Meaning of colours in antiquity
Recent papers in Meaning of colours in antiquity
In the present article, we study more issues of color semantics and symbols. Our research is based on the analysis of mainly Daghestani folklore and ethnographic materials and colour characteristics of traditional textiles, including... more
The study of colour has become familiar territory in recent anthropology, linguistics, art history and archaeology. Classicists, however, have traditionally subordinated the study of colour to form. By drawing together evidence from... more
Most studies of global commodities trace the flow of exotics into Europe. Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum, was one of the few European commodities to find markets in eighteenth-century Asia. This paper reconstructs the nodes... more
V každé kultuře se v postavení garantů společenského řádu objevují zcela specifické dílčí skupiny obyvatel, jejichž úkol je v mnohém odlišný od většinové společnosti. To se nutně musí projevit v odlišném oděvu, který je nositelem snadno... more
A systematic look at colour on the four worlds of the Qabalistic Tree of life, it's historic evolution and meditational use, especially in terms of energy circulations between Da'ath and Yesod in the Body. Presentation to Servants of... more
Introduction In one of the fables ascribed to the archaic poet Aesop (6 th c. BCE), 'The peacock and the crane,' 1 a peacock, very proud of its gorgeous tail, mocks the simple color of the crane (χροιὰν), claiming that he the peacock is... more
Una breve indagine a largo raggio sulla natura del colore.
Presentation on colour history, theory, perception and future...presented at the University of British Columbia Grand Rounds Lecture Series.
PREFACE Colour as a universal aesthetic category has dominated the thoughts of a large number of scholars and scientists from the ancient times till nowadays. Colour has been studied and discussed by chemists, physicists and biologists,... more
H. Meller/F. Knoll/J. Filipp, Rot − vom Leben bis zum Tod. Prähistorische Rötel- und Hämatitfunde aus Mitteldeutschland. In: H. Meller/C.-W. Wunderlich/F. Knoll (Hrsg.), Rot − Die Archäologie bekennt Farbe. 5. Mitteldeutscher... more
(Colour illustrations for CD-ROM version you can see after black-white variant) Colour combinations in the costume of peoples in the Iranian World reveal their traditional character: red, white and blue, with rarer use of yellow, black... more
Ancient and medieval sculpture was normally painted and at times gilded. Today most of the original paint is lost, but scientific methods have made it possible to trace even slight remains of paint no longer visible to the naked eye.... more
The social man creates or borrows practical procedures, and with them specific phrases. Unfortunately present literature often separates these phrases from the techniques in which the same phrases are used. This is the case of the colour... more
This short article shows the color codes for denoting the precedence in reading the hieroglyphic letters of words.
Abstract Les saints, tant vivants que dans l’au-delà, forment un sujet actuellement très apprécié des études concernant l’Antiquité tardive. Dans le domaine iconographique, l’ensemble le plus magnifique de saints est représenté par les... more
Few instances of material evidence for ancient colour restorations have been documented over the last 20 years, during which time the scientific approach to the study of polychromy has been defined. This article presents eight new cases... more
Alcuni colori vivi nell’opera dantesca possono essere analizzati a partire dalle tinte di pannilana che si importano d’oltralpe e circolano in Italia dal ’200 circa. Premessa la distinzione commerciale fra il perso francese (che ha un... more
In the second half of the second century, or a little later, the Greek Artemidoros from Daldis in Asia Minor penned a work on dream interpretation, the Oneirokritiká. 1 Quite independently from the implications attached to dreams by... more
ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD... When comparing Greek literary and epigraphic sources, it is clear that the concept of brilliance and sparkle is not the same. The sacred inventories, by listing the offerings deposited each year into... more
In the surviving fragments of the early Greek philosophers we find evidence both of the awareness of the emotional impact of colours on the observer depending on their luminosity (or the lack thereof) and of the suspicion that colours may... more
This essay considers the architectural setting depicted in the famous Melozzo's fresco 'Sixtus IV Founding Vatican Library', through the analysis of ancient sources (Vitruvio, Isidoro di Siviglia) and contemporary sources (Francesco... more
The Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity is a worldwide group of scholars whose interests relate not only to the study of the use of decorative and building stones in the ancient world, their conservation,... more
A journey through 5,500 years of history of the color blue, its general use, its production, its symbolism and application in art, architecture and daily life. In particular, the use of blue in historical shipbuilding will deepen the... more
I deal first with the issue of what was the Greeks and Romans’ chromatic experience as it emerges from the linguistic evidence, showing that colors were actually perceived, and they emotionally affected people, in degrees of light and... more
In the early Byzantine mosaics in the Rotunda at Thessaloniki, some tesserae are arranged so that the colours blend optically. This method, which has its scientific origin in Greco-Roman optics, is related to the principles of... more
In the long quest for the true meaning of ancient colour terms, poetry has often been perceived as an unreliable source. Although scholars have been more sensitive to the complexity of colour use in ancient verse in the last decades, the... more
It is axiomatic that colour is about more than just lightwaves hitting the retina. In ancient philosophical circles, colour was often described as the primary object of vision: it was the external ‘skin’ that existed at the surface of an... more
El tejido antiguo, desde el período creto-micénico al Bajo Imperio romano, alcanzó unos niveles técnicos nunca igualados en tiempos posteriores. Los hilos confeccionados con delicadísimas fibras de lana o seda salvaje (y pronto de seda... more
Die 37-bändige Naturgeschichte des älteren Plinius hält als erste überlieferte enzyklopädische Schrift umfangreiche Informationen zu natürlich vorkommenden und künstlichen Farbstoffen in der Antike bereit. Aufschlussreich für... more
Pittura parietale, tecnica di esecuzione, pigmenti, convenzioni nell'uso del colore e sua simbologia.
If ancient written sources and the visual analysis of polychromies have recently revealed the complexity of the technique of painting on statues and their frequent restoration, the non-invasive punctual chemical analyses carried out do... more
Anatolia was the cradle of many civilizations for thousands of years and a melting pot of peoples of different ethnic origins and religions. Because of its coveted natural resources and trade routes, Anatolia was coveted by many... more
The attention for lights and colour is one of the peculiarities in the Euripidean drama, especially in the last production, where they are matched with particular attention. Only few details are used as decorative while they usually... more
RÉSUMÉ – L’auteur montre l ’existence d’une structure mnémique dans le Purgatoire, en s’intéressant à la distribution très précise de symboles chromatiques et lumineux, tout particulièrement le “smeraldo”, le “purpureus”, et la “lucerna”.... more