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Music therapy as a non-invasive therapeutic modality is gaining prominence worldwide both in hospital settings as an adjunct therapy as well as for community wellbeing. Music therapy offers encouraging evidence-based outcomes for... more
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      Music TherapyNeurobiologyMedical BiophysicsMusic Therapy and Neuroscience
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    • Medical Biophysics
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1999e2004) includes adult and pediatric comparisons for total body bone and body composition results. Because dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements from different... more
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      PhysiotherapyStatisticsEpidemiologyResearch Design
Mobilisierung der Strahlenforschung im Nationalsozialismus. Der Fall Boris Rajewsky, in: Moritz Epple, Johannes Fried, Raphael Gross u. Janus Gudian (Hgg.): „Politisierung der Wissenschaft“. Jüdische Wissenschaftler und ihre Gegner an der... more
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      BiophysicsGerman HistoryHistory of MedicineRefugee Studies
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      BiophysicsElectromagnetismStable IsotopesElectromagnetics
The resting membrane voltage of excitable cells such as neurons and muscle cells is determined by the electrochemical equilibrium of potassium and sodium ions. This voltage is calculated by using the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation.... more
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      Quantum BiologyMedical Biophysicsquantum Tunneling
Increase in emitting electromagnetic waves sources (cell phone antennas, mobile phone, etc.) is a worry the local population. This type of pollution is certainly invisible; however, but its effects on health are increasingly evident. The... more
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      Medical PhysicsMedical BiophysicsElectromagnetic Pollution
Tre sensori che controllano temperatura, ossigenazione dei tessuti e frequenza respiratoria per rilevare indici anticipatori di problemi psicofisici che possono essere presenti in soggetti sintomatici e soprattutto negli asintomatici... more
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    • Medical Biophysics
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The priming dose effect, called also the Raper-Yonezawa effect or simply the Yonezawa effect, is a special case of the radiation adaptive response phenomenon (radioadaptation), which refers to: (a) faster repair of direct DNA lesions... more
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      BiophysicsRadiation BiologyComputational BiophysicsPriming
Harzianins HC are a series of 14-residue peptaibols containing three Aib-Pro motives separated by sequences of two Ž . usual amino acids Aib-Pro-Xaa-Xaa n. They are organized in a subtype of the 3 -helix, which results in an approximate... more
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    • Medical Biophysics
To determine the mean and range of location-averaged breast skin thickness using highresolution dedicated breast CT for use in Monte Carlo-based estimation of normalized glandular dose coefficients. Methods: This study retrospectively... more
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      AlgorithmsOncologyRadiologyBiomedical Engineering
Assessment of the dielectric properties of red blood cells requires several steps for preparation and isolation from whole blood. These steps may result in changes in the cells properties, and they are time consuming. The present study... more
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    • Medical Biophysics
Biocomputing is a recently growing and highly interdisciplinary field of research that investigates models and computational techniques inspired by biology and related sciences. Here, cyclic behavior (redox cycling) of purified... more
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      Information SystemsElectronic EngineeringRoboticsBiochemistry
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    • Medical Biophysics
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1999e2004) includes adult and pediatric comparisons for total body bone and body composition results. Because dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements from different... more
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      PhysiotherapyStatisticsEpidemiologyResearch Design
Using two independent physical methods (Rayleigh light scattering and electron paramagnetic resonance), the effect of lead, toxic heavy metal on proteins in aqueous solutions (including blood serum proteins) was studied. A physical... more
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      Molecular BiophysicsMedical Biophysics
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1999e2004) includes adult and pediatric comparisons for total body bone and body composition results. Because dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements from different... more
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      PhysiotherapyStatisticsEpidemiologyResearch Design
Dewasa ini cukup banyak masyarakat yang menderita cacat fisik. Salah satunya adalah mengalami ketidakmampuan untuk melihat, yang sering dinamai dengan istilah tunanetra. Alat bantu yang u mumnya di gunakan sebagai alat... more
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      NeuroscienceBiophysicsMedical Biophysics
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Thalassemia is the world's most common hereditary disease; therefore, more interest has been devoted for the development of the screening procedure of this disease. In b-thalassemia major, the subject of the current study, impaired... more
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    • Medical Biophysics
The resting membrane voltage of excitable cells such as neurons and muscle cells is determined by the electrochemical equilibrium of potassium and sodium ions. This voltage is calculated by using the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz equation.... more
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      PhysicsQuantum BiologyMedical Biophysicsquantum Tunneling
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a cardiac arrhythmia characterized by rapid and irregular atrial electrical activity with a high clinical impact on stroke incidence. Best available therapeutic strategies combine pharmacological and surgical... more
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      PhysicsBiophysicsNonlinear Dynamics and StochasticityComplex Systems
The nucleation and growth theory, described by the Avrami equation (also called Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation), and usually used to describe crystallization and nucleation processes in condensed matter physics, was applied in... more
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      BiophysicsComputational BiophysicsGastric CancerSigmoid Curve
Samples of soil, grass and organs of herbivore mammal were collected from different sampling locations in five states within the southwestern area of Nigeria. The activity concentrations of natural radionuclides such as 40 K, 238 U and... more
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      Radiation PhysicsEcologyRadiation ProtectionMedical Biophysics
The mathematical modelling of electric current flow in excitable cells (fibres and interrelated cells networks) is briefly reviewed and three fundamental problems of the stimulation by external electrodes are defined and posed, in terms... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringNeuroscienceBiomedical EngineeringNeurophysiology
Most of the known self-assembly processes occur in solution, where nanosized objects interact each other forming new structures. Their real-time characterization in terms of the size and optical properties of these objects is vital for... more
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      Ultrafast OpticsFemtosecond LaserMolecular BiophysicsMedical Biophysics
We report on the novel application of nonlinear optics to study molecular assemblies. By using the third-harmonic generation in solution we were able to determine both the third-order nonlinear susceptibility of collagen and the size of... more
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      Femtosecond LaserMolecular BiophysicsUltrafast lasersMedical Biophysics
To determine the mean and range of location-averaged breast skin thickness using highresolution dedicated breast CT for use in Monte Carlo-based estimation of normalized glandular dose coefficients. Methods: This study retrospectively... more
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      AlgorithmsOncologyRadiologyBiomedical Engineering
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      BiophysicsElectromagnetismStable IsotopesElectromagnetics
"The separation between two liquids that won't mix, like oil and water, is known as 'liquid-liquid phase separation', and it's central to the function of many proteins," said Sagar Setru, a 2021 Ph.D. graduate who worked with both Sabine... more
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    • Medical Biophysics
Increased intraocular pressure (IOP) is a significant risk factor for the development of glaucoma. Timolol maleate is a beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent and it is used for the treatment of glaucoma in order to reduce the elevated... more
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    • Medical Biophysics