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      Media and Cultural StudiesArchitectural HistorySubjectivity (Identity Politics)Philosophy of the Subject
The female terrorist circulates within contemporary Western culture as an object of fascination and heightened concern. Gender and the Political analyses cultural constructions of the female terrorist, arguing that she operates as a limit... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSex and Gender
Harnessing scholarship focused on literacy and poverty, in this article we aim to complicate the common understanding of the digital divide. First, we argue that the dominant literature on the digital divide misses broader connections... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyLiteracyDigital Divide
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
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      American HistoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesIndigenous Studies
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical EconomyMedia and Cultural StudiesCritical Discourse Studies
La Guerra Civil española es una cuestión sin agotar. Entre sus consecuencias se encuentra el impacto que ésta tuvo en la memoria de varias generaciones. Sin embargo, el estudio de la memoria social y de sus representaciones sobre la... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies
This book illuminates the rhetorical work performed by contemporary representations of a specific type of postfeminist hero who has garnered a lot of cultural capital: women who are smart, capable, physically agile and fit, and proficient... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesRhetoricMedia RhetoricRhetoric and Public Culture
This Special Issue is the first volume in English to focus entirely on this remarkable artist.
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesContemporary Art
This dissertation provides an examination of the cultural significance of mannequins during the interwar years. As women grew increasingly visible outside of domestic roles subsequent to the First World War and emerging... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPhotographyVisual CultureSurrealism
Published by Cognella Academic Publishing (San Diego), ISBN 978-1-7935-2153-8. Previous editions have been adopted at 10 universities and colleges. "Media Environments: Using Movies and Texts to Critique Media and Society" uses popular... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
İletişim olgusu, toplumsal bir varlık olan insan için her dönem önemli bir konuma sahip olmuştur. Tarihin ilk dönemlerinden itibaren doğa ile iç içe yaşayan insan beslenme, barınma ve korunma gibi temel ihtiyaçlarını giderirken iletişim... more
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      Social PsychologyMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
1924 kam Greta Garbo aus Stockholm nach Berlin, um in dem Großfilm der Trianon, DIE ODALISKE VON SMOLNY unter der Regie von Mauritz Stiller mitzuwirken. Kaum weniger spektakulär als der Plot dieses Films war der Skandal, der sich um die... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesMedia HistoryFilm HistoryMedia Distribution
In diesem Buch wird erstmals der Stellenwert der audiovisuellen Medien für die Herstellung und Popularisierung von Wissen aufgezeigt. Der historische Rahmen der Studie erstreckt sich dabei von den kinematographischen Bewegungsstudien in... more
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      EpistemologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
This book chapter, published as part of the edited volume "Empirical Comics Research (Routledge, 2018), puts forward a quantitative approach to the study of comics by introducing a stylistic analysis of a corpus of around 240 graphic... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Humanities
Making News at The New York Times is the first in-depth portrait of the nation’s, if not the world's, premier newspaper in the digital age. It presents a lively chronicle of months spent in the newsroom observing daily conversations,... more
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      SociologyMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society." -- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
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      Media and Cultural StudiesHistory of SexualityStoria SocialeAnni Settanta
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese publikation in der Deutschen NationaJbibliografie, detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. Das süerk ist einsctriießlich aller seiner Teire... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesNationalismRomanian StudiesNational Identity
Si è cercato, attraverso l’analisi delle interviste contenute all’interno della Notte della Repubblica, non solo di analizzare le risposte alle domande che un Paese intero ha posto ai terroristi attraverso la voce di Zavoli, ma anche di... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesContemporary HistoryJournalism And Mass communication
ABSTRACT How does information become power, who gains and who loses, and what are the implications of this process? As much of the information we produce today is available to very few global companies and governments it is crucial to... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInformation TechnologyMedia and Cultural StudiesPersonalization
The article discusses the production of live television formats, as they have developed in Europe during the past decade. The analytical examples are taken from entertainment as well as factual television, and from public service as well... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesNarrative
The focus of this comparative, pan-Iberian study is on the negotiation of identity and hybrid cultural production in early twenty-first-century Spain and Portugal. I identify here two subgenres of indie and electronic music scenes and... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyMedia and Cultural Studies
The book focuses on the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation and wars that followed viewed through the comic art in the local and international press. War propaganda and political discourse are examined and placed in the larger historical... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesBalkan StudiesInternational SecurityKosovo
"Le basi teoriche della Sociosemiotica e le sue applicazioni nell'analisi di film, programmi e canali televisivi, pubblicità e opere di videoarte. Sociosemiotics theories and their application to the analysis of films, tv programmes... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
