Media Sport
Recent papers in Media Sport
Este artículo se propone revelar, a través del análisis crítico del discurso, cómo se construyó la figura del futbolista Paolo Guerrero en los textos periodísticos deportivos como nuevo héroe nacional capaz de encarnar un valor... more
This study examined effects of the sex of sports writers on the framing of athletes in print-media coverage of intercollegiate men’s and women’s basketball tournaments. The number of articles by female and male authors and the frames used... more
Modern Olympic Games are a global sporting, media and commercial event that brings together top athletes and attracts millions of viewers. It can be said that their planetary dimension was obtained thanks to high‐quality communication... more
This study examined content differences in the framing of men’s and women’s tennis coverage based on the sex of sports writers. Articles on the 2007 U.S. Open in six popular Internet sites and newspapers were examined. Results showed both... more
This study examined print-media portrayals of women’s and men’s basketball teams, players, and coaches during the 2006 NCAA Division I tournaments. Drawing principally from Gramsci’s hegemony theory and Connell’s theory of gender power... more
Media Sport Stars considers how masculinity and male identity are represented through images of sport and sport stars. From the pre-radio era to today's specialist TV channels, newspaper supplements and websites, Garry Whannel traces the... more
ABSTRACT Berame, J. P. (2014). Of Pain and Penises: Deconstructing Hegemonic Masculinity in the Ultimate Fighting Championship Fights. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication. The... more
Part 1: The Politics of Sport 1. Introduction 2. The Complete Original Text of Blowing the Whistle: The Politics of Sport 3. Profiting by the Presence of Ideals: Sponsorship and Olympism 4. Sport and Popular Culture: The Temporary Triumph... more
Little is known of Internet sport bloggers, who increasingly are becoming important cogs in sport journalism. In this phenomenology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with highly prominent sport bloggers. All were recorded,... more
With global media attention and a global reach, mega-sporting events play a crucial role in sports communication. Although the audience of these events has traditionally been overwhelmingly male, in recent years they have attracted an... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el tratamiento informativo de la prensa deportiva con respecto a la construcción de la identidad nacional peruana en el contexto de una derrota deportiva en una competición internacional. La forma... more
The purpose of this article is to analyse Jens Lind's hour-long documentary film The Sunshine Olympics 1912 from a mythical-religious perspective, and show its underlying myth of creation. This perspective is inspired by Mircea Eliade's... more
Sport played a significant part in the growth of television, especially during its emergence as a dominant global medium between 1960 and 1980. In turn, television, together with commercial sponsorship, transformed sport, bringing it... more
Research falling under the broad field of sport communication has become commonplace in academic scholarship over the past 30 years. Scholars in fields such as journalism, communication, communication studies, sport studies, sport... more
A total of 1025 respondents from the USA and Germany were asked questions about Olympic media consumption, fan involvement, and nationalized feelings over four data collection points before, during, and after the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic... more
While much research has examined the composition of sport media and those charged with constructing it, namely sport journalists and editors, far less has explored an essential set of actors in the construction of news: sources. This... more
""This collaborative study (an introduction to the collection Sport, Representation, and Evolving Identities in Europe) is intended to contribute to the ongoing elucidation of the role of sport in the processes of identity construction in... more
Television viewers attend to sports programs primarily to gain emotional rewards. As not only wins but also defeats are inherently rooted in sport competitions, television viewers can be positively as well as negatively affected in their... more
Dans cet article, il s'agit de s'interroger sur l'implication des acteurs médiatiques lors du match qualificatif au mondial (2010) entre l'Algérie et son adversaire traditionnel. La recherche porte sur la transformation d'une rencontre... more
The objective of this article is to improve the understanding of mood and judgment effects evoked by major televised sport events like national football matches. According to disposition theory of sport spectatorship, viewers' affective... more
In this phenomenology, interviews were conducted with former newspaper reporters now working for prominent Internet sports sites. Krumboltz’s (2008) Planned Happenstance Learning Theory on career development was used as a guiding... more
"Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie o etapy i charakter ewolucji relacji między sportem i mediami. Analiza obejmuje trzy wyodrębnione typy mediatyzacji sportu: rynkową, społeczną i prywatną. Prezentację badań z wykorzystaniem... more