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      Applied MathematicsMathematical ModelingParameter estimationMathematical Analysis
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      Mathematical EpidemiologyMathematical ModelingMathematical ModellingModeling the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyMathematical EpidemiologyMathematical ModelingMathematical Modelling
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      KineticsMathematical ModelingBiofilmMass Transport
Antibodies have proven to be effective agents in cancer imaging and therapy. One of the major challenges still facing the field is the heterogeneous distribution of these agents in tumors when administered systemically. Large regions of... more
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      PharmacokineticsMathematical ModelingAntibodiesDiffusion
Mathematical models of tumor-immune interactions provide an analytic framework in which to address specific questions about tumor-immune dynamics. We present a new mathematical model that describes tumor-immune interactions, focusing on... more
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      CancerMathematical ModelingSensitivity AnalysisParameter estimation
In the past few years, Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN) has received increased attention as a communication architecture capable of supporting multimedia applications. Among the techniques proposed to implement B-ISDN, Asynchronous Transfer Mode... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMultimediaControlCongestion Control
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      BiochemistryBioinformaticsMicrobiologyMolecular Biology
CITATIONS 0 READS 75 4 authors, including:
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      Chemical EngineeringAir QualitySocial SciencesRemote Sensing
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This article is the second of a two-part paper on ELCIRC, an Eulerian-Lagrangian finite difference/finite volume model designed to simulate 3D baroclinic circulation across river-to-ocean scales. In part one , we described the formulation... more
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      Earth SciencesNumerical AnalysisMathematical ModelingOpen Source
We review the state-of-the-art in the modelling of the aggregation and collective behavior of interacting agents of similar size and body type, typically called swarming. Starting with individual-based models based on "particle"-like... more
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      Collective BehaviorKineticsMathematical ModelingKinetic Theory
This paper relates landslide inventories to erosion rates and provides quantitative estimates of the landslide hazard associated with earthquakes. We do this by utilizing a three-parameter inverse-gamma distribution, which fits the... more
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      Earth SciencesMathematical ModelingErosionPhysical sciences
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMass TransferMembranes
Deregulation of ErbB signaling plays a key role in the progression of multiple human cancers. To help understand ErbB signaling quantitatively, in this work we combine traditional experiments with computational modeling, building a model... more
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      Breast CancerMathematical ModelingSensitivity AnalysisSignal Transduction
The acute inflammatory response, triggered by a variety of biological or physical stresses on an organism, is a delicate system of checks and balances that, although aimed at promoting healing and restoring homeostasis, can result in... more
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      ImmunologyInflammationMathematical ModelingInnate immunity
Although the ERK pathway has a central role in the response of cells to growth factors, its regulatory structure and dynamics are incompletely understood. To investigate ERK activation in real time, we expressed an ERK-GFP fusion protein... more
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      MicroscopyCell CycleMathematical ModelingCell Signaling
A comprehensive three-dimensional simulation model was developed for entrained #ow coal gasi"ers. In the model, the numerical methods and the submodels conventionally used for the pulverized coal combustion modeling were used. An extended... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringTurbulenceClean Coal Technologies
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a major cause of acute and chronic morbidity in the tropical and subtropical parts of the world. The availability of safe, single-dose, drug treatment regimens capable of suppressing microfilaremia to very low... more
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      ZoologyEntomologyMathematical ModelingIntegrated Pest Management
J.B. Joshi). potential applications, like electrodes for electrochemical double layer capacitors [3], field emitters [4], nano-electronic devices [5], hydrogen storage [6], as functional polymers [7], etc.
