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Bombieri and Pila gave sharp estimates for the number of integer points (m, n) on a given arc of a curve y = F (x) , enlarged by some size parameter M , for algebraic curves and for transcendental analytic curves. The transcendental case... more
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      Pure MathematicsInterpolationNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsBoolean Satisfiability
This survey is an account of the current status of subdi erential research. It is intended to serve as an entry point for researchers and graduate students in a wide variety of pure and applied analysis areas who might pro tably use subdi... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear AnalysisGraduate Student
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      Mean Value TheoremFunctional Equation
We study diamond-alpha integrals on time scales. A diamond-alpha version of Fermat's theorem for stationary points is also proved, as well as Rolle's, Lagrange's, and Cauchy's mean value theorems on time scales.
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      Applied MathematicsMean Value Theorem
In this paper we study improper integrals on time scales. We also give some mean value theorems for integrals on time scales, which are used in the proof of an analogue of the classical Dirichlet{Abel test for improper integrals. AMS... more
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    • Mean Value Theorem
We define an integral, the distributional integral of functions of one real variable, that is more general than the Lebesgue and the Denjoy-Perron-Henstock-Kurzweil integrals, and which allows the integration of functions with... more
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      Functional AnalysisConvergence theoremBoolean SatisfiabilityMean Value Theorem
In this paper we study improper integrals on time scales. We also give some mean value theorems for integrals on time scales, which are used in the proof of an analogue of the classical Dirichlet-Abel test for improper integrals.
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    • Mean Value Theorem
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      Pure MathematicsMean Value Theorem
A version of the mean-value theorem (formulas of finite increments) for analytic functions is proved. Take any function f(z) analytic in the disk I z I < r, r > 0, with f" (0) r 0. exist r o, 0 < r 0 < r, and a point ~ in the disk I zl <... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsMean Value Theorem
We obtain a new generalization of the Flett theorem and several new mean value theorems. We give condensed representations of the Flett and generalized Flett theorems in terms of divided differences.  2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsElectrical And Electronic EngineeringMean Value Theorem
The usefulness of fluorescence techniques for the study of macromolecular structure and dynamics depends on the accuracy and sensitivity of the methods used for data analysis. Many methods for data analysis have been proposed and used,... more
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      Data AnalysisParameter estimationMaximum LikelihoodTime Resolved
We prove the following extension of the Mean Value Theorem. Let E be a Banach space and let F : [a, b] → E and ϕ : [a, b] → R be two functions for which there exists a subset A ⊂ [a, b] such that: i) F and ϕ have negligible variation on A,
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    • Mean Value Theorem
A procedure has been developed to determine the reliable form of the glass-crystal transformation function, and to deduce the kinetic parameters by using differential scanning calorimetry data, obtained from experiments performed under... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsKineticsDifferential scanning calorimetry
The Mean Value Theorem is a great theory and guide for any body who deals with the rate of change. This paper aims to add something to the theory. Even a small addition is better than none, only time will tell the significance of the... more
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      MathematicsEconomic ModelMean Value Theorem
A B-spline backstepping controller is proposed for a class of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems. The control scheme incorporates the backstepping design technique with a B-spline neural network which is utilized to... more
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      EngineeringSystem DynamicsNeural NetworksNeural Network
In this paper, locally Lipschitz functions acting between infinite dimensional normed spaces are considered. When the range is a dual space and satisfies the Radon-Nikodým property, Clarke's generalized Jacobian will be extended to this... more
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      Functional AnalysisPure MathematicsBoolean SatisfiabilitySet Valued Analysis
Suppose that in a random sample of size n from a population with probability density function (p.d.f.) f(x) the order statistics are X1≤X(2)&lt;…&lt; X(n). It is proved that a necessary and sufficient condition far f(x) to be the p.d.f.... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsOrder StatisticsMathematical Sciences
Using the mathematical induction and Cauchy's mean-value theorem, for any positive number r, we prove that , where n and m are natural numbers, k is a nonnegative integer. The lower bound is best possible. This inequality generalizes the... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsGeneralizationInequality
This paper considers the noncooperative maximization of mutual information in the vector Gaussian interference channel in a fully distributed fashion via game theory. This problem has been widely studied in a number of works during the... more
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      Game TheoryMultidisciplinaryMutual InformationNash Equilibrium
This survey is an account of the current status of subdi erential research. It is intended to serve as an entry point for researchers and graduate students in a wide variety of pure and applied analysis areas who might pro tably use subdi... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear AnalysisGraduate Student
From Bombieri's mean value theorem one can deduce the prime number theorem π(x) = Li(x) + O(x 1/2 ln 15 x), which is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis, and the least prime P(q) satisfying P(q) = O{[ϕ(q)] 2 [lnϕ(q)] 32 } in arithmetic... more
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      riemann HypothesisBoolean SatisfiabilityPrime NumberMean Value Theorem
We prove that if f is a real valued lower semicontinuous function on a Banach space X and if there exists a C1, real valued Lipschitz continuous function on X with bounded support and which is not identically equal to zero, then f is... more
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      Hamilton Jacobi equationBoolean SatisfiabilityMean Value TheoremViscosity Solution
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsPhysical sciencesInverse Problem
We obtain a new generalization of the Flett theorem and several new mean value theorems. We give condensed representations of the Flett and generalized Flett theorems in terms of divided differences.
