Mathematical Modeling
Recent papers in Mathematical Modeling
A new kinetic model for the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) riser is developed. An elementary reaction scheme, for the FCC, based on cracking of a large number of lumps in the form of narrow boiling pseudocomponents is proposed. The... more
1] In the present contribution we focus our attention on the long-term behavior of meandering rivers, a very common pattern in nature. This class of dynamical systems is driven by the coexistence of various intrinsically nonlinear... more
This study examined the role of pregnancy-induced changes in wakefulness (or nonchemoreflex) and central chemoreflex drives to breathe, acid-base balance and female sex hormones in the hyperventilation of human pregnancy. Thirty-five... more
Hollow fiber membranes using Polyethersulfone (PES) were fabricated inhouse using phase inversion technique by modification with synthesized chargedsurface modifying macromolecules (cSMM). The cSMM comprise with end-group component of... more
Several components shows that the process of algebraic thinking on students in solving problems. One of these components is the process of using algebra as a tool for doing mathematical modelling. This study aims to reveal how the... more
Considering the undeniable importance of petroleum prices in making decisions with regard to politics and economy, Artificial Neural Networks as one of the most reliable methods in solving nonlinear problems was used in the present... more
The basis of decision-making in the enterprise consists in formally representing the system and its subsystems in models which adequately capture those features which are necessary to reach consistent decisions. This work represents the... more
This paper analyses the current progression of the coronavirus pandemic, with the help of a mathematical model based on differential equations. The model has been inspired by the standard SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) model in... more
Owing to the wide utilization of heat exchangers in industrial processes, their cost minimization is an important target for both designers and users. Traditional design approaches are based on iterative procedures which gradually change... more
Six extended-release formulations of tizanidine hydrochloride were prepared by direct compression technique using hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and ethylcellulose (EC). The drug release from these tablets was evaluated by analyzing... more
This paper proposes a model for the reoccupation of ants in a region of attraction, using evolutive partial differential diffusion-advection equations, in which the population dispersion and velocity in directions x and y are fuzzy... more
Models for drugs exhibiting target-mediated drug disposition (TMDD) play an important role in the investigation of biological products (Mager and Jusko 2001). These models are often overparameterized and difficult to converge. A simpler... more
The discovery of nearly periodic vegetation patterns in arid and semi-arid regions motivated numerous model studies in the past decade. Most studies have focused on vegetation pattern formation, and on the response of vegetation patterns... more
Environmental concerns coupled with the depletion of fuel sources has led to research on ethanol, fuel cells, and even generating electricity from vibrations. Much of the research in these areas is stalling due to expensive or... more
Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by a range of metabolic complications involving an individual's blood glucose levels, and its main regulator, insulin. These... more
Single-unit recordings of vestibular afferents from the semicircular canals of squirrel monkeys have shown that the cupular time constant (T c) is between 5 and 6 sec. Such recordings obviously cannot be performed in humans, and the... more
A mathematical model is developed in algorithmic form for the steady-state simulation of gasketed plate heat exchangers with generalized configurations. The configuration is defined by the number of channels, number of passes at each... more
The formation of vegetation patterns has been widely studied and discussed over the years and it has been related to two different mechanisms: depletion of water in the center of vegetation patches and production of toxicity by the... more
We discuss a model illustrating how the outcome of repeated endotoxin administration experiments can emerge as a natural consequence of the tightly regulated signaling pathways and also highlight the importance of a dual negative feedback... more
The use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for nonlinear modeling of symmetric and nonsymmetric peaks in capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and in optimization of CZE methods was studied. It was shown that ANNs can be used to estimate... more
Salmonella spp. has recently been involved in a number of food-borne outbreaks with a high impact on pharmaceuticals, food safety, and the economy. These outbreaks have increased the need to understand the behavior of this microorganism... more
The present paper describes the development of a monitoring, analysis and diagnosis system of power plant equipments based on strain measurements. The objective is to help companies increase availability and reduce maintenance costs.... more
"Formal methods aim to apply mathematically-based techniques to the development of computer-based systems, especially at the specification level, but also down to the implementation level. This aids early detection and avoidance of errors... more
The work reported in this paper is motivated towards the development of a mathematical model for swarm systems based on macroscopic primitives. A pattern formation and transformation model is proposed. The pattern transformation model... more
second most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion people, more than a sixth of the world’s population
Performance is a key feature of large-scale computing systems. However, the achieved performance when a certain program is executed is significantly lower than the maximal theoretical performance of the large-scale computing system. The... more
Cooling towers are widely used in many industrial and utility plants as a cooling medium, whose thermal performance is of vital importance. Despite the wide interest in cooling tower design, rating and its importance in energy... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
a b s t r a c t Some industrial processes frequently change due to various factors, such as alterations of feedstocks and compositions, different manufacturing strategies, fluctuations in the external environment and various product... more
This paper presents a deterministic model for monitoring the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of malaria in a human population. The model has a diseasefree equilibrium, which is shown to be globally-asymptotically... more
The extraction-back extraction column of low concentration species by means of an organic closed loop flow, considered as liquid membrane, was modelled then simulated, using some simplifying assumptions. The main hypotheses are: the... more
Generally, computer system is handled by the English language only. But the person who is unaware of the English language and structure of query language cannot handle the system. This paper proposed a new approach for accessing the... more
Mathematical modeling is an important step for developing many advanced technologies in various domains such as network security, data mining and etc… This lecture introduces a process that the speaker summarizes from his past practice... more
In teaching an introduction to the finite element method at the undergraduate level, a prudent mix of theory and applications is often sought. In many cases, analysts use the finite element method to perform parametric studies on... more
In this paper we have established a mathematical model on diabetes mellitus under the influence of ingested glucose where glucose and insulin both are affected by the externally ingested glucose. The ingested glucose is the external... more
Coloring of fuzzy graphs has many real life applications in combinatorial optimization problems like traffic light system, exam scheduling, register allocation, etc. In this paper, the concept of fuzzy chromatic polynomial of fuzzy graph... more
Various melt spinning embodiments have been developed over the past 30 years and have been widely used, particularly at bench-scale for the production of metallic glasses. Much of the processing science has been developed 'as-needed' by... more
Several real-time PCR (rtPCR) quantification techniques are currently used to determine the expression levels of individual genes from rtPCR data in the form of fluorescence intensities. In most of these quantification techniques, it is... more
In the past this research efforts in optimizing earthwork processes focused mainly on minimizing transportation costs and mass haul distances, respectively. This kind of optimization problem, well known as earthwork allocation problem can... more
In this project, we have developed the basic codes of the Kalman filter by applying to a linear system and we have validated that by the Sequential Importance Sampling (SIS)algorithm of Particle filter using Monte Carlo simulations. The... more
Abstract-this paper presents a study of the approaches taken to model and simulate power systems of an industrial plant. Even the best-designed electric systems occasionally experience short-circuits resulting in abnormally high currents.... more
Разработана математическая модель для расчета температуры полосы при горячей прокатке на стане 2000 ПАО «Северсталь», основанная на методе конечных разностей. Созданный компьютерный модуль, реализующий эту модель, включен в интегральную... more
Based on the generalized van der Waals theory, a cubic equation of state (the van der Waals equation) was extended to describe the behavior of pure fluids and mixtures confined in porous solids. Each pore was assumed to be a cylinder with... more
Velocity measurements were carried out in the nip and translational regions of a co-rotating, self-wiping, twin-screw extruder using laser Doppler anemometry. Signi®cantly higher values of axial and tangential velocity components were... more