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      Chemical EngineeringCatalysisCarbon NanotubesCarbon Nanotube
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      Mathematical BiologyComputational BiologyRobustness AnalysisMathematical Modeling
In this work a methodology is presented for the rigorous optimization of nonlinear programming problems in which the objective function and (or) some constraints are represented by noisy implicit black box functions. The special... more
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      Chemical EngineeringDesignNonlinear ProgrammingModeling
The kinetics of the reaction between human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and specific gonadotropin receptors in the rat testis were determined at 24 and 37O, over a wide range of hormone concentrations. Hormone concentrations were... more
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    • Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical modeling and dynamic simulation of signal transduction pathways is a central theme in systems biology and is increasingly attracting attention in the postgenomic era. The estimation of model parameters from experimental data... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSystem IdentificationSystems BiologyMathematical Modeling
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      GeneticsHistologyMathematical ModelingClinical Practice
We review a large volume of literature concerning mathematical models of cancer therapy, oriented towards optimization of treatment protocols. The review, although partly idiosyncratic, covers such major areas of therapy optimization as... more
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      Control TheoryModelingCell CyclePharmacokinetics
in Wiley Online Library (
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      Chemical EngineeringFluid MechanicsMathematical ModelingFluidization
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyMathematical Modeling
Circadian clocks are 24-h timing devices that phase cellular responses; coordinate growth, physiology, and metabolism; and anticipate the day-night cycle. Here we report sensitivity of the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian oscillator to... more
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      PhotosynthesisMathematical ModelingMultidisciplinaryArabidopsis thaliana
• Bats are hosts to a range of pathogens, some of which are known to infect and cause disease in humans and domestic animals. Human activities that increase exposure to bats will likely increase the opportunity for these infections to... more
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      EpidemiologyEcologyHealthMathematical Modeling
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      Computational BiologyOxidative StressMathematical ModelingMathematical Modelling
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringApplied MathematicsEpidemiology
This experiment aimed to expand previous findings on the development of mental number representation. We tested the hypothesis that children's familiarity with numbers is directly reflected by the shape of their mental number line. This... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsCognitive development
We performed an analysis of a family of models relevant for the integrated modeling in metals biogeochemistry by two approaches: a hierarchical one and a disciplinary one. The hierarchical approach was performed in a theoretical framework... more
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      Cognitive ScienceGeochemistryBiogeochemistrySystem Identification
There have been many techniques developed in recent years to in silico model a variety of cancer behaviors. Agent-based modeling is a specific discrete-based hybrid modeling approach that allows simulating the role of diversity in cell... more
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      Drug DiscoveryMathematical ModelingTranslational ResearchComputer Simulation
This paper is concerned with the simultaneous flow of liquid water and gaseous reactants in mini-channels of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Envisaging the mini-channels as structured and ordered porous media, we develop a... more
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      EngineeringModelingTwo Phase FlowProton Exchange Membrane
The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway plays an essential role in a wide range of biological functions, including metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, cell growth, proliferation and survival. Its versatility, however, makes it a conspicuous target of... more
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      GeneticsMolecular Dynamics SimulationComputer Aided DesignDrug Discovery
Many models have been developed to calculate supercritical solubility behavior and most can be either a semi-empirical relationship or based on an equation of state. In this work, density-based, semi-empirical models were evaluated in... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCarbon DioxideMathematical Modeling
The main goal of this work is to introduce a theoretical model, based on cellular automata, to simulate epidemic spreading. Specifically, it divides the population into three classes: susceptible, infected and recovered, and the state of... more
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      Applied MathematicsModelingAutomataNumerical Analysis
1] Shear localization is a process of primary importance for the onset of subduction and the evolution of plate tectonics on Earth. In this paper we focus on a model in which shear localization is initiated through shear heating. The... more
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      Mathematical ModelingMultidisciplinaryDimensional AnalysisPower Law
Affinity-based drug delivery systems utilize interactions between the therapeutic drug and the delivery system to manipulate drug loading and to control drug release. In this paper, affinity-based drug delivery system syntheses, types of... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMolecular ImprintingMathematical ModelingDrug Delivery Systems
A design and planning approach is proposed for addressing general multi-period, multi-product closedloop supply chains (CLSCs), structured as a 10-layer network (5 forward plus 5 reverse flows), with uncertain levels in the amount of raw... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMathematical ModelingMathematical Modelling
Limitations on comprehensive tropospheric chemistry/transport models are discussed within the context of a ~et of issues currently facing the environmental scientific and policy-making communities. A number of central improvements are... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAtmospheric ScienceMathematical ModelingPolicy making
Calibrated blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) imaging, a technique used to measure changes in cerebral O 2 metabolism, depends on an accurate model of how the BOLD signal is affected by the mismatch between cerebral blood flow (CBF)... more
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      AlgorithmsKineticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingFunctional MRI
A mathematical model is developed in algorithmic form for the steady-state simulation of gasketed plate heat exchangers with generalized configurations. The configuration is defined by the number of channels, number of passes at each... more
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      Mathematical ModelingPlate Heat Exchanger
Mathematical models for hepatitis C viral (HCV) RNA kinetics have provided a means of evaluating the antiviral effectiveness of therapy, of estimating parameters such as the rate of HCV RNA clearance, and they have suggested mechanism of... more
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      KineticsTreatment OutcomeMathematical ModelingTheoretical biology
The effect of rhythmic cueing on spatiotemporal control of sequential reaching movements of the paretic arm was studied in 21 hemispheric stroke patients. Reaching movements were studied with and without rhythmic metronome cuing in a... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMotor LearningMotor Control
Shelf life of minimally processed vegetables is often calculated by using the kinetic parameters of Gompertz equation as modified by Zwietering et al. [Zwietering, M.H., Jongenburger, F.M., Roumbouts, M., van't Riet, K., 1990.... more
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Global cellular responses induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) occur immediately with a less than 1% occupancy among tens of thousands of EGFR molecules on single cell surface. Activation of EGFR requires the formation... more
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      KineticsMathematical ModelingSingle moleculeSignal Transduction
Despite remarkable therapeutic advances in the past two decades, the elimination of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) from latent reservoirs constitutes a major barrier to eradication and preventing neurological disease... more
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      Mathematical ModelingHIV-1 persistenceViral dynamics