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPure MathematicsRepresentation
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      Chemical EngineeringMathematicsProcess ControlOptimization
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear Analysis
We define an abstract notion of subdifferential operator and an associated notion of smoothness of a norm covering all the standard situations. In particular, a norm is smooth for the Gâteaux (Fréchet, Hadamard, Lipschitzsmooth)... more
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      Pure MathematicsConvexityMean Value TheoremSubdifferential
The exponential sum S(x) = Σe(f(m + x)) has mean square size O(M), when m runs through M consecutive integers, f(x) satisfies bounds on the second and third derivatives, and x runs from 0 to 1.
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      Pure MathematicsMean Value Theorem
Asymptotic expansion has been used to simplify the transport of high charge and energy ions for broad beam applications in the laboratory and space. The solution of the lowest order asymptotic term is then related to a GreenÕs function... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringMathematicsAlgorithms
We describe two new ways of efficiently deriving continuous reach set information for hybrid systems. In both cases, we overapproximate the differential equations to constraints that are then solved using a solver for first-order... more
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      Collaborative ResearchComplex SystemArtificial IntelligentNon linear Partial Differential Equation
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      Chemical EngineeringMathematicsProcess ControlOptimization
We obtain a new generalization of the Flett theorem and several new mean value theorems. We give condensed representations of the Flett and generalized Flett theorems in terms of divided differences.
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPure MathematicsRepresentation
In this brief, robust adaptive neural network (NN) control is presented for helicopters in vertical flight, with dynamics in single-input-single-output (SISO) nonlinear nonaffine form. Based on the use of the implicit function theorem and... more
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      Applied MathematicsVehicle DynamicsAdaptive ControlRobust control
In this paper, an active FTC scheme is proposed. First, it is developed in the context of linear systems and then it is extended to non-linear systems with the differential mean value theorem. The key contribution of the proposed approach... more
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      Fault Tolerant ControlLinear Matrix InequalitiesLyapunov Stability TheoryHigh performance
In this paper, we characterize all the functions that attain their Flett mean value at a particular point between the endpoints of the interval under consideration. These functions turn out to be cubic polynomials and thus, we also... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure MathematicsStability of Functional Equation
We show how to use intensively local cone approximations to obtain results in some fields of optimization theory such as optimality conditions, constraint qualifications, mean value theorems and error bound.
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      Optimality TheoryNonsmooth OptimizationOptimality ConditionMean Value Theorem
In this paper, an active FTC scheme is proposed. First, it is developed in the context of linear systems and then it is extended to non-linear systems with the differential mean value theorem. The key contribution of the proposed approach... more
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      Fault Tolerant ControlLyapunov Stability TheoryHigh performanceLinear System
and coeditor of La Gaceta de la R.S.M.E. His main interests are: approximation theory, differential equations, new proofs, and the history of mathematics. M. Jiménez graduated at Granada University in 1989. He also obtained a degree in... more
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      Pure MathematicsMean Value Theorem
A B-spline backstepping controller is proposed for a class of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems. The control scheme incorporates the backstepping design technique with a B-spline neural network which is utilized to... more
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      EngineeringSystem DynamicsNeural NetworksNeural Network
This paper proposes a validation method for solutions of linear complementarity problems. The validation procedure consists in two su cient conditions that can be tested on a digital computer. If the rst condition is satis ed then a given... more
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      Applied MathematicsNonlinear systemNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsBoolean Satisfiability
This paper proposes a validation method for solutions of linear complementarity problems. The validation procedure consists of two sufficient conditions that can be tested on a digital computer. If the first condition is satisfied then a... more
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      Applied MathematicsNonlinear systemNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsBoolean Satisfiability
In this paper, we propose a method for state estimation of nonlinear systems represented by Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) models with unmeasurable premise variables. The main result is established using the differential mean value theorem which... more
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      StabilityDifferential EquationsFuzzy ControlLinear Matrix Inequalities
We describe two new ways of efficiently deriving continuous reach set information for hybrid systems. In both cases, we overapproximate the differential equations to constraints that are then solved using a solver for first-order... more
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      Collaborative ResearchComplex SystemArtificial IntelligentNon linear Partial Differential Equation