Media and Entertainment Management
Most downloaded papers in Media and Entertainment Management
The title page, table of contents and introductory chapter of the Making Media book (January 2019, Amsterdam University Press).
The title 'Soca mind' suggests two main elements that this dissertation evolves around. 'Soca' represents soca music and soca music industry of Trinidad and Tobago, while 'mind' represents human behaviors, values, attitudes in other... more
The history of Hollywood runs in tandem with the history of technological develop- ment. The inclusion of sound, followed by that of color, along with the need to adapt to new audiovisual media (first television and then video), are... more
Perceptions of media characters are important determinants of the enjoyment of media content, especially with regard to narrative media forms. Affective disposition theory (ADT) states that "enjoyment of media content is a function of a... more
From its very inception, the history of the movie industry has been closely linked to the history of technological development. However, the changes caused by the digital revolution are transforming the film industry in a more fast-paced... more
Along the first century of cinema, the history of the relationship between Europe and Hollywood has been one of ‘love’ and ‘hate’. Nowadays, thanks to the effects of globalization on the film production process —internationalization of... more
This chapter points to the need to augment the broadly humanities based perspective on transmedia with the business and management studies perspectives on transmedia for tackling the growing complexity of the transmedia phenomenon. The... more
Written by leading industry executives from various areas of the audiovisual business, The Audiovisual Management Handbook is an impressive compilation of information explaining the rules of the game in the European audiovisual industry.... more
Media economics in India has been triggered from three quarters: debates in the political economy of media culture; reflections on sectors of media businesses; and, over the last decade, by the flashpoints in media policy. This undulating... more
This book is intended for writers of feature motion pictures, and specifically for writers of original screenplays rather than adaptations from existing literary material. The goal is for the writer to • Sell his or her screenplay; •... more
The past decade has seen a transformation in the way television broadcasters have managed their businesses. This paper examines the theory of ‘dynamic capability’ in two UK television broadcasters, BskyB and ITV, and their attempts to... more
De Nederlandse muziekindustrie bevindt zich op dit moment op een cruciaal punt in de geschiedenis. Door vele eeuwen heen is het vakgebied rondom de publicatie van muzikale werken met veel zorgvuldigheid gestructureerd in de vorm van een... more
Conceptualising the 'market idea' in the Indian media economy
This study has endeavoured to establish how the creation of a music industry (MI) related baccalaureate could transform higher music education (HME) in South Africa (SA) to better prepare graduates for jobs in the MI. The project set out... more
Attraverso le figure dei Super Eroi il percorso dei ragazzi può aprirsi a collegamenti con grandi brani di Storia e Geografia del continente Americano e degli Stati Uniti in particolare, guardando dentro al contrasto (ancora in corso)... more
1. Background. Though there is a prevailed discourse in the problem of government media and private media, both media sectors remain constitute a similar model in their administration as well as the conduction. While government media have... more
Purpose: This article asserts that new, extremely popular modes of media services have arisen during the past 25 years that need to be critically categorized as different from the Mass Media we have known from the Industrial Era. These... more
The Power of Media Algorithms – between Reification and the Market The aim of the article is to identify the power of algorithms interpreted as mythologized and reified culture machines which establish relations in the new media... more
Law Practice Profile on Ivan Parron, Esq.
Explains Jim Nelson's theory of Place Keeping