Recommender system recommends interesting items to users based on users' past information history. Researchers have been paying attention to improvement of algorithmic performance such as MAE and precision@K. Major techniques such as... more
An irradiation position in the 250 kW Triga reactor was characterized for instrumental neutron activation analysis of chlorine in an iron oxide matrix. Factors that affect the accuracy of the determination include variations in the... more
We study the matrix factorization problem associated with an SO(2) spinning top by using the algebro-geometric approach. We derive the explicit expressions in terms of Riemann theta functions and discus some related problems including a... more
Matrix computations are both fundamental and ubiquitous in computational science and its vast application areas. Along with the development of more advanced computer systems with complex memory hierarchies, there is a continuing demand... more
We consider the quark-antiquark Green's function in the Schwinger Model with instanton contributions taken into account. Thanks to the fact that this function may analytically be found, we draw out singular terms, which arise due to the... more
We prove that the finitistic dimension conjecture, the Gorenstein Symmetry Conjecture, the Wakamatsu-tilting conjecture and the generalized Nakayama conjecture hold for artin algebras which can be realized as endomorphism algebras of... more
This paper describes a new, physically interpretable, fully automatic algorithm for removal of tissue autofluorescence (AF) from fluorescence microscopy images, by non-negative matrix factorization. Measurement of signal intensities from... more
We consider three different ways of algorithmization of the Janashia-Lagvilava spectral factorization method. The first algorithm is faster than the second one, however, it is only suitable for matrices of low dimension. The second... more
The usefulness of Collaborative filtering recommender system is affected by its ability to capture users' preference changes on the recommended items during recommendation process. This makes it easy for the system to satisfy... more
Matrix factorization methods are now widely used to recover 3D structure from 2D projections [1]. In practice, the observation matrix to be factored out has missing data, due to the limited field of view and the occlusion that occur in... more
We present computational methods to extract and model different joints of a generic subject, in an automatic way. The input for our methods is simply a set of trajectories of 3D points, obtained from a motion capture system (MOCAP). Due... more
Let K be a field and let / 6 K[[xι,x 2 , . ,x r ]] and g 6 #[[2/1,2/2, , y s ]] be non-zero and non-invertible elements. If X (resp. Y) is a matrix factorization of / (resp. g), then we can construct the matrix factorization X §> Y of... more
Through this research the following research objectives should be met: * Present spectral factorization of invertible non-scalar matrices ([24] and ) in order to place the current investigation concerning factorization in a broader... more
We generalize the Khovanov–Rozansky cohomology theory for n = 2 by using a homogeneous potential that depends on two parameters, to obtain the universal Khovanov-Rozansky sl(2)-link cohomology. This theory is equivalent to the universal... more
Collaborative filtering is a popular method for personalizing product recommendations. Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization (MMMF) has been proposed as one successful learning approach to this task and has been recently extended to... more
In this paper, we consider collaborative filtering as a ranking problem. We present a method which uses Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization and optimizes ranking instead of rating. We employ structured output prediction to optimize... more
In this article we develop a new method to deal with maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over non-isolated surface singularities. In particular, we give a negative answer on an old question of Schreyer about surface singularities with only... more
This is a survey article about properties of Cohen-Macaulay modules over surface singularities. We discuss properties of the Macaulayfication functor, reflexive modules over simple, quotient and minimally elliptic singularities, geometric... more
This is a survey article about properties of Cohen-Macaulay modules over surface singularities. We discuss properties of the Macaulayfication functor, reflexive modules over simple, quotient and minimally elliptic singularities, geometric... more
The Barzilai-Borwein method offers efficient step sizes for large-scale unconstrained optimization problems. However, it may not guarantee global convergence for nonquadratic objective functions. Simulated annealingbased on... more
In this paper the authors study the problem of testing the hypothesis of a block compound symmetry covariance matrix with two-level multivariate observations, taken for m variables over u sites or time points. Through the decomposition of... more
Large scale, streaming datasets are ubiquitous in modern machine learning. Streaming algorithms must be scalable, amenable to incremental training and robust to the presence of non-stationarity. In this work consider the problem of... more
Large scale, streaming datasets are ubiquitous in modern machine learning. Streaming algorithms must be scalable, amenable to incremental training and robust to the presence of non-stationarity. In this work consider the problem of... more
