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      Public RelationsMedia effectsStrategic PlanningStrategic Communication
One highly prominent aspect of ISIS’s program of destruction in Syria and Iraq that has come to the media attention recently is their program of cultural heritage destruction that took the form of smashing artifacts in archaeological... more
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      Critical TheoryLandscape EcologyArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Bandura’s social cognitive theory is one of the most highly influential and widely celebrated theories in the field of social psychology. Thus, it is no surprise that its influence has extended into multiple fields, including... more
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      Media effectsSelf-EfficacySocial Cognitive TheoryAlbert Bandura
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      Eating DisordersMedia effectsMedia LiteracySocial Comparison
This chapter discusses contemporary directions of agenda-setting research. It reviews the basic concept of agenda setting, the transfer of salience from the media agenda to the public agenda as a key step in the formation of public... more
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      Political BehaviorPublic OpinionMedia effectsPolitical communication
Stuart Hall is one of the prominent scholars of the British Cultural Studies also known as the Birmingham School of Cultural Studies. He was one of the early proponents of the audience reception theory and developed encoding/decoding... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia effectsAudience and Reception StudiesTextual analysis
This study focuses on the role of media in facilitating and inhibiting the accessibility of stereotypes primed by race-related news stories. Specifically, it examines experimentally the effects of two strategies for reducing stereotype... more
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      PsychologyCommunicationRace and RacismMedia effects
Today, people can easily select media outlets sharing their political predispositions, a behavior known as partisan selective exposure. Additional research is needed, however, to better understand the causes and consequences of partisan... more
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      Political PsychologyMedia effectsPolitical communicationSelective Exposure
This introductory essay outlines some of the issues that surround contemporary engagements with the ‘‘popular’’ as a site of political struggle and change. This piece notes that in the 30 years since Stuart Hall published his seminal... more
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      Critical TheorySemioticsCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This paper puts forward the new analytical framework of ‘Digitally Mediated Iconoclasm’ (DMI) to analyse and interpret iconoclastic acts that are experienced through the propaganda (videos, social media, photographs, and other media) that... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMedia SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      Media effectsPolitical communicationAgenda-setting TheorySecond-level agenda setting
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
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      NeuroscienceCultural StudiesMedia SociologyPsychology
This is the final program of BRAFFTV International Conference 2014 held at the University of Toronto from October 23rd to 25th with the focus on Interactive Narratives, New Media and Social Engagement. How has the digital screen... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMedia SociologySocial Movements
Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we... more
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      Visual propagandaMedia StudiesMedia HistoryPropaganda
The continued use of criminal profiling, despite the lack of empirical evidence to support the practice, has been dubbed the Criminal Profiling Illusion. This study applies cultivation theory in an attempt to explain the popular... more
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      CriminologyForensic PsychologyCommunicationForensic Science
The commercialism driving much of the American media system counts among the many factors that enabled Donald Trump’s election. When it mattered most, too many American media institutions privileged profit over democracy. This does not... more
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      American HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsAmerican Studies
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      Media StudiesMedia effectsMedia Education
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      ViolenceVideo GamesMedia effectsPresence
This paper investigates the impact that media attention has on the strengths and weaknesses of a firm's corporate social responsibility (CSR). Drawing on stakeholder theory, the study develops and tests two hypotheses concerning the... more
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      Business EthicsCommunicationMedia StudiesJournalism
While the majority of previous research suggests there are positive relationships between digital media use and political participation and knowledge, most studies have relied on cross-sectional surveys and have thus not been able to... more
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      Digital MediaMedia effectsParticipationSocial Media
Video games are increasingly becoming an important media today, despite the light connota-tion of its initial categorization. Today they are an industry that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art... more
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      Media SociologyLatino/A StudiesCommunicationMedia Studies
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      Media StudiesJournalismCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Communication
Tujuan penulisan skripsi adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pelayanan pastoral terhadap pelaksanaan pelayanan pastoral dan keaktifan jemaat dalam pelayanan. Adapun hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Pertama, pelakasanaa... more
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      Media effectsPastoral TheologyStudents
