This work proposes a rethinking of Goedel’s incomplete results; Specifically, rather than some true statements remaining unreachable for verification on a true-false basis in any axiomatic system that is strong enough to express basic... more
Prædiken i Odense Adventistkirke d. 8. marts, 2025. Dette er den tilhørende powerpoint-præsentation.
Korsets gåde: Essay om den kristne forsoningslære (Fønix 2020). Guldtåren 2. 114 sider. isbn 978-87-93600-18-8.
Prædiken i Ll. Nørlund menighed d. 21. december, 2024. Dette er den tilhørende powerpoint-præsentation.
The Universal Model of Physics proposes that prime numbers, fractal geometry, and modular arithmetic serve as the mathematical code underpinning the cosmos. By distinguishing physical dimensions (space-time) from conceptual (prime-based)... more
Forbindelsen mellem den synlige og den usynlige verden, Guds engles tjeneste og onde ånders virksomhed er tydeligt åbenbaret i Skrifterne og uadskilleligt sammenflettet med menneskets historie. Der er en voksende tendens til ikke at tro... more
Forbindelsen mellem den synlige og den usynlige verden, Guds engles tjeneste og onde ånders virksomhed er tydeligt åbenbaret i Skrifterne og uadskilleligt sammenflettet med menneskets historie. Der er en voksende tendens til ikke at tro... more
Forbindelsen mellem den synlige og den usynlige verden, Guds engles tjeneste og onde ånders virksomhed er tydeligt åbenbaret i Skrifterne og uadskilleligt sammenflettet med menneskets historie. Der er en voksende tendens til ikke at tro... more
Felsefe tarihinde en çok tartışılan konuların başında kuşkusuz hakikat (truth) gelmektedir. Bu girift konuyla ilgili tartışmaları karakterize eden iki ana problem vardır. Bunların ilki, kendinde bir hakikatin olup olmadığı; ikincisi, bir... more
Studieark om Opstandelsen. Studieaften, Odense Adventistkirke, maj 2024. Velegnet til Bibelstudie.
Prædiken på d. 14. september, 2024.
Opdateret powerpoint-præsentation efter prædiken blev holdt i Odense Adventistkirke d. 9. november, 2024.
Opdateret powerpoint-præsentation efter prædiken blev holdt i Odense Adventistkirke d. 9. november, 2024.
Præsentation 1: Abraham, Isak & Kristus - “Din eneste søn.” ”I tro bragte Abraham Isak som offer, da han blev sat på prøve, og var rede til at ofre sin eneste søn, skønt han havde fået løfterne, …” Hebr 11,17. ” Da Abraham så op, fik han... more
The standard semantic definition of consequence with respect to a selected set X of symbols, in terms of truth preservation under replacement (Bolzano) or reinterpretation (Tarski) of symbols outside X, yields a function mapping X to a... more
Det tyske kejserrige var en sammenslutning af forskellige stater med en kejser i spidsen. Hver stat udøvede den højeste myndighed inden for sit eget territorium. Den kejserlige rigsdag, som bestod af alle fyrsterne eller de suveræne... more
It surely goes without saying that Charles Parsons is one of the most important philosophers of mathematics in our generation. Through his many publications and his teaching and lecturing, he has spawned and influenced a large body of... more
Is second-order logic logic? Famously Quine argued second-order logic wasn't logic but his arguments have been the subject of influential criticisms. In the early sections of this paper, I develop a deeper perspective upon Quine's... more
Truth is a fundamental concept in philosophy, mathematics, and logic. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive examination of truth using first-order logic (FOL). We explore the philosophical underpinnings of truth, formalize its... more
I will argue that the standard formulation of non-factualism in terms of a denial of truth-aptness is consistent with a version of de ationsim. My line of argument assumes the use conception of meaning. is brings out an interesting... more
Moving from a recent book, Fittipaldi sharply criticizes Weber's niaiserie allemande from his background based on Hans Albert and Leon Petrażycki
This book serves as a concise introduction to some main topics in modern formal logic for undergraduates who already have some familiarity with formal languages. There are chapters on sentential and quantificational logic, modal logic,... more
In this paper we isolate a notion that we call "formalism freeness" from Gödel's 1946 Princeton Bicentennial Lecture, which asks for a transfer of the Turing analysis of computability to the cases of definability and provability. We... more
