Media effects
Recent papers in Media effects
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are health conditions that cannot be transmitted from one patient to another, and usually manifest a prolonged, persistent, and slow pathology. NCDs are responsible for over 70% of all deaths, with nearly... more
Building on research analyses of Black Lives Matter media portrayals, this inquiry uses a two-wave panel survey to examine the effects news coverage has on the evaluation of the core ideas from the Black Lives Matter social movement... more
O artigo discute as possibilidades de produção de inferências a partir da hipótese de media effects conhecida como Cultivo Mediático e apresenta duas propostas para demonstração de efeitos cultivados pelos Media para serem empregadas em... more
About the journal: Communication Today is a scientific journal from the mass media and marketing communication field. The journal contains professional scientific reflections on the media, media competence; it also offers academic... more
Abstract: Extensive media coverage of a political issue has been shown to influence, or prime, the criteria used to judge overall performance of political leaders. This political priming effect is traditionally explained with network... more
An extensive body of research has already illustrated the myriad ways in which media help form perceptions of various social groups. Theories such as cultivation, stereotype theory, social learning, and social identity theory all discuss... more
Today, people have ample opportunity to engage in selective exposure,
Existing research on which citizens are most and least likely to exhibit media priming effects is inconclusive. Using a content analysis of campaign coverage and public opinion data from the 2006 Canadian election, this study examined the... more
In recent years, theorizing regarding the role and importance of media entertainment in everyday life has garnered much serious attention by media effects scholars. The role of moral judgments, sanctions, and lack thereof, is one such... more
Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002, xi + 222p., Index, $50 hardcover, $24.95 paper.
Obwohl Filmmusik keineswegs mehr ein Randgebiet musikwissenschaftlicher Forschung ist und inzwischen einige Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema vorliegen, fehlte bislang ein Grundlagenwerk zu den Wirkungen von Filmmusik. Dies will das... more
This article reviews research into why people watch television. Christensen (2003) proposes businesses are best understood by looking at the way they help people address their jobs-to-be-done. If new forms of television are more likely to... more
Part of the goal of the International Paralympic Committee is to "touch the heart of all people for a more equitable society" by exposing people to adaptive sports, with the goal of improving public views toward people with disabilities.... more
The growth of the video game medium as an economic force ) and a source of cultural scrutiny (Anderson & Bushman, 2001; has made the study of gaming anything but trite in academic circles.
Günümüzdeki teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte kâğıt üzerindeki imalat resimleri, çizim masasından, üç boyutlu tasarım ile sanal ortama taşınmış, daha fazla görsellik kazanmıştır.
This reflection examines the impact and application of cultivation theory reviewing my experiences. My case as presented in this paper is not violence related and has nothing to do with the mean world syndrome. TV stories and programs has... more
The " CSI effect " is one of the most frequently mentioned yet least understood media effects of the twenty-first century. Despite popular belief in this general media effect, most media scholars continue to refer to the phenomenon as... more
In this essay, we advance the Critical Media Effects (CME) framework as a way of bridging two major subfields of communication that seldom speak to one another: media effects scholarship and critical cultural communication. Critical Media... more
Based on the misinformation from media, consumers usually develop negative perceptions towards milk and other dairy products. This research is designed to explore these perceptions, examine and analyze how they are developed and to what... more
This study focuses on the role of media in facilitating and inhibiting the accessibility of stereotypes primed by race-related news stories. Specifically, it examines experimentally the effects of two strategies for reducing stereotype... more
Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we... more
DIRECT RESPONSE advertising is not only the preserve of marketers without retail distribution. It can be an integral part of communication strategies where the objective is to achieve accountability, customer information or sales leads,... more
Abstract: Two experiments (Ns = 314, 447) were used to evaluate the effectiveness of sexual cues in temporarily increasing young adults’ self-reported sexual permissiveness, as well as the effects of romantic cues in temporarily... more
The continued use of criminal profiling, despite the lack of empirical evidence to support the practice, has been dubbed the Criminal Profiling Illusion. This study applies cultivation theory in an attempt to explain the popular... more
A thorough analysis of the multiple effects of violent entertainment and the flaws in claims of scientific proof of harmful behavioral or psychological effects.
It is common nowadays to hear a lot of statements and assessments about the effects of social media on the public sphere and polarisation. Those kinds of claims about the effects of a new media were also around with the first televised... more
Gender representation in children's film and television entertainment has long been a source of concern for feminist scholars and media commentators. A common complaint is that many programs continue to depict oppressively narrow versions... more
Milestones in Mass Communication Research, 3/1995/e offers an impressive history of mass communication research over the past 60 years and emphasizes media effects. Students of the theoretical side of mass communications, and who are... more