
491 papers
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The MeToo movement is a social movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault, primarily focusing on the workplace and broader societal contexts. It aims to raise awareness, empower survivors to speak out, and advocate for systemic changes to prevent and address sexual violence and misconduct.
This study examines verbal violence against women in Palestinian domestic relationships, focusing on its psychological, social, and political implications. Analyzing narratives from two Facebook support groups-Ask the Girls of Palestine... more
This research paper explores the evolution of women's roles behind the scenes in the Indian cinema industry, contrasting the early days of filmmaking with the contemporary Hindi cinema landscape. By examining the historical context,... more
« Le film rape and revenge par les réalisatrices contemporaines : réappropriation politique d’un genre à l’ère #MeToo ? », dans le cadre du Colloque international « Le cinéma de genre, un cinéma très politique ? », organisé par Damien... more
Επίμετρο της Αγγελικής Σπυροπούλου στο βιβλίο Ριχάρδος ΙΙΙ* του Ανδρέα Φλουράκη [ΚΑΠΑ Εκδοτική, 2024}
El sistema patriarcal ampara una violencia hacia las mujeres que permea todas las esferas sociales. Las estadísticas dicen que el 55% de las féminas europeas de más de 15 años han sido víctimas.
My paper/chapter is on a question I have been writing about for the past couple of decades: What should we do with the ample and undisputable evidence of a great mystics like Rumi’s sexist, women-hating, racist, elitist, male-supremacist?... more
De nombreuses variables idéologiques influencent les changements attitudinaux post-metoo à l'égard des violences sexuelles . S'intéresser à l'idéologie sous-jacente aux témoignages de violences sexuelles sur les réseaux sociaux,... more
Ce dossier aborde de front le problème des violences sexistes et sexuelles, mais aussi les luttes et les reprises de pouvoir que la littérature permet d’amorcer de ce point de vue. Il s’agit d’interroger à la fois les fonctions dévolues à... more
Any form of sexual assault stems from the intersection of power, patriarchal structure and gender. While different countries take different measures to tackle cases of sexual assault, cases continue to rise like a pandemic. This study is... more
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Forfatteren gir oss et lettlest og effektivt, men også mangefasettert, stykke politisk kunst.
Matthias Ruoss und Isabelle Schürch haben für die Zeitschrift traverse mit Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg (Leipzig), Dr. Marie Huber (Marburg), Kathrin Meißner (Berlin), Janine Funke (Potsdam) und Dr. Claudia Roesch (Konstanz) gesprochen. Sie... more
The decision to share deeply personal experiences of sexual violence publicly is complex and multifaceted. This study provides valuable insights into this phenomenon. Interviews conducted with fifteen victims of sexual assault in Israel... more
Defamation law has in recent years become yet another site of legal contestations around sexual harm. A 2020 report found that in the United States alone, over 100 defamation lawsuits have been brought by a person accused of sexual... more
Nearly 5 years have passed since the #MeToo movement's worldwide impact. In the meantime, many serious issues have surfaced, with considerable global backlash in response to claims concerning gender equality. How did the #MeToo movement... more
Upper level course syllabus in Black Male Studies/Subordinate Male class taught at the University of Edinburgh.
