Median and Assyrian relationship
Recent papers in Median and Assyrian relationship
کتاب حاضر مجموعه مقالاتی است که مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم با تاریخ ماد پیوند مییابند. بهعبارتدیگر، مقالات حاضر، تاریخ ماد را نه تنها از منظر خودِ ماد، بلکه در چشماندازی گستردهتر و در ارتباط با همسایگانش (بهویژه آشور و بابل) بررسی... more
Given the colorful and almost comprehensive variety of seventh century BCE Near Eastern states mentioned by Herodotus, his omission of the kingdom of Urartu is somewhat puzzling. The question of Herodotus' apparent ignorance of the... more
The Iron Age of the Iranian central plateau was first investigated 70 years ago at Tepe Sialk near Kashan (Ghirshman 1939). At this site, the upper archaeological levels indicate the remains of the Iranian-speaking people who founded... more