Media Communication Technologies
Recent papers in Media Communication Technologies
This article draws upon the author's experience teaching first-year college students to theorize the interrelationships between popular culture, media technologies and cultural practice. The course confronts key habitual beliefs about... more
"Jelen könyv egyik legfontosabb hozadéka éppen abban rejlik, hogy képes összefüggésükben, egymáshoz fűződő kapcsolatukban láttatni a média szabályozásának különböző – technológiai és gazdasági, társadalmi-kulturális és jogi – aspektusait.... more
Online availability of information creates new ways of communication. This provides a variety of ways for users to interact, though chat, messaging email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging and discussing groups. The social... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
Türkiye deneyimi bağlamında teknoloji ve medya ilişkisi.
ürkiye'de 1980'li yıllar, basım teknolojisi açısından önemeli gelişmelere tanıklık etmiştir. Çeşitli avantajlar sağlayan yeni matbaa teknolojilerinin yanı sıra, bilgisayar olanaklarının da tasarım ve basım işinde alabildiğine etkin... more
Traditional hard law tools and processes are struggling to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation in many emerging technologies sectors. As a result, policymakers in the United States rely increasingly on less formal “soft law”... more
In a comprehensive approach, this research focuses on the evolution of the practices and the journalistic representations in a multimedia environment. It is based on an ethnographic method including 56 days of observation and the analysis... more
The question of how and why people adopt technologies is an area that has received great scrutiny, but less attention is given to those who willingly choose to avoid particular technologies. This article considers current models of... more
de los mismos acontecimientos en las tres emisoras es una constante. Los temas más referidos y que ocupan más tiempo en la televisión son los que pueden contribuir a crear una visión sesgada del mundo (Gerbner, 1976). Pero, al estudiar... more
This essay considers adolescent sexting from a media ecology standpoint, suggesting that in addition to the technologizing of sexuality one must also begin to consider the sexualizing of technological systems.
This paper is a thesis chapter that explores "age" as a social construction in newspaper media representations of professional football and tennis. Mediated sport discourses of international, professional sport may be viewed as cultural... more
The assimilation and interaction between television and the Internet has grown significantly in recent years, boosting the penetration of the connected and hybrid television, until the HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV) standard... more
Informal communities of Russian artists and intellectuals during the late Soviet years practiced a “politics of indistinction.” They claimed to be uninterested in anything political and differentiated themselves from ordinary “Soviet... more
In this feature article two DIY (do-it-yourself) film projects are examined from perspectives of resemiosis (transformations in meaning-making) and the textual production practices of contemporary multimedia authorship. These practices... more
O artigo reflete uma investigação preliminar sobre a utilização das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação – especialmente aquelas ligadas à internet – pelas emissoras FM comerciais paulistanas. O objetivo principal é mostrar em... more
Oral history narrations give a detailed account of how social change actually happened. Subscribing to a holistic view, this paper pursues the directions of the historical changes in the Turkish media ecosystem since 1980's through the... more
Resumo A inclusão da fonte visual (fotografia e vídeo) no jornalismo digital está ganhando importância na área da multimídia. Os recursos principais da imprensa digital são a multimídia, o hipertexto e a interatividade. A multimídia está... more
Se describen aquí las aplicaciones innovadoras de blockchain para la gobernanza y otros modelos económicos, de cara al emprendimiento social en la resolución de problemas de ámbito local, dentro de las iniciativas de la colaboración... more
Кошелюк О. Комунікативний психоаналіз як медіатехнологія // Держава та регіони. Серія : соціальні комунікації. – 2013. - № 2. – С.16-20. Summary The article is devoted to particularities of using the concepological sphere of communicative... more
Социальная адаптация детей-сирот должна носить интегрированный характер. А именно, предусматривать не только прямое воздействие на ребенка, которого следует ввести в общество, закрепив в его позиции соответствующие социально-культурные... more
Liberationist theologies gave rise to a re-emphasise on Christian life as being primarily historical life, and Christian spirituality as rooted in faithful and honest attention to the immediacy of historical reality. But for many people... more
O artigo faz uma revisão de estudos e uma breve reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento da linguagem radiofônica até os dias atuais e a tensão que o rádio sofre com a internet. Parte da premissa que as principais características da linguagem... more
Oral history narrations give a detailed account of how social change actually happened. Subscribing to a holistic view, this paper pursues the directions of the historical changes in the Turkish media ecosystem since 1980’s through the... more
Abstrakt: Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie mediatyzacji życia codziennego młodych użytkowników, która odbywa się dzięki stosowaniu smartfonów. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono podstawową teorię medioznawczą dotyczącą... more
""Pedram Khosronejad's Lion Tombstones among Bakhtiari Pastoral Nomads in South West Iran is to be greatly welcomed. This study brings together anthropology, religion, popular culture, and history in its focus on Bakhtiari lion... more
This mixed-methods study explores the impact of potential linguistic, technical and educational hegemonies on the learning outcomes for English language students in Palestine, Jordan and Italy involved in a telecollaboration project. The... more
Included in the University of Northampton's submission to the 2014 Research Excellence Framework and graded as being of a 'quality that is recognised internationally in terms of originality, significance, and rigour' by our external at... more
The study analyses the approach of media students to different new media platforms and the way they use these platforms. It aims to analyse how seriously students approach new media facilities by applying a methodology which is a mix of... more
This qualitative study explores the impact of potential linguistic, technical and educational hegemonies on the learning outcomes for English language students in Hebron, Palestine, and Padova, Italy, who were involved in the Soliya... more
In this feature article two DIY (do-it-yourself) film projects are examined from perspectives of resemiosis (transformations in meaning-making) and the textual production practices of contemporary multimedia authorship. These practices... more
Resumen: La publicidad es de momento la principal fuente de ingresos para el periodismo digital. La cruzada de los grandes grupos multimedia por establecer muros de pago, en diversas modalidades, no es incompatible con el hecho de que los... more
The internet has empowered a large number of users to blog on whatever subject they like through remarks, articles, ideas, dialogues and interactive comments supported by other content. Web pages have granted people access to a private... more
Los barómetros del CIS muestran que el paro, la economía, la clase política o la corrupción se consideraban como los principales problemas del país. Antes del 20N, para el 39,2% de los ciudadanos la política producía desconfianza. Pero... more
This qualitative study explores the impact of potential linguistic, technical and educational hegemonies on the learning outcomes for English language students in Hebron, Palestine, and Padova, Italy, who were involved in the Soliya... more
In a comprehensive approach, this research focuses on the evolution of the practices and the journalistic representations in a multimedia environment. It is based on an ethnographic method including 56 days of observation and the analysis... more