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismCorporate Social Responsibility
The present study sought to examine the attitudes of Saudi English as a foreign language (EFL) learners as well as teachers towards the integration of English movies in their classes as a tool to develop students' language skills. Fifty... more
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      Teacher EducationMedia effectsEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
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      Media effectsMedia psychologyThird person effectThird Person Effects
Today in 2016, Indonesia declared emergency in sexual violence. A number of news coverage emerged regarding cases about sexual crimes committed by underage children towards other children in various region of Indonesia. Investigation... more
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      SexualityMedia effectsChildren and MediaPornification Culture, Sexualisation Culture, of Children and Young People, Porn Chic, Pornography
This study investigates the relationships between loneliness, anxiousness, alcohol, and marijuana use in the prediction of freshman college students' connections with others on the social network site Facebook as well as their emotional... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceHealth Psychology
Obwohl Filmmusik keineswegs mehr ein Randgebiet musikwissenschaftlicher Forschung ist und inzwischen einige Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema vorliegen, fehlte bislang ein Grundlagenwerk zu den Wirkungen von Filmmusik. Dies will das... more
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      Media effectsFilm music and film music theoryPsychological Effects of the MediaFilm Music
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceEthologySociology
The purpose of this study is to discover the effects and factors of binge-watching on interpersonal communication among students from the Department of Communication & Liberal Arts (DCLA) at Sunway University. A total of 12 participants... more
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      CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationFocus Group discussionsMedia effects
As smartphones have become more prevalent in society, so have consequences. Using research from Carr (2010) and Turkle (2015), this study investigated the relationship between smartphones and reflection, mindfulness and hyperactivity. The... more
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderMindfulnessMedia effectsRumination and Self-Reflection
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      Public DiplomacyMass CommunicationMedia effectsPolitical communication
Until J.K. Rowling, Enid Blyton (1897-1968) was the most popular children’s writer of all time. Yet she was also one the most condemned and reviled. Critics dismissed or ignored her books, and librarians and the BBC banned her. Only in... more
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      Reception StudiesSociology of Children and ChildhoodHeritage StudiesChildren's Literature
Dābiq is an electronic magazine (e-zine) utilising strategic utopianism and savagery messages supported by exemplary leadership, eschatology, and current events reports. This project analyses narrative themes present within Dābiq and... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsReligionHistory
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorHistoryEuropean History
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
This essay considers adolescent sexting from a media ecology standpoint, suggesting that in addition to the technologizing of sexuality one must also begin to consider the sexualizing of technological systems.
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCriminologyMedia Sociology
We hypothesize that generic frames influence what news people share on Facebook and Twitter through three different routes: emotions, motivations, and psychological engagement. Using a mixed-methods design, a content analysis of a... more
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      Digital MediaMixed MethodsMedia effectsContent Analysis
The seemingly complex vocabulary, 'pugnacious' is simply defined by the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, as " wanting to start an argument or fight, or expressing an argument or opinion very forcefully ". This is a suitable term... more
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      Youth StudiesMedia effectsYouth ViolenceNollywood
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      Media effectsPolitical communicationMedia Theory
An exploratory content analysis was conducted to examine portrayals of sexual violence in popular Hindi films. Nine films were randomly selected from box office hits (1997–99). The findings suggest that moderate sexual violence is... more
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      PsychologyCommunicationMedia StudiesWomen's Studies
The possible impact of technological advancement on video games' effects-particularly in the case of violent games-has often been discussed but has not been thoroughly explored by empirical research. The present investigation employed a 2... more
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The emergence of the revolutionary movements of the ‘Arab Spring’ surprised the world. The often violent reaction of the ruling regimes in the countries caused moral challenges and geopolitical debates for the Western democracies. In the... more
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      Media effectsMedia FramingFramingFraming and agenda setting research
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      Media effectsMedieval Art, Pilgrimage, Reliquaries
Nesiller boyu farklı insan gruplarına, insan ihtiyaçlarına ve çevresel faktörlere bağlı olarak biçimlenen iletişim, teknolojinin gelişmesi ile kitleselleşmeye ve küreselleşmeye başlamıştır.
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
The work of Japanese novelist Kenji Siratori poses the reader with a contentious question: at what point does literary experimentalism transcend the circumference of literacy? Siratori’s Blood Electric (2002), evokes “the coming to... more
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      Information TheoryJapanese LiteratureAvant-garde writingMedia Ecology