The article discusses the production of live television formats, as they have developed in Europe during the past decade. The analytical examples are taken from entertainment as well as factual television, and from public service as well... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesNarrative Theory
Millions of people around the world today use digital tools and platforms to create and share sophisticated cultural artifacts. This book focuses on one such platform: Instagram. It places Instagram image culture within a rich cultural... more
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      Art HistoryMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital HumanitiesPhotography
A relação entre a política e a mídia sempre foi muito intensa. E, ao que tudo indica, a tensão entre ambos será cada vez maior, uma vez que a mídia ocupa um espaço mais significativo e passa a exercer um papel protagonista neste processo,... more
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      CommunicationMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalismMass media
Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionCultural HistorySociology
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
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      MarketingSociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
Before the former Yugoslavia was divided by wars, its inhabitants successfully lived side by side in peace. This collection seeks to explain how former neighbors became enemies, with the hope that understanding what drove these peoples... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Media and Cultural StudiesComics StudiesKosovo
C’è almeno un aspetto della generale prassi antagonista esercitata dal movimento autonomo italiano degli anni settanta che, ancora oggi, meriterebbe un’attenzione critica svincolata dal ricorrente discorso sui cosiddetti anni di piombo,... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
In this article we use the challenge of working with a set of one million manga pages to motivate the need for a computational approach for the exploration of collections of such size, and to explain our particular method that combines... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Humanities
Call for Papers: Representation of race, ethnicity and culture in digital games Asia Pacific Media Educator (Volume 26:1, June 2016) will explore the issues of race, cultural diversity, cross-cultural representations and... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesMulticulturalismMedia Studies
This collection of essays examines the relationship between the media and cosmopolitanism in an increasingly fragmented and globalizing world. This relationship is presented from multiple perspectives and the essays cover, amongst other... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanism
European Television History brings together television historians and media scholars to chart the development of television in Europe since its inception. The volume interrogates the history of the medium in divergent political, economic,... more
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      European HistoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies
The rise of Boys’ Love (BL) TV series in Thailand over the past decade has sparked critical attention from both academics and journalists alike. Rather than rehashing the trajectory of this development, we analyze Thai popular culture as... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesThai StudiesCultural Politics
Football is the most popular sport in Zimbabwe and across the globe. It has been asserted elsewhere that the game is not limited to scoring goals on the pitch but that this also occurs in politics and power struggles. This study explores... more
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    • Media and Cultural Studies
Cultural examinations focusing on the spheres of the Fine Arts and popular media forms – within sociology, gender studies and cultural studies – have primarily focused on how gender roles affect the ability to fully participate in all... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesFeminist SociologyGender Studies
This paper is mainly focused on the ways by which "communication" notion is reflected in Indian dance presenting it as an aspect of Indian society and a unique cultural and communicational phenomenon.
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인지자본주의 비판 기말 텀 페이퍼.
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCognitive Capitalism
Longtemps cantonnée au changement de sexe, la question trans est aujourd’hui abordée comme changement de genre au sein des disciplines ouvertes aux études de genre dans un renouvellement et un enrichissement du champ épistémique. Cette... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesMedia Studies
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I... more
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      EducationMedia and Cultural StudiesLibrary SciencePublic Libraries
Review of T'ai Smith's Bauhaus Weaving Theory in The Journal of Modern Craft.
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryMedia and Cultural StudiesDesign
This study investigates the perceptions of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) students and professional journalists regarding the quality of curriculum and training sessions that they received at the University and afterwards by looking at... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesNew Media and EducationJournalism EducationEconomic and Business Journalism
La relación entre los medios sociales y la participación política de los jóvenes en diferentes contextos, ha sido materia de estudio en la academia durante la última década. Con el objetivo de examinar si en efecto existía un cambio en... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPolitical ParticipationSocial SciencesPolitical Science
Sewing Reality: Fashion in Non-fiction Media University of Bedfordshire, Luton Campus, UK 9th June 2018 As two distinct art forms, fashion and film have flirted with each other in symbiotic relationships since the dawn of the medium:... more
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      SociologyMedia and Cultural StudiesSelf and IdentityFashion Theory
We argue that the continued growth of the Internet, both as a form of mainstream media and as a tool for organizing democratic social interactions, requires that Internet politics be retheorized from a standpoint that is both critical and... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies