Mathematical Games

70 papers
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Mathematical games are structured activities that involve mathematical concepts and strategies, often designed to enhance problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. These games can be competitive or cooperative and typically require players to apply mathematical principles to achieve specific goals or outcomes.
The study focused on the effect of using T-game in teaching Mathematics among 80 Grade VII Students of Tabok National High School in the Mandaue City Division, Tabok Mandaue City for the 2014-2015 school year. Specifically, it looked into... more
The study focused on the effect of using T-game in teaching Mathematics among 80 Grade VII Students of Tabok National High School in the Mandaue City Division, Tabok Mandaue City for the 2014-2015 school year. Specifically, it looked into... more
In this paper we describe the contributions made by Margherita Piazzolla Beloch to the field of elementary geometric construction. In particular we examine her solution of the classical Greek problem of doubling the cube via paper... more
Martin Gardner eglence matematiginde uzmanlaşmış ABD'li popüler matematik ve popüler bilim yazarıdır. Scientific American'da 25 yıl boyunca yazdıgı "Matematiksel Oyunlar" (Mathematical Games) köşesi matematigin popülerleşmesinde,... more
This study centered on perception of teachers' motivational variables and senior secondary one students' academic achievement in Biology in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The Quasi Experimental design was used for the... more
Mathematical games are widely employed by primary school teachers in many countries to support mathematics instruction. Despite broad usage, teacher decision making in relation to both why they choose to use mathematical games as a... more
Although teacher education programs are offered in Nigeria by different teacher education institutions (as provided in the National Policy on Education), and varying degrees of success recorded, various problems still confront the program... more
This group was aware of the historical heritage of the colonial educational system that produced the grammar school-liberal arts nature of Nigerian education and the elitism that was attached to it. They
Because many seniors choose Medicare Part D plans offering poorer coverage at greater cost, the authors examined the effect of price frames, brand names, and choice set size on participants’ ability to choose the lowest cost plan. A 2 × 2... more
by James A Russo and 
1 more
Australian primary school teachers have reported that they use games frequently in teaching mathematics. In this paper, the authors discuss the game mechanics of five types of mathematical games that can be particularly powerful for... more
Os jogos têm despertado o interesse de investigadores no sentido de averiguar o benefício da sua prática no desenvolvimento de capacidades. Este interesse emerge, possivelmente, das caraterísticas motivadoras do jogo em geral e do facto... more
Um estudo realizado junto de alunos do 3.º ao 6.º ano de escolaridade permitiu verificar a existência de relação entre a força do jogador de xadrez e a capacidade de resolver problemas com padrões. Este resultado suscitou a curiosidade de... more
Games have been triggering researcher's interest to verify whether their practice brings benefits to the development of abilities. This interest emerges, probably, from the motivating characteristics of playing in general and from the... more
Personal financial literacy (PFL) is an imperative life skill that all 21st-century students should have. Research shows that the levels of financial literacy in both developing and developed countries are very low across people of all... more
This study is a survey aimed at ascertaining the attitude of academic staff in tertiary institutions in Imo State Nigeria towards the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching. It also examines their level of use... more
Os jogos têm despertado o interesse de investigadores no sentido de averiguar o benefício da sua prática no desenvolvimento de capacidades. Este interesse emerge, possivelmente, das caraterísticas motivadoras do jogo em geral e do facto... more
Mobile educational applications encompass some of the most valuable learning tools that have ever been developed. Games for learning are most effective when multiple sessions are involved. Previous research on the use of educational games... more
O presente trabalho trata da importância do uso dos jogos para a aprendizagem de matemática no Ensino Médio, apresentando sugestões práticas de como utilizar os jogos para facilitar o desenvolvimento e o raciocínio lógico dos alunos com... more
The cry for sustainable development in any field of life cannot be achievable without best practices in that enclave. This study examines the relationship between examination mal-practices and student nurses' readiness to learn for... more
