Media and Entertainment Management
Recent papers in Media and Entertainment Management
De Nederlandse muziekindustrie bevindt zich op dit moment op een cruciaal punt in de geschiedenis. Door vele eeuwen heen is het vakgebied rondom de publicatie van muzikale werken met veel zorgvuldigheid gestructureerd in de vorm van een... more
This book is intended for writers of feature motion pictures, and specifically for writers of original screenplays rather than adaptations from existing literary material. The goal is for the writer to • Sell his or her screenplay; •... more
Media economics in India has been triggered from three quarters: debates in the political economy of media culture; reflections on sectors of media businesses; and, over the last decade, by the flashpoints in media policy. This undulating... more
From its very inception, the history of the movie industry has been closely linked to the history of technological development. However, the changes caused by the digital revolution are transforming the film industry in a more fast-paced... more
The title page, table of contents and introductory chapter of the Making Media book (January 2019, Amsterdam University Press).
Perceptions of media characters are important determinants of the enjoyment of media content, especially with regard to narrative media forms. Affective disposition theory (ADT) states that "enjoyment of media content is a function of a... more
Written by leading industry executives from various areas of the audiovisual business, The Audiovisual Management Handbook is an impressive compilation of information explaining the rules of the game in the European audiovisual industry.... more
The history of Hollywood runs in tandem with the history of technological develop- ment. The inclusion of sound, followed by that of color, along with the need to adapt to new audiovisual media (first television and then video), are... more
This study has endeavoured to establish how the creation of a music industry (MI) related baccalaureate could transform higher music education (HME) in South Africa (SA) to better prepare graduates for jobs in the MI. The project set out... more
The title 'Soca mind' suggests two main elements that this dissertation evolves around. 'Soca' represents soca music and soca music industry of Trinidad and Tobago, while 'mind' represents human behaviors, values, attitudes in other... more
Along the first century of cinema, the history of the relationship between Europe and Hollywood has been one of ‘love’ and ‘hate’. Nowadays, thanks to the effects of globalization on the film production process —internationalization of... more
In the last twenty years, the relationship between media production and places has been a key topic in the field of media studies. Despite that, in the post-lockdown world this relationship still needs to be properly investigated since... more
1. The entertainment industry: a re-introduction 2. The entertainment environment 3. Marketing entertainment 4. Public relations 5. Media principles 6. Managing live entertainment events 7. Management in entertainment organisations 8. HR... more
Purpose: This article asserts that new, extremely popular modes of media services have arisen during the past 25 years that need to be critically categorized as different from the Mass Media we have known from the Industrial Era. These... more
Conceptualising the 'market idea' in the Indian media economy
Attraverso le figure dei Super Eroi il percorso dei ragazzi può aprirsi a collegamenti con grandi brani di Storia e Geografia del continente Americano e degli Stati Uniti in particolare, guardando dentro al contrasto (ancora in corso)... more
Report from 1991 on the position of Dutch pop- and rockmusic on the domestic and foreign market based on marketstatistics, airplay data and a survey among Dutch bands and artists. The projcet was commissioned by the Dutch ministery of... more
1. Background. Though there is a prevailed discourse in the problem of government media and private media, both media sectors remain constitute a similar model in their administration as well as the conduction. While government media have... more
"In the article the main aspects of emergence and formation of the entertaining journalism in Ukraine of the 1920s are considered on the example of the illustrated "UZh" ("Universal Magazine") that was issued in Kharkiv (1928–1929). It is... more
Parodic irony is the risible juxtaposition of opposites in media. Lauded for centuries, Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote (1605 and 1615) exemplifies Iberian “high” culture as a world literature classic. Entrevías / Wrong Side of the... more
Law Practice Profile on Ivan Parron, Esq.
Among the different professional categories related to the film industry, the craft of the producer is probably the less recognised and the most difficult to define. It implies a wide variety of skills and know-how, not only in financing... more
This article seeks to shed new light on our understanding of the work of the film producer, discussing the creative nature of this craft. It does that by searching for answers to two questions: Firstly, up to what point can we talk about... more
We warmly welcome you to participate in an international dialogue essential to journalists, media workers, media scholars, practitioners who are also looking forward to the end of coronavirus pandemic. We want to encourage media... more
This chapter points to the need to augment the broadly humanities based perspective on transmedia with the business and management studies perspectives on transmedia for tackling the growing complexity of the transmedia phenomenon. The... more
The competitive dynamics of many industries have changed considerably over the past decade, and perhaps, none more so than in the Media Industry. Industries have long been examined by researchers from a strategic perspective with various... more
We warmly welcome you to participate in an international dialogue essential to journalists, media workers, media scholars, practitioners who are also looking forward to the end of coronavirus pandemic. We want to encourage media... more
Purpose: This article asserts that new, extremely popular modes of media services have arisen during the past 25 years that need to be critically categorized as different from the Mass Media we have known from the Industrial Era. These... more
The TV industry has traditionally relied on advertising and subscription fees for revenue. Recently, brand extensions and co-branding strategies have been rediscovered as income sources. A prominent example of such a strategy is the TV... more
Business Channel Türk TV stüdyolarında, değerli meslektaşım sevgili Umut Kaya’nın i-MICE Derneği katkıları ile hazırlayıp sunduğu #MICEbusiness programına konuk oldum. Konu tabii ki eksileri artıları ile #EtkinlikYönetimi, sektörün... more
An introductory lecture to MA Media Management students. The lecture evaluates different marketing definitions and how these have changed over time. It also differentiates between Corporate Strategy, Marketing Strategy and Marketing... more
This review examines one educational resource from four different angles. Generically, the resource is electronic text matching tools and more specifically, the most frequently used tool, Turnitin.The first review is from Gill Rowell... more
Following on from The Entertainment Industry: An Introduction, Entertainment Management takes the next step in the development of entertainment as a practice and as an academic subject. Aimed at higher level undergraduates, the book... more
Considerations of promotional materials are increasing, yet there remains a comparative dearth of research in this area, issues of visual aesthetics often overpower considerations of functionality in consumer-producer interaction. This... more