In the context of adopting the competency-based approach (CBA) as a new teaching methodology in sub-Saharan countries, and particularly in Côte d'Ivoire, the development of learning content that is aligned with the economic,... more
The recommendation system plays an essential role in the modern era and used by many prestigious applications. The recommendation system has made the collection of apps, creating a global village, and growth for abundant information. This... more
It is well-known that the Tucker decomposition of a multi-dimensional tensor is not unique, because its factors are subject to rotation ambiguities similar to matrix factorization models. Inspired by the recent success in the... more
Most efficient algorithms for rotating 2D images are based on the succession of three translations, following the lines, then the columns and the lines of the image again (LCL). These translations result from the decomposition of the... more
One of the methods to obtain Frobenius manifold structures is via DGBV (differential Gerstenhaber-Batalin-Vilkovisky) algebra construction. An important problem is how to identify Frobenius manifold structures constructed from two... more
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematical framework that offers conceptual data analysis and knowledge discovery. One of the main issues of knowledge discovery is knowledge reduction. The objective of this paper is to investigate... more
We study the moduli and determine a homotopy type of the space of all generalized Morse functions on d-manifolds for given d. This moduli space is closely connected to the moduli space of all Morse functions studied in the paper... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Agricultural burning has been subject to intense debate in Eastern Washington. Rural communities are concerned about health impacts related to smoke exposure from field burning. However, the short-duration excursions of smoke often do not... more
During must fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains thousands of volatile aroma compounds are formed. The objective of the present work was to adapt computational approaches to analyze pheno-metabolomic diversity of a S.... more
Efficient numerical linear algebra is a core ingredient in many applications across almost all scientific and industrial disciplines. With this survey we want to illustrate that numerical linear algebra has played and is playing a crucial... more
Let C be a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 2 and let N be the moduli space of stable rank 2 vector bundles on C of odd degree. We construct a semi-orthogonal decomposition of the bounded derived category of N conjectured by... more
The notion of Ann-categories is a categorification of the ring structure. Regular Ann-categories were classified by Shukla algebraic cohomology. In this article, we state and prove the precise theorem on classification for the general... more
Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM 2.5) has been linked with a wide range of adverse health effects. Determination of the sources of PM 2.5 most responsible for these health effects could lead to improved... more
Infrastructure vs. Mobile Sensing-The Evolving Landscape There has been a surge of enthusiasm around the paradigm of participatory urban sensing, which views a citizen-centric distributed and mobile sensing substrate as one of the most... more
A description of Cohen-Macaulay modules over cusp surface singularities and over unimodule hypersurface singularities of type T is given. It is proved that among minimally elliptic singularities and their quotients only simple elliptic... more
We have initiated a structural genomics project based on selected protein families, with the representatives for structural studies obtained from the genome of E. coli. A total of 160 genes have been cloned to date, with 126 successfully... more
Optimization algorithms typically require the solution of many systems of linear equations Bkyk b,. When large numbers of variables or constraints are present, these linear systems could account for much of the total computation time.... more
When describing active-set methods for linearly constrained optimization, it is often convenient to treat all constraints in a uniform manner. However, in many problems the linear constraints include simple bounds on the variables as well... more
Digital super-resolution refers to computational techniques that exploit the generalized sampling theorem to extend image resolution beyond the pixel spacing of the detector, but not beyond the optical limit (Nyquist spatial frequency) of... more
In today's world, people are flooded with a lot of information, and no. of choices are overwhelming. For example, in any online shopping platform such as Amazon, if we search for a particular product, thousands of results appear and it... more
For finite Lie algebras, it is shown that characters can be defined first for Weyl orbits and then for irreducible representations. For $A_N$ Lie algebras, weight multiplicities can then be calculated by only stating that characters are... more
Constructions are given of Noetherian maximal orders that are finitely presented algebras over a field K, defined by monomial relations. In order to do this, it is shown that the underlying homogeneous information determines the algebraic... more
Linked Open Data cloud is being conceived and published to improve the usability and performance of various applications including Recommender System. While most of the existing works incorporate semantic web information into... more