Recent papers in Mechanical
K16 motor domain. The crystal structure revealed that the length of the loop L5 was much shorter than that of conventional kinesin. Therefore, the novel conformation of the L5 of K16 may determine the unique enzymatic properties.... more
We have studied the phonon specific heat in single-layer, bilayer and twisted bilayer graphene. The calculations were performed using the Born-von Karman model of lattice dynamics for intralayer atomic interactions and spherically... more
We theoretically investigated phonon dispersion and specific heat in twisted bilayer graphene with various rotation angles. It was found that rotation affects the out-of-plane acoustic phonon modes the most. It was established, that the... more
Ben cana alam , kecelakaan lalu-lintas dan penuaan dapat menjadi penyebab tulang patah (bone fracture) dan keropos tulang . Salah satu teknik penyembuhan tulang yang rusak (bone defect) adalah dengan mengimplankan struktur tulang buatan... more
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2018
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017960930
© The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2018
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017960930
© The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2018
Tapered cantilever beams, traditionally termed as leaf springs, undergo much larger deflections in comparison to a beam of constant cross-section that takes their study in the domain of geometric nonlinearity. This paper studies response... more
This paper presents the design, development, and construction of an automated cane and bottle crusher. The primary objective is to create a portable and compact machine that can crush bottles and cans, facilitating recycling while... more
Clinical treatments of skeletal muscle weakness are hindered by a lack of an approach to evaluate individual muscle force. Intramuscular pressure (IMP) has shown a correlation to muscle force in vivo, but patient to patient and muscle to... more
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In this study a modified version of the Conditional Source Estimation (CSE) model has been developed. It is assessed on a diffusion flame (SANDIA Flame D) and a 1m diameter methane pool fire. In both cases it has been found that mean mass... more
In combustion applications, the weighted-sum-of-grey-gases (WSGG) model is widely used because it is computationally efficient, but it often yields relatively large errors. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of radiation... more
The eddy dissipation concept (EDC) for turbulent combustion modeling was originally proposed by Magnussen in the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) context. This study has extended it to the large eddy simulation (LES) framework.... more
Numerical simulations are carried out for a highly under-expanded hydrogen jet resulting from an accidental release of high-pressure hydrogen into the atmospheric environment. The predictions are made using two independent CFD codes,... more
A possible consequence of pressurized hydrogen release is an under-expanded jet fire. Knowledge of the flame length, radiative heat flux and fraction as well as the effects of variations in ground reflectance is important for safety... more
The discrete ordinates and finite volume methods used in most fire simulations codes for radiative transfer calculations suffer from high computing overheads. A procedure based on two-step iterative method is suggested to simplify... more
The aim, herein, was to prove that the analysis of the stress concentration phenomenon with simulation methods provides results that fit those obtained experimentally, thus, corroborating that simulation is a powerful tool that minimizes... more
Orthopedic implants require porosity gradients to achieve tissue integration and mechanical support. This study presents a novel design of Multidirectional Functionally Graded (MDFG) porous Ti6Al4V scaffolds, fabricated via Laser Powder... more
An operating mechanic system can experience excessive vibrations if the forces acting in this system close to the natural frequency. Excessive vibration can cause damage, so it needs to be reduced. One of the ways to reduce excessive... more
Cyclic stretch is an important inducer of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation, which is crucial in vascular remodeling during hypertension. However, the molecular mechanism remains unclear. We studied the effects of emerin... more
Ti-Si-C-ON films were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering using different partial pressure of oxygen (p O2 ) and nitrogen (p N2 ) ratio. Compositional analysis revealed the existence of two different growth zones for the films;... more
Pengawetan makanan merupakan salah satu hal penting dalam menanggulangi kelangkaan pangan. Hal ini disebabkan karena teknologi pengawetan makanan dapat memberikan dampak besar terhadap penyimpanan makanan. Salah satu produk yang paling... more
Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) adalah tanaman hutan yang mempunyai potensi besar sebagai bioenergi. Biji nyamplung diolah menjadi minyak (biofuel). Pengolahan ini, menghasilkan limbah berupa bungkil nyamplung (press cake). Serat kasar... more
