Media Impact
Recent papers in Media Impact
The social learning theory emphasises that the model giving or guiding has always been one of the most powerful means for transmitting values, for demonstrating and accentuating the expected attitudes, habits, thinking and behaviour... more
The aim of this paper is to propose a corrective of moral panic theory by introducing a concept of polarizing moral panics. We believe that the significant social and technological changes that have occurred since the 1970s have made the... more
This essay aims to argue that the Arab revolts were affected by results of globalisation, and in themselves were another process to be integrated into globalisation.
Cinema has such a special power to captivate audiences from different communities through both vision and hearing concurrently. It is known to be a significant form of art, a source of popular entertainment and an influential platform for... more
With the passage of time as the technology got advanced, media influence has also increased to a large scale. Presently, media to a great extent forms our opinions and shapes our attitudes about everything from saas-bahu sagas to... more
""This is the first analysis of Gandhi’s dressing style in terms of communication theory and an exploration of the subliminal messages that were subtly communicated to large audience. Peter Gonsalves chooses three famous theorists from... more
Positive Media Psychology is a specialized area of media psychology based on the theories and constructs of positive psychology. Its purpose is to explore the potential of media technologies to support human flourishing through research... more
There are various medium of communication like electronic media, print media, internet and mobile communications. Present study focuses on electronic media and its impact on society-changing value system in Pakistan. It also tries to... more
Considering the prominence of TV as a visual medium, this study sought to know the influence of media imperialism and the claim that it has affected and undermined local Nigerian norms and values. It specifically examines the influence of... more
Статья посвящена такому феномену, как медиаобраз политического лидера. Рассматриваются взаимосвязанные с ним понятия «образ» и «имидж». Обозначается, что данные понятия в медийном дискурсе подразумевают под собой разные феномены,... more
In this era, technology rises rapidly with the concerns that come along with itself. One of the main issues that have been raised is the impact of media on society. In the case of media, society cannot be held separately because the main... more
Es passierte, während ich an dem Vorwort zu Innis' Empire and Communications arbeitete, daß ich die größte Entdeckung meines Lebens gemacht habe. Kurz gesagt besteht die Entdeckung in folgendem: 2.500 Jahre lang haben die Philosophen der... more
The Norman Lear Center is a nonpartisan research and public policy center that studies the social, political, economic and cultural impact of entertainment on the world. The Lear Center translates its findings into action through... more
Tintas. Quaderni di letterature iberiche e iberoamericane, 2 (2012), pp. 310-312. issn: 2240-5437. Tintas. Quaderni di letterature iberiche e iberoamericane, 2 (2012), pp. 310-312. issn: 2240-5437.... more
The higher education system of India is the 3rd largest in the world. It is primarily governed by the University Grants Commission which enforces its standards, advises the government, and helps coordinate between the centre and the... more
In this article, I examine the role of journalists during Euromaidan in November 2013–February 2014. The conceptualization of a specific case of power, the media power (found in works by Bolin, Couldry, Curran, Hjarvard, Mancini, Zelizer,... more
U.S. and China both are the separate media entities. China being a completely isolated country with firewalls placed around every domain that can be reached from across the border denies any international interference. The U.S. media is... more
New media refer to on-demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. Yet another important promise of new... more
The negative implications of children’s use of the Internet, particularly their loss of innocence through access to pornography, is a topic frequently addressed in public discussions and debate. These debates often take on a... more
This paper aims to establish a direct link between media content and its impact on the perception of physical attributes of a person. It explores the source of origin for the perception that surrounds body types that are viewed as... more
Collaboration, once considered radical in journalism, an industry characterized by stiff competition, has become a commonly accepted practice with many examples in the nonprofit, commercial, and public media sectors across the globe.... more
Вивчення реакції аудиторії на медіаконтент є одним із найнагальніших практичних питань і ме-тодологічних викликів, які стоять перед фахівцями з медіааналітики. Метою нашого досліджен-ня є з'ясування, які дані про аудиторію новини можна... more
The goal of the research is to develop a method for measuring topical social information impact on active people through monitoring the dynamics of social networks users interaction. We introduced the concept of interactive potential... more
Il nuovo articolo di Giulio Sodano, ora online su
Спроби узагальнення теорій медійних впливів та формування певного єдиного погляду на них робилися науковцями неодноразово, з тих пір, як орієнтовно у 1980-х роках сформувалася значна кількість наукових шкіл, що опікувалися зазначеними... more
A l'heure où les médias ont une place centrale dans notre société et qu'ils sont également un sujet de controverse récurrent, il est intéressant d'analyser leur véritable impact et leur rapport avec les évènements publics. Beaucoup... more