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Background Dry eye disease is a common age-related disease in the world. Vitamin B12 is an essential factor in maintaining eye health and has antioxidant properties that protect the surface of the eye from damage caused by harmful... more
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      FORMULATIONHyaluronic AcidDry eye disease
Background: Patient registration with a primary care providers supports continuity in the patientprovider relationship. This paper develops a framework for analysing the characteristics of patient registration across countries; applies... more
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      Primary CareComparative PoliticsPrimary Health CarePublic Health Policy
Zehirlenme; yaralayýcý veya öldürücü bir madde ile oluþan kimyasal reaksiyon sonucunda genellikle ölüm, yaralanma veya kuvvette azalma ile karakterize bir olay olarak tanýmlanýr (1). Dozaþýmý terimi ise; genel anlamda kasýtlý olarak... more
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    • Medicine
A medical resume is an important document containing a summary of patient care while they are in hospital. The filling of the medical resume affects the claim process of the National Health Insurance (NHI) program. Medical resume is... more
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      Patient ComplianceObedienceClaimsMedical Doctor
Gi rifl: Öğrencilerin klasik eğitimle aldıkları temel tıp bilimleri bilgilerini klinik yıllara ve klinik pratiğe taşıyamadıkları ve probleme dayalı öğrenimin (PDÖ) bu eksiği kapatabileceği ifade edilmektedir. Teorik farmakoloji eğitimini... more
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The paper investigates experiences of employees and middle managers in relation to the transition from working from office to working from home in the context of COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. Three online focus groups were conducted to... more
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      ProductivityPandemicSustainabilityCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The dissertation explores the ends of medicine in Catholic theology. It focuses on the study, from a theological and teleological viewpoint, of two concepts: caring and curing. The main question is: What is the relationship between caring... more
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      TheologyHealth CareCompassionMedicine
The study entitled 'Attitude of Couples towards Family-Planning' was conducted with an aim to assess the knowledge, understanding and attitude of couples towards family planning across the two ecological settings of Jammu district. The... more
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      NursingPublic HealthHealth Care ManagementStudents
Araştırmalar / Researches ÖZET Öz kıyım amaçlı adölesan ve erişkin ilaç zehirlenmeleri arasındaki farklılıklar Amaç: İlaç zehirlenmeleri acil servislere önemli başvuru nedenlerinden biridir. Bu konuda adölesanlar ile erişkinler arasında... more
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    • Medicine
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    • Medicine
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Background and objectives: Meningitis is one of the most common infectious of the central nervous system (CNS), defined as an inflammation of the meninges. LIF is a potent proinflammatory factor. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contains the... more
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      MedicineCerebrospinal FluidMedical LaboratoryMeningitis
Over the last few years, the military healthcare system undergone restructuration. Under this process, healthcare units under this system, aimed at attaining efficiency gains, through clearer focus and specialization on specific areas of... more
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      Political ScienceMedicineExcellenceUnification
This study was designed for assessing the impacts of related progress on organization‘s innovation capacity and organizational learning, with the assumption that it will ease ensuring participation of employees to the decision taking... more
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      ManagementOrganizational LearningInnovativenessHospitals
Avaliar e caracterizar o papel da especialidade de Imunoalergologja (IA) no apoio a doentes internados ao cuidado de outras especialidades. Métodos: Revisão dos pedidos de colaboração realizados ao serviço de IA entre janeiro de 2018 a... more
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    • Medicine
Insecticides have a great importance in the increase of agricultural productivity and maintaining of public health. However, they can cause serious poisoning cases and even deaths at times due to accidental, intentional or occupational... more
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Pestisit zehirlenmeleri genellikle kimyasalın intestinal yol ile intihar amaçlı alınması sonucu oluşurken, parenteral (perkutan veya intravenöz) enjeksiyon yolu ile zehirlenmeler oldukça nadir görülmektedir. 19 yaşında erkek hastayı sol... more
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Giriş: Öğrencilerin klasik eğitimle aldıkları temel tıp bilimleri bilgilerini klinik yıllara ve klinik pratiğe taşıyamadıkları ve probleme dayalı öğrenimin (PDÖ) bu eksiği kapatabileceği ifade edilmektedir. Teorik farmakoloji eğitimini... more
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      Mathematics EducationProblem Based LearningStudentsChild
Aim: In our study, we aimed to evaluate intoxication cases who were admitted to the Umraniye Training and Research Hospital. Methods: Medical records of 277 cases with intoxication who applied to the Umraniye Training and Research... more
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      MedicineMedical EmergencyEmergency Department
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      Computer ScienceCanadian HistoryPolitical ScienceHealth Policy
The study aimed to investigate the range of experiences and attitudes of Croatian medical doctors (MDs) related to vaccination and vaccine hesitancy. In January 2021 three asynchronous online focus groups were held using MRQual, a... more
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      Focus Group discussionsVaccinesHealthcare workersMedicine
Acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine will play a crucial role in combating the current pandemic. Vaccine rollouts have started in most countries. To reach the desirable vaccine coverage and to enhance its uptake, it is imperative to assess... more
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Araştırmalar / Researches ÖZET Öz kıyım amaçlı adölesan ve erişkin ilaç zehirlenmeleri arasındaki farklılıklar Amaç: İlaç zehirlenmeleri acil servislere önemli başvuru nedenlerinden biridir. Bu konuda adölesanlar ile erişkinler arasında... more
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len bir kişide, ölüm nedeninin kesin olarak saptanmasında otopsinin yeri çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle otopsi, tıbbi uygulama hatası durumunun saptanması ve kanıtlanmasında çok büyük değer taşır. Otopside elde edilen bulgu-Ö ORĐJĐNAL... more