The synthesis of natural silica-based mesoporous silica is continuously being carried out, especially to obtain silica with high crystallinity and larger pores from high water absorption. In this study, the synthesis of mesoporous silica... more
We investigated the effects of operator-applied force on diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) by integrating a force transducer into the handheld probe. Over the typical range of contact forces measured in the breasts of eight patients,... more
The primary objective of the study is to analyse the aerodynamic loads exerted on the cooling tower through wind analysis. This examination aims to comprehend the impact of aerodynamic forces on the structural integrity and stability of... more
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Force measurement results from this study have revealed that the degree of performance enhancement possible for an airfoil with tubercles is not significantly influenced by three-dimensional effects at Reynolds number, Re = 120,000.... more
The end-product of the electrospinning process is typically a randomly aligned fiber mesh or membrane. This is a result of the electric field generated between the drop of polymer solution at the needle and the collector. The developed... more
Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr. Syed Sohail Akhtar for the continuous support of my MSc study and research, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me... more
Background: Lung protective mechanical ventilation (MV) is the corner stone of therapy for ARDS. However, its use may be limited by respiratory acidosis. This study explored feasibility of, effectiveness and safety of low flow... more
Peat can be fourth energy resources in Indonesia, after oil coal and natural gas. With 27 million hectares, Indonesia peat resources area is the third largest in the world, after Canada and Russia. In the current years, peat utilization... more
The use of wind energy for energy generation is one of the oldest methods for harnessing renewable energy. Use of renewable energy is an essential ingredient of socio-economic development and economic growth. Renewable energy sources such... more
An experimental study was conducted to characterize the heat affected zone produced when laser heating a Ti6Al4V alloy plate workpiece. The emissivity and absorptivity of the Ti6Al4V alloy were determined experimentally. A 3D transient... more
Peningkatan jumlah kendaraan bermotor saat ini mengakibatkan pemakaian bahan bakar minyak bumi semakin meningkat. Peningkatan pemakaian bahan bakar minyak bumi maka akan menyebabkan krisis energi. Krisis energi ini menyebabkan manusia... more
Sample handling in miniaturized bioanalytical instruments typically depends on pressure or electrokinetic effects. This is particularly true of post-separation detection processes where a sample is moved past a single point detector. In... more
El tema de dignidad se encuentra comprendido dentro de la extensa gama de los derechos humanos, inclusive se puede señalar podría ser el más importante de los derechos fundamentales, y es por este motivo que cuando a una persona se le... more
In this paper, forced convective heat transfer in a water based nanofluid has experimentally beencompared to that of pure water in an automobile radiator. Five different concentrations of nanofluids inthe range of 0.1-1 vol.% have been... more
- by as sorathiya
Unsteady natural convection due to differentially heating of the sinusoidal corrugated side walls of a modified square enclosure has been numerically investigated. The fluid inside the enclosure is air, initially as quiescent. The flat... more
1 Research student Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.V.P.I.T, Budhgaon, Sangli, Maharashtra, India 2 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.V.P.I.T, Budhgaon, Sangli, Maharashtra, India... more
This paper investigated, using experimental method, the suitability of acoustic emission (AE) technique for the condition monitoring of diesel engine valve faults. The clearance fault was adjusted experimentally in an exhaust valve and... more
Fiber-reinforced composite core banana stems with additional filler of husk powder is another way to obtain the expected mechanical behavior of the composite. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of fiber volume fraction... more
This project deal with design, development and fabrication of "Development of multipurpose machine". This machine is designed for the purpose of multi-operations i.e. drilling, cutting and grinding. This machine perform multipurpose... more
Penanganan ikan yang tepat dan benar dapat meningkatkan kualitas ikan di kapal penangkap ikan. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem pendinginan yang efektif dan efisien untuk kapal ikan terutama pada kapal ukuran 30 GT. Penelitian ini bertujuan... more
The author has granted a nonexclusive license allowing Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the Internet, loan, distrbute and sell theses... more