Due to rapid increasing in population human demands are also increases. So to fulfill all the human requirements various forms of energy should utilizes up to its optimum limit. But our technology is not so advance to utilize whole amount... more
The present development on the automotive engines on reducing size and increasing greater fuel efficiency, and less emissions took the researchers to several challenges in turbocharger rotor system. However, the challenge towards the... more
Thermo-mechanical model of the mantle wedge between the base of the overlying Scythian lithospheric plate and the upper surface of the Black Sea micro-plate subducting under the Scythian one with a velocity V at an angle β is obtained for... more
In Arc welding heat is transferred to the joint by an electrode. During manual metal Arc Welding this heat is transferred by melting the electrode. The stresses generated in welded plate are due to temperature raise and can be simple and... more
The study of peristaltic flow of an incompressible non-Newtonian Prandtl fluid model has been explained in three dimensional rectangular channels. All the corresponding equations have been derived in three dimensional coordinate system.... more
A vertical launch missile requires to be turned towards the Predicted Interception Point (PIP) with the target within few seconds from the launch. The autopilot used for the same requires the error in Euler Angles between the missile and... more
Thermo-mechanical model of the mantle wedge between the base of the overlying Scythian lithospheric plate and the upper surface of the Black Sea micro-plate subducting under the Scythian one with a velocity V at an angle β is obtained for... more
The present study is on the development of friction stir welding (FSW) of commercial grade Al-alloy to study the mechanical and microstructural properties. The proposed research will include experiments related to the effect of FSW... more
The present study is on the development of friction stir welding (FSW) of commercial grade Al-alloy to study the mechanical and microstructural properties. The proposed research will include experiments related to the effect of FSW... more
Flexure bearing is a new concept and used for precision applications such as Programmable focusing mechanism (PFM), linear compressor etc. These bearings are compact and inexpensive. A flexure bearing is designed for specific... more
Designing an automated car jack involves creating a device that can efficiently and safely lift a vehicle with minimal human intervention. The key considerations for such a design include user safety, ease of use, reliability, durability,... more
Reinforced concrete is affected by chloride corrosion and the original mass of the steel reinforcement is reduced thus endangering the integrity and lifetime of the structure. An experimental study was conducted on BSt500s steel which... more
The present development on the automotive engines on reducing size and increasing greater fuel efficiency, and less emissions took the researchers to several challenges in turbocharger rotor system. However, the challenge towards the... more
The development of high-performance thermal systems has increased interest in heat transfer enhancement techniques. The high thermal performance enhancement of heat exchanger systems is needed to use energy source efficiently due to the... more
The second order rotatory theory of hydrodynamic lubrication was founded on the expression obtained by retaining the terms containing first and second powers of rotation number in the extended generalized Reynolds equation. In the present... more
The heat generation/absorption effects in a Maxwell fluid over a stretching surface with variable thickness embedded in a porous medium is considered. The nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into nonlinear ordinary... more
The performance of a pulse suppressor, currently used to alleviate pump-induced noise in automotive power steering systems, was characterized in this research. A hydraulic test system was developed to evaluate the noise attenuation... more
The performance of a pulse suppressor, currently used to alleviate pump-induced noise in automotive power steering systems, was characterized in this research. A hydraulic test system was developed to evaluate the noise attenuation... more
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is one of the most commonly used High Performance Polymers (HPP) although its high temperature performance is poor. In this study, polybenzimidazole (PBI), a HPP with one of the highest glass transition... more
The present study analyzes the effect of pressure dam depth and relief track depth on the performance of three-lobe pressure dam bearing. Different values of dam depth and relief track depth are taken in nondimensional form in order to... more
In some specialized applications, plain circular bearing is mostly replaced by some other bearings, as plain bearing does not suit the stability requirements of high-speed machines and precision machine tools. Grooved circular bearings... more
Aluminium matrix composites reinforced with boron carbide are currently employed in the nuclear industry. Homogeneity is the main problem of these composites. The objective of this work is to acquire in-depth knowledge of the Al-B 4 C... more
Solar Cooling Technologies Classification Solar Cooling technologies can be classified in three main categories: solar electrical, thermal and combined power/cooling cycles as illustrated in Figure 1. Solar Cooling System and Application... more
