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Las Memorias del coronel Manuel Baigorria, refugiado unitario entre los ranqueles entre 1831 y 1852, son un contrapunto notable a las representaciones de sus contemporáneos acerca de la barbarie como producto físico y cultural del... more
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      EthnohistoryMediation, Conflict Resolution, Cross-Cultural MediationRio de la Plata studiesIndian White Relations
Korea has a long history of linking conflict resolution with particular moral and societal values. In this chapter we explore the potentials and limits of this tradition by focusing on the concept of Han, which many Korean scholars claim... more
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      Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical TheoryPostcolonial Studies
L'articolo descrive le caratteristiche principali del servizio di mediazione familiare intergenerazionale a favore di persone anziane, dopo avere sinteticamente illustrato le diverse tipologie di mediazione familiare intergenerazionale.... more
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      Intergenerational relationships (Sociology)Intergenerational RelationshipsConflict Mediation StrategiesFamily mediation
One of the more popular approaches to resolution of conflict is mediation, where a third-party intervenes to assist disputants in reaching a mutually-acceptable resolution. This paper presents a lesson learned from a mediation in which... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceMediation, Conflict Resolution, Cross-Cultural Mediation
One of the first experiences in Mediation training Latin-American students in an American setting was organized by Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida, in the year 1997. The students came from Colombia and Argentina, and they... more
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      Mediation, Conflict Resolution, Cross-Cultural MediationUrban Studies, Cultural Economy, Latin American and US cities