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      BusinessForensic Medicine
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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Over the last few years, the military healthcare system undergone restructuration. Under this process, healthcare units under this system, aimed at attaining efficiency gains, through clearer focus and specialization on specific areas of... more
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      Political ScienceMedicineExcellenceUnification
Mantar zehirlenmeleri tüm dünyada sıkça görülen önemli bir sorundur. Erişkinlerde mantar zehirlenmeleri tüm akut zehirlenme vakalarının yaklaşık %7'sini oluşturmaktadır. Klinik, mantarın cinsine göre hafif bir bulantı kusmadan, karaciğer... more
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Potasyum Klorür özellikle çocuklarda akut gastroenterit sonucu ortaya çıkan hipopotasemi tedavisinde intravenöz infüzyon yoluyla kullanılır. Hızlı verilmesi ani ölümlere neden olabileceğinden dikkatli kullanılmalıdır. Sunulan olguda... more
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      LawCriminal LawMedical EthicsMedicine
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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    • Vaccines
Paroxysmal Permanent Junctional Reciprocating Tachycardia (PJRT) is caused after rapid and sudden pacing of excitatory foci in atrioventricular junction. While it happens mostly in infants and children, it is rarely seen in adults. A... more
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Background: Health care workers (HCWs) are a high-priority group for COVID-19 vaccination for several reasons. Health behavior theory-based studies on the intention or acceptability of COVID-19 vaccination among Indonesian HCWs is... more
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      VaccinesHealth CareHealth Belief ModelMedicine
En el presente trabajo se reseñan los aspectos más significativos de la vida y obra del Dr. Alberto Germán Mora Docampo y se resaltan los elementos más importantes de su etapa estudiantil, especialmente de la universitaria, donde se... more
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Children under the age of 5, will likely all be offered vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 soon. Parental concerns over vaccination of children are long standing and could impede the success of a vaccination campaign. In the UK, a trusted... more
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      VaccinesMedicineVaccinationCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      VaccinesPublic HealthMedicineVaccination
Despite mandatory vaccinations in Poland, the final decision on vaccination in children is taken by their parents or legal guardians. Understanding parents' attitudes and opinions regarding vaccinations is essential for planning and... more
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      Family MedicineMedicineMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental public health
Despite mandatory vaccinations in Poland, the final decision on vaccination in children is taken by their parents or legal guardians. Understanding parents' attitudes and opinions regarding vaccinations is essential for planning and... more
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      Family MedicineMedicineMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental public health
Background: The emergence of several SARS-CoV-2 variants may necessitate an annual COVID-19 booster vaccine. This study aimed to evaluate healthcare workers' (HCWs) acceptance of a COVID-19 yearly booster vaccine, if recommended, and... more
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      Family MedicineHealth CareMedicineLogistic Regression
كچ ي هد هخاش رد نويسايراو دوجو دروم رد هدوب ردان رايسب شرازگ نيا اما دراد دوجو يتاشرازگ يمكش تروئآ نايرش ياه تسا هدشن رشتنم دروم نيا رد يبلطم نونك ات و . مادق هخاش كي كايلس ينايرش هنت ًاتبسن ي اب يمكش تروئآ روطق دودح لوط 25 / 2 يتناس يم... more
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    • Medicine
T he protracted COVID-19 pandemic has required bravery and sacrifice from clinicians worldwide. After almost two years, though, healthcare workers have been pushed to the limit. While accepting personal risks and suffering overwork and... more
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      General Internal MedicineMedicineClinical SciencesOutrage
Influenza has a significant impact on the health care system and also on production and economic systems. Vaccinated health care workers (HCWs) are more likely to have improved productivity compared to unvaccinated workers. The study aim... more
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      VaccinesHealth CareProductivityRevenue
This study was carried out on 211 physicians working in family health centers in Denizli in order to determine the nutritional habits of these physicians. The target population of the research consisted of all physicians (246 people)... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionPublic Health NutritionSociology of Food and Eating
Long COVID is an emerging condition, with early evidence suggesting it impacts women at a greater rate than men. As we seek to understand long COVID, it is important to consider the holistic impacts of this condition. Therefore, a... more
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      PsychologyWomenQualitative ResearchThematic Analysis
Background This national qualitative study explores (1) the experiences, observations, and opinions of health care workers (HCWs) about beliefs, socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental characteristics of parents refusing vaccination... more
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      VaccinesFamily MedicineQualitative ResearchMedicine
ObjectivesThis study aims to assess the prevalence of health problems (eg, insomnia, binge-eating, substance use and ill health) among UK doctors and to investigate whether occupational distress increases the risk of health... more
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      PsychiatryMental HealthMedical EducationAlcohol Studies
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      MedicineClinical SciencesPeritoneal Dialysis
Por el interés que puede representar para los lectores de Educación Médica Superior hemos considerado oportuno reproducir el presente artículo publicado en la Revista INFODIR. 2014;18:81-94" "Hay que tener una gran dosis de humanidad, una... more
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Background: Health care workers (HCWs) are a high-priority group for COVID-19 vaccination for several reasons. Health behavior theory-based studies on the intention or acceptability of COVID-19 vaccination among Indonesian HCWs is... more
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      VaccinesHealth CareHealth Belief ModelVaccination
Empanelment is a foundational strategy for building or improving primary health care systems and a critical pathway for achieving effective universal health coverage. However, there is little international guidance for defining... more
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      BusinessPublic RelationsMedicine