to happen, the... more
The purpose of this study is four-fold. First, the hospitals' current level of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) adoption is reported; second, internal and external influence factors' roles in determining CPOE adoption rates are... more
Impressive innovations have been developed over the past 50 years in medical informatics. Meanwhile, it also has become apparent that, to realize benefits of medical informatics applications, attention to such people, organizational, and... more
identified 558 participants in rural telemedicine; 499 (89%) responded to a detailed follow-up survey to describe type of use. While 84% of respondents reported using interactive video, only 25% reported access to e-mail for exchange of... more
The terminology in medical informatics is evolving rapidly. The organizers of MEDINFO and SCAMC have used different sets of keywords to index their documents. Recognizing the limitations of this approach, members of those organizations... more
This article presents a functionalities comparative degree of some information systems in the clinical nutrition area, searching to guide the nutritionist about his attendance routine in the doctor's office.
Resumo-Este artigo apresenta um sistema especialista probabilístico desenvolvido para auxiliar no manejo nutricional do paciente com diabetes mellitus, utilizando como terapia nutricional a contagem de carboidratos. Sua principal função é... more
PRESTIGE is a project for applying telematics to assist the dissemination and application of clinical practice guidelines and protocols. Previous publications have described PRESTIGE's technical approach, including the use of a... more
The problem of retrieving time series similar to a specified query pattern has been recently addressed within the Case Based Reasoning (CBR) literature. Providing a flexible and efficient way of dealing with such an issue is of paramount... more
Rough sets offer an effective approach of managing uncertainties and can be employed for tasks such as data dependency analysis, feature identification, dimensionality reduction, and pattern classification. As these tasks are common in... more
Objectives: Content-based access (CBA) to medical image archives, i.e. data retrieval by means of image-based numerical features computed automatically, has capabilities to improve diagnostics, research and education. In this study, the... more
Rough sets offer an effective approach of managing uncertainties and can be employed for tasks such as data dependency analysis, feature identification, dimensionality reduction, and pattern classification. As these tasks are common in... more
Background Computerized physician order entry systems (CPOE) can reduce the number of medication errors and adverse drug events (ADEs) in healthcare institutions. Unfortunately, they tend to produce a large number of partly irrelevant... more
Motivation: One of the major features of genomic DNA sequences, distinguishing them from texts in most spoken or artificial languages, is their high repetitiveness. Variation in the repetitiveness of genomic texts reflects the presence... more
'Open Source' is a 20 Á/40 year old approach to licensing and distributing software that has recently burst into public view. Against conventional wisdom this approach has been wildly successful in the general software market */probably... more
Medical informatic experts have made considerable progress in the development of standards for orders and clinical results (CEN, HL7, ASTM), EKG tracings (CEN), diagnostic images (DICOM), claims processing (X12 and EDIFAC) and in... more
I 2 Cnet (Image Indexing by Content network) aims to provide services related to the content-based management of images in healthcare over the WorldWide Web. Each I 2 Cnet server maintains an autonomous repository of medical images and... more
Resumo-O projeto Lepo visa desenvolver uma versão do sistema Lepidus especializada em oftalmologia. Esse sistema baseia-se em uma codificação original através de funções senoidais amortecidas de sinais e sintomas médicos para descrever... more
Medical informatics became a medical specialty during the last years and this is evidenced by a great amount of journal articles regarding the subject published worldwide. We compared the presentation of Medical Informatics in two... more
In 2002-2003, the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) undertook a study of the future of informatics training. This project capitalized on the rapidly expanding interest in the role of computation in basic biological research,... more
Healthcare websites that are influential in healthcare decision-making must be evaluated for accuracy, readability and understandability by the average population. Most existing frameworks for designing and evaluating interactive websites... more
Healthcare websites that are influential in healthcare decision-making must be evaluated for accuracy, readability and understandability by the average population. Most existing frameworks for designing and evaluating interactive websites... more
The Medical Informatics Network Tool (MINT) is a software system that supports the management of care for chronic illness. It is designed to improve clinical information, facilitate teamwork, and allow management of health care quality.... more
This article presents a functionalities comparative degree of some information systems in the clinical nutrition area, searching to guide the nutritionist about his attendance routine in the doctor's office.
Resumo-Este artigo apresenta um sistema especialista probabilístico desenvolvido para auxiliar no manejo nutricional do paciente com diabetes mellitus, utilizando como terapia nutricional a contagem de carboidratos. Sua principal função é... more
This article presents a functionalities comparative degree of some information systems in the clinical nutrition area, searching to guide the nutritionist about his attendance routine in the doctor's office.
Resumo-Este artigo apresenta um sistema especialista probabilístico desenvolvido para auxiliar no manejo nutricional do paciente com diabetes mellitus, utilizando como terapia nutricional a contagem de carboidratos. Sua principal função é... more
Resumo - Este artigo procura identificar dificuldades encontradas por estudantes da área médica na busca de informação técnica de medicina. O objetivo principal é mostrar a importância da recuperação de informação na área médica por meio... more
This article presents a functionalities comparative degree of some information systems in the clinical nutrition area, searching to guide the nutritionist about his attendance routine in the doctor's office.