Women experiencing intimate partner violence are overrepresented in Australian churches. National research indicates women do not approach their congregation to report violence, and that clergy across denominations lack the confidence to... more
Le mouvement #BalanceTaStartUp, qui s’apparente à un « MeToo au travail », a permis depuis 2021 d’exposer anonymement les abus de pouvoir et les discriminations du monde des entreprises en démarrage en France (les startups). Cependant,... more
CESNUR and Soteria International are two organizations claiming to fight for human spiritual rights. In this study we analyze their behavior in the the ATMAN-MISA case. Bivolaru the guru of ATMAN-MISA and now also the Stoians are accused... more
Feminist legal theory emerged from second-wave feminism to challenge the inherent biases and patriarchal structures within legal systems. It critiques traditional legal theories that often overlook or marginalize women’s experiences,... more
There is a wave in sociology, anthropology and other similar fields where researchers try to understand the internal perspective of the groups they study. Woodbine and Gadini are trying to strike a balance between the reflective... more
Le Consentement Vanessy Springory – post-traumatyczne świadectwo relacji z pisarzem Gabrielem Matzneffem gdy miała lat 14 a on 50, okazało się katalizatorem wypartej pamięci o „epoce przyzwolenia” lat 70. i 80. Znacząca część francuskiego... more
Author: J. Dwayne Howell Publisher: CBE International A few years ago, I found several colleagues across various schools in deep discussion over the question of Bathsheba's innocence or guilt in 2 Samuel 11. This was on the theologically... more
This paper explores whether and how consumers respond to global social movements challenging systemic discrimination and stereotypes. We examine the impact of the #MeToo movement on the market for products with stereotypical markers of... more
This research examines the situation of women and the initiatives implemented to support women in the audiovisual sector in Europe in light of the #MeToo movement. Our study is grounded in critical feminist cultural theory. We engaged... more
How did the developed state of the developing nation respond to the #MeToo campaign is a little paradoxical. First thing at the national level most of the weeklies and magazines newspapers covered #MeToo as a cover story between October... more
Im Zeitalter der Aufklärung beginnen die Philosophen von einem Sex in der Ehe zu träumen, der dem bürgerlichen Ideal der Freiheit entspricht. Nicht die triste Pflichterfüllung, wie sie im Eherecht gefordert war, sondern ein »zärtliches«... more
This book argues for the critical potential of locating the girl as the subject-position and voice of legal critique. Law’s imaginary is notoriously limited in its ways of thinking through and adjudicating gender violence. Law, Culture... more
Authors: Eun Ju Son, Emily A. Harris, & Sari M. van Anders. Given feminist backlash and stigma in society, whether people would publicly say that they are a feminist might depend on their social context, which could have implications for... more
In her play Prima Facie, playwright and lawyer Suzie Miller uses theatre to critique legal responses to sexual violence. This article thus offers an analysis of the play as both feminist theatre and feminist advocacy. We examine the... more
The aim of this talk is to shed some light on the sex abuse scandal of Johnny Kitagawa and his talent agency Johnny & Associates (hereafter “Johnny’s”). First, it looks at the role of the Japanese media during the scandal development.... more
After the fall of communism in Romania in beginning of the 90’s a Romanian guru called Gregorian Bivolaru founded a yoga school called MISA: Mission for Integrating the Self in the Absolute - A neo tantra movement mixing Indian Yoga &... more
El mito de Medusa se constituye como uno de los mitos más interdisciplinarios que han nacido de la cultura griega. Y es que no sólo las fuentes literarias son estudiadas para abordar el mito de la Gorgona, sino que también se han hecho... more
From: Horror That Haunts Us: Nostalgia, Revisionism, and Trauma in Contemporary American Horror, eds. Karrá Shimbukuro and Wickham Clayton (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2024), 171-91.
Open Access. This report presents the findings from a University of Otago research project. Summary The projects seeks to give voice to male victims of sexual abuse through interviews with eight young men involved with the Sodalicio... more
The article proposes to reflect, from the novel by Virginie Despentes, Cher connard, on the ins and outs of the different types of aggression in the context of our post-meToo era, where social networks expose both the victim and the... more
A l’occasion de son 10e anniversaire, la revue "Genre en séries: cinéma, télévision, médias" organise à Paris en novembre 2025 un colloque sur "#MeToo français dans le cinéma et les médias. Contribution à la fabrique d’un objet de... more
a treatise on development politics, post-development and deepening ecological crisis
Review of The #MeToo Effect: What Happens When We Believe Women, by Leigh Gilmore, New York, Columbia University Press, 2023, 234 pp., ISBN 9780231194204.
[Recension critique de Porter plainte par Léa Clermont-Dion]
This study discusses the problem of sexual harassment that occurs in South Korea, where it is often discussed but the culture in South Korea is an obstacle to resolving or reducing the crime of sexual harassment. So in 2018 South Korea... more
Vystoupení iniciativy NE!MUSÍŠ TO VYDRŽET před budovou pražské DAMU vyvolalo celou řadu reakcí, polemik a diskusí v různých částech mediálního a akademického světa. V této situaci horečné diskuse mohlo být pro mnohé (i pro autory a... more