Medical Doctor
Most downloaded papers in Medical Doctor
Objectives This study aims to assess the prevalence of health problems (eg, insomnia, binge-eating, substance use and ill health) among UK doctors and to investigate whether occupational distress increases the risk of health problems.... more
The law and medical professions have long been seen as prestigious career paths and great options for adolescents aspiring for higher education. Both professions command attention and are highly competitive in Nigerian universities.... more
No constituyó Cuba excepción de regla en cuanto a destacada labor de personalidades médicas. La evidencia en cada período de historia nacional demuestra que siempre hubo desarrollo salubrista en las diferentes épocas. La educación médica... more
tenaga medis merupakan tombak ujung praktik kesehatan di Indonesia, dalam peraturan ini mengatur tentang praktik kedokteran. dalam melaksanakan praktiknya dokter perlu mematuhi berbagai aturan secara legal dan memberikan pelayanan praktik... more
Researchers that are medical doctors (with or without additional degrees), need to be aware of the unique aspects that can affect their eligibility as ERC candidates. In this context, there are three critical issues to consider: 1.... more
Background: Patient registration with a primary care providers supports continuity in the patientprovider relationship. This paper develops a framework for analysing the characteristics of patient registration across countries; applies... more