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numediart is a long-term research program centered on Digital Media Arts. Its main goal is to foster the development of new media technologies through digital performances and installations, in connection with local companies and... more
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    • Media Art Technology
Politics, Theatre and technology
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      New Media Performance and InstallationArt and technologyMedia Art TechnologyPerforming Arts and Interactive Media
This bibliographic article gives an Introduction to the field of media aesthetics, refers to General Overviews, Journals, and Book Series. It outlines the Background for media aesthetics in terms of History and Theory, explicates Basic... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia Arts
Özet İnsan doğduğu andan itibaren süregelen yıllarda teknoloji ile etkileşim içinde olmuş kendini teknolojinin bir parçası haline getirmesine ve teknolojiye uyum göstererek yaşamasına zemin hazırlamıştır. Çağlar boyunca değiştirme,... more
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      TechnologyTechnocultureContemporary ArtTechnology And Culture
Establishing an archival strategy for digital artwork is key in preserving our digital heritage, safeguarding knowledge and stimulating future creative inquiry. NEoN (North East of North) uses a festival platform to disseminate its aim of... more
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      Digital MediaContemporary ArtDigital ArchivesNew Media Art
Fingerprint is an interdisciplinary project, involving art history, art technical research, digital imaging, image processing, conservation science and collection and data management. The aim is to use advanced digital imaging,... more
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      Image ProcessingPhotographyBook and Paper ConservationDrawings and Prints
Cover back: Due to the incessant and fast-paced upgrades internet is subject to, many web-based art projects risk digital oblivion. Ideasonair by Chiara Passa sets out to be a restoration project of a net artwork that for seven years... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophyArt TheoryContemporary Art
FINGERPRINT (Innovative Visual Data Management for Drawings and Prints) is an interdisciplinary project, involving art history, art technical research, digital imaging, image processing, conservation science and collection and data... more
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      Image ProcessingPhotographyBook and Paper ConservationPrinting History
Bibliografia de l libro La scena Digitale. Nuovi media per la danza, Venezia, Marsilio, 2001
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesEducational Technology
Este trabalho analisa o conceito de commons digital, originado no campo da cibercultura, no contexto de ações artísticas produzidas nos últimos anos na cidade de São Paulo. Valendome principalmente das teorias de Antonio Negri, Nicolas... more
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      ArtPublic ArtArt and technologyFree Culture
Establishing an archival strategy for digital artwork is key in preserving our digital heritage, safeguarding knowledge and stimulating future creative inquiry. NEoN (North East of North) uses a festival platform to disseminate its aim of... more
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      Digital MediaContemporary ArtDigital ArchivesNew Media Art