Solar Cooling Technologies Classification Solar Cooling technologies can be classified in three main categories: solar electrical, thermal and combined power/cooling cycles as illustrated in Figure 1. Solar Cooling System and Application... more
The objective of this paper is to present 3-D numerical and experimental study of the effect of blade angle on the cavitation phenomenon. The numerical computation in cavitating flow carried out using the Navier-Stokes code (CFD-ACE+... more
Analysis of viscoelastic material can be done through ansys multi physics software. For modelling viscoelastic materials, prony series coefficients had been generated from the stress relaxation data (shear modulus vs. time) using prony... more
The influence of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) – polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) on the interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon fiber reinforced composites (CFRP) is investigated in this study. Baseline composite material is... more
This research paper demonstrates the importance of Parabolic Solar Cooker both for developing countries and for refugee camps. This cooker's main purpose was to concentrate the solar radiation and convert it to heat using different... more
The influence of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) – polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) on the interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon fiber reinforced composites (CFRP) is investigated in this study. Baseline composite material is... more
This paper presents a new application framework for aerodynamics-based shape optimization of passenger cars. The rear geometry of a passenger car is the focus of this study due to its significant influence on the aerodynamic... more
Applications such as in defense sector, manufacturing of grenade fuse required angular holes on fuse body, producing holes in turbine blades for the aerospace industry, generating micro-holes in diesel fuel injection nozzles etc requires... more
This paper analyses the effects of varying air-fuel ratio on the performance of a theoretical Diesel cycle under a temperature restriction as maximum. Amount of heat addition at constant pressure is defined as a function of fuel's energy... more
The present research work shows the simulation of the gated flow over an ogee crested spillway for one of water reservoir. The average velocities and Froude Number analysis at various gate openings gives a better insight of flow behavior.... more
Experiments and simulations performed in the framework of accelerated-life tests of wet friction clutches reveal that with the progression of degradation of clutches, the transmitted power decreases together with a change in the energy... more
J ou rnal of A p p li e d Me cha n ic a l E n gi neerin g
This research paper demonstrates the importance of Parabolic Solar Cooker both for developing countries and for refugee camps. This cooker's main purpose was to concentrate the solar radiation and convert it to heat using different... more
Many companies have already been replacing components of their products with materials offering low-cost, weight-reduction options and also to supplement their green footprint on environment. This paper gives a systems approach to the... more
Small wind turbine has great role in rural and remote areas in which the electric accesses from the grid is difficult. In this paper, horizontal axis wind turbine blade which has capacity of 5 kW was designed and verified with the help of... more
A new model for turbulent flame velocity of premixed flame in spark ignition engine for Iso-octane air mixture has been developed and validated for a wide range of engine operating parameters. The model developed is a zero dimensional... more
Part 2 of this study illustrates the applications of the frequency domain force model put forth in Part 1 for three common helical cutters: the square, taper, and ball end mills. The respective geometric and boundary functions required... more
The permeability of sinter mix is one of the vital parameters that affect the performance of sintering process. The amount of water added in the granulation drum has a significant effect on the permeability of the sinter bed and sinter... more
The using of nanotechnology in the welding process has great importance in developing the mechanical properties of welding joints for metals. This paper investigated the effect of addition TiO 2 NPs to welding joints to improving the... more
Global economic and social development has led to the growth in demand for electrical power. Gas turbines play an essential role in many societies, and as the requirements for power generation increase, the power output and thermal... more
Small wind turbine has great role in rural and remote areas in which the electric accesses from the grid is difficult. In this paper, horizontal axis wind turbine blade which has capacity of 5 kW was designed and verified with the help of... more
In this paper, variational iteration (VIM) and parametrized perturbation (PPM) methods have been used to investigate non-linear vibration of Euler-Bernoulli beams subjected to the axial loads. The proposed methods do not require small... more
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering J o u rn al of A p p li e d Mechan ic a l E n gineerin g
Railway system in India plays a vital role in transportation. The demand of prolong service life and reliability of the various component are always considered as critical issue. The component of the study has been obtained from the... more
J ou rnal of A p p li e d Me cha n ic a l E n gi neerin g