Recent papers in Mechanical
The increase in pipeline manufacturing for process industries calls automation of welding system (AWS) in tune with today's demand for accuracy in welding, increased productivity with lesser resources and enhanced profit. Manual welding... more
Design for additive manufacturing is adopted to help solve problems inherent to attaching active personal sampler systems to workers for monitoring their breathing zone. A novel and parametric 3D printable clip system was designed with an... more
The present work described the influence of polymer admixture (i.e. polymer latexes) contents on the physical/mechanical properties of latex modified concretes (LMCs). At the first step, the optimum water to cement ratio was determined... more
R2R (Roll to roll) printed electronics has been an attractive technology for the mass production. Therefore, many research works have been focused on an optimal flexible substrate, ink formulation, printing process, curing method for a... more
A set of recursive equations are introduced for optimum design of a wide range of hierarchical truss beams to satisfy a minimum required natural frequency. The design equations are based on a general analytical solution, which are derived... more
New product development (NPD) classes based around problem-based learning and mediated by design coaches from industry provide an effective vehicle for authentic learning and realistic design experiences within the constraints of academic... more
— In the present work external centerless grinding machine, the manual feeding of work pieces can be replaced by designing and development of automatic feeding system which helps to feed the work pieces automatically into the centerless... more
The effect of cerium addition on wear behaviour of ascast Al-4Si-4Mg alloys has been studied. Dry sliding wear tests were performed against a hardened carbon steel (Fe-2.3%Cr-0.9%C) using a pin-on-disc configuration with fixed sliding... more
Since the Industrial Revolution, maintenance of engineering equipment in the field has been a challenge. Although impressive progress has been made in maintaining equipment in the field in an effective manner, maintenance of equipment is... more
Hydraulic components are represented by symbols because the representation of their complex control functions by sketches may be too difficult to draw. The symbolic representation of a component merely specifies the function of the part... more
— Conditioning of air is not a new process; In the early centaury before 2000 for air conditioning we are using R-22 difluoromonochloromethane. The application of this refrigerant is obsolete in developed countries and also in most of... more
First of all, evaporation is the best way to effective control of the lowering of temperature. The utilization of the evaporation refrigeration system has been utilized for proper requirement of the desired temperature. An evaporative... more
richard eckersley, richard angstadt, charles m. ellerston, richard hendel, naomi b. pascal, and anita walker scott Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes robert m. emerson, rachel i. fretz, and linda l. shaw A True Story As we were preparing the... more
This is a prospective submission to the Journal Scientific American or an affiliate, however I have decided to release it early for the interest of the public, since it is unlikely to be accepted. I still hope this paper is taken to be... more
A detailed study was carried out on crankshafts used in two wheeler made from C45 (EN 8/AISI 1042) steel. Undesirable noise was heard in crankshaft when the engine is in running. This was stated as failure of crankshaft. Material has been... more
In the current scenario of rising fuel prices and increased environmental awareness, it has become essentially necessary for the vehicles to have a better fuel saving technology. To overcome this, advancement in automobile technology has... more
In this study, we investigated natural convection heat transfer from horizontal cylinders with longitudinal plate fins adapted for dissipating heat on a LED (light emitting diode) light. The numerical results were validated with... more
— We are also trying reduced the weight of perforated sheet by making groove, holes, cuts, chamfer & fillet on perforated sheet. We check other parameters of perforated sheet like velocity, stress on cut, groove work piece thickness,... more
Microstructure and material flow of aluminum alloys have a significant influence on the mechanical properties and surface quality. In extrusion of aluminum billets at high temperatures the microstructure is dependent on the alloy and the... more
This paper, proposes a novel type of mechanical and electrical mobile charger has been designed. A new type of mobile charger has been designed to charge the mobile phone while traveling from one place to another place. It is a... more
At this point individuals prefer own vehicle for travelling to stay off from trouble. But just in case of any disruption during travelling, it's very strenuous to go looking mechanic in anonymous location. Therefore, to work out this... more
In-plant training is one of the requirements for the award of the Degree in Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering of Maharashtra Institute of Technology. As such, students are required to write and submit reports at the end of... more
An efficient method to reduce NOx-emissions in pulverized fuel (PF) coal combustion is to accurately distribute air and coal to every Low-NOx burner of the boiler and that NOx emission reduction of 40-50% can be achieved with such... more
A PDF of English for Mechanics (120 pages) is available for purchase for US$15 (Paypal) at . The material here on is a sample only. This is a workbook for classroom use or private study.... more
This project is done on rotavator blades to find out the wear behaviour when they're run for 16 hour and under different conditions. This project was performed in Chitkara university with rotavator setup was already in a workshop and we... more
Over-pressure can impact weak points in a hydraulic system, which in turn can result in the mechanical failure of the individual system components. Over-pressure also tends to increase the burden on the lubricated surfaces causing... more
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the earliest non-traditional machining processes. EDM process is based on thermoelectric energy between the work piece and an electrode. A pulse discharge occurs in a small gap between the... more
I present the concept how to draw complex items as a composition of simple geometry 3D objects in AutoCAD.
Design of motor driven household elevator chair” is a theoretical design of a hoisting system which will carry old and physically impaired people between various floors of a multistoried building. These people due to their disability... more
The present work deals with the numerical solution of the Reynolds equation of lubrication in the speciÿc case where the ÿlm thickness is discontinuous. The present approach is obtained within the framework of a ÿnite volume... more
Crankshaft is one of the critical components of an IC engine, failure of which may result in disaster and makes engine useless unless costly repair performed. It possesses intricate geometry and while operation experiences complex loading... more
This paper establishes the development of an agricultural mulch laying apparatus used for covering the soil/ground and adjust the mechanism to maintain favourable conditions for plant growth, moisture conservation, weed control,... more
Professional Education depends on occupation and business and it is the need of great importance for each nation to have solid professional training framework. It can be characterized as talented based instruction. Professional Education... more
Rumus-Rumus Integral Lengkap Beserta dengan Contoh Soalnya
Course is intended for Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students involving on Understanding Kinematics of Mechanisms, simple mechanism study, Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms, Problem solving on Belt drives, Rope... more