to be indeed indestructible by which all this is pervaded. None can work the destruction of this immutable Being.-Maharishi, Gita, verse II.17 Research Program: Enliven wholeness in the foundation of mathematics to align the mathematical... more
As Bernays maintained in his famous 1935 article "On Platonism in Mathematics", in mathematical practice objects, functions, relations, properties, structures, etc. are treated as entities that exist independently of our discourse and of... more
In this thesis, I explore Isaacson’s thesis and Wilkie’s theorem, providing philosophical and formal results on how they relate to each other. At a first approximation, Isaacson’s thesis claims that Peano arithmetic is sound and complete... more
To all these institutions we express our warm gratitude. We are also grateful to the members of the PILM scientific committee for their invaluable help in preparing the program and reporting on so many lectures, as well as to the staff of... more
To all these institutions we express our warm gratitude. We are also grateful to the members of the PILM scientific committee for their invaluable help in preparing the program and reporting on so many lectures, as well as to the staff of... more
From the Platonistic standpoint, mathematical edifices form an immaterial, unchanging, and eternal world that exists independently of human thought. By extension, "scientific Platonism" says that directly mathematizable physical... more
evolutions will tend to drive almost any initial distribution to approximate 1 Y I * when coarse-grained, and also to suggest some probabilistic modifications of the dynamics that would have the same effect. Bohm and Hiley provide... more
Since 1995, when Andrew Wiles finally proved Fermat's Last Theorem, number theory has enjoyed a higher profile in the world's imagination. And it has brought in its train a number of philosophical questions that once were the province of... more
We simplify and slightly modify the theory of types that Church provided with semantic primitive predicates. Two goals are pursued. The first goal is to present a simple application of Church's approach to paradoxes and to point out... more
I argue on the basis of an example, Fourier theory applied to the problem of vibration, that Field's program for nominalizing science is unlikely to succeed generally, since no nominalistic variant will provide us with the kind of... more
The material of this book is divided into six chapters and a short appendix. Chapter 1 is an introduction. It consists of preliminary discussions of substantive and deflationary accounts of truth, correspondence and disquotation... more
We report on the idea to use colours to distinguish syntax and semantics as an educational tool in logic classes. This distinction gives also reason to reflect on some philosophical issues concerning semantics.
We are physical objects in a physical world; our bodies, collections of molecules, move, and among the myriad products of these movements are marks and sounds. These physical phenomena have physical explanations, forthcoming, in... more
A short description of several views on the nature of math, including platonism, nominalism, and fictionalism, and my claim that platonism matches mathematics the best (math is discovered), by discussing thought, science, and the... more
[See for the final version]. It's not correspondence, and not deflation. His view is largely Tarski’s, and at its core is what I shall call the generalising function of truth.... more
I give six different first-order mathematicized axiomatic systems, expressing that physical space is Euclidean, and prove their equivalence.
Mathematical Platonism is the view that mathematicians study objects that exist in a nonphysical realm independently of our awareness of them. The process of mathematical discovery provides a compelling argument for this view. I consider... more
This paper discusses the consequences of the latest PUEBI EYD V regulations for scientific ontological theorization through analyzing the semantical metaphysical commitment it reflects when we write formal mathematical statements using... more
PREFACE The axiomatic method counts two thousand and three hundred years circa. Suppes [61] has proposed the category of Euclidean-Archimedean tradition to refer to the axiomatic theories that have been developed before the... more
Eugeniusz Grodzinski argues '... that the Fregean theory of truth (if one can say that such a theory exists) is detrimental to science because it is incoherent and full of contradictions' (Grodzinski 1993: 352). This article argues, among... more