The notion of equivalence is a very important concept for students and should be developed from a young age. This article demonstrates how students can deepen their relational understanding of the equals sign by exploring inequalities... more
Mathematics is an important subject that guides most other matters and still has great relevance in each person's life. Still, its learning is often barred by students who judge it as complicated or tedious. If necessary, a reflection on... more
Los videojuegos son un medio básico de aprendizaje pues, además de aprovechar las propiedades didácticas de la lúdica, permiten involucrar al jugador de manera natural en situaciones que en la vida real no resultan significativas o... more
Arastirmanin amaci ortaokul 5.sinif Fen bilimleri dersi, Canlilar Dunyasini Gezelim ve Taniyalim unitesi icin gelistirilen klasik ve teknolojik destekli oyunlarin derslerde kullanimi sonrasi ogrencilerin oyunlar konusundaki goruslerini... more
First-year university students often lack an effective method of study and have little awareness of how to approach the preparation of a university exam in general and of a Calculus exam in particular. In this paper we present some... more
Non-digital games are frequently used to support primary mathematics instruction. Moreover, we know from the literature that to increase the likelihood that a chosen mathematical game is educationally rich it should reflect specific... more
In this paper we describe the contributions made by Margherita Piazzolla Beloch to the field of elementary geometric construction. In particular we examine her solution of the classical Greek problem of doubling the cube via paper... more
It is challenging and retrospective to find ICT Polytechnics lagging in the full application of automation in their administrations. This study investigated the effect of automation on manual administration of Ogun State Polytechnics, a... more
by James A Russo and 
1 more
Non-digital games are frequently used to support primary mathematics instruction. Moreover, we know from the literature that to increase the likelihood that a chosen mathematical game is educationally rich it should reflect specific... more
Teacher is a central factor in any educational system and the job confidence of any teacher goes a long way to boost educational benefits obtained by learners. Investigating into variables that are related to job-confidence to provide... more
Games have been triggering researcher's interest to verify whether their practice brings benefits to the development of abilities. This interest emerges, probably, from the motivating characteristics of playing in general and from the... more
Bu çalışmada oyunların çocuk gelişiminde etkisini ve matematik dersinde oyunların kullanılmasının etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın yöntemi nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum analizi desenidir. Bu araştırmada amaçlı... more
The study aimed at finding out whether academic achievement motivation influenced the attitude of senior secondary two students towards examination malpractice. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to direct the... more
The study was on edutainment technique and students' skills performance in building drawing in Technical Colleges in Akwa Ibom State. The study sought to find the effect of edutainment technique and demonstration method on students'... more
Havva Nihan OKUMUŞ** Öz Kültürlerin başlangıcından beri var olan oyunlar, çocukların yaşamında öyle ya da böyle önemli bir yere sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Pek çok psikolog ve sosyolog, oyun kavramının çocukların gelişimine etkisi... more
Introduction and training of “Fast Math Tricks” for elementary school students in GMIT Petra Kefamenanu congregation aims to develop students' thinking skills and interest in mathematics. This community service activity is carried out... more
Os jogos têm despertado o interesse de investigadores no sentido de averiguar o benefício da sua prática no desenvolvimento de capacidades. Este interesse emerge, possivelmente, das caraterísticas motivadoras do jogo em geral e do facto... more
It's not unusual for educators to look for riveting and funny ways to teach Mathematics, a subject which is often perceived by students as abstruse and totally detached from reality. Among the alternative approaches which combined... more
Bireyin yaşamında vazgeçilmez bir kavram olan oyunu tanımlamak güç olsa da önemini yadsımak mümkün değildir.. Bu durum pek çok psikolog ve sosyolog bilim adamınca da sık sık ifade edilmektedir. Bu denli önemli bir kavram olan oyunun... more
This research was carried out in the second semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the research, an educational game was designed to teach "The Effects of Force on Objects" which is a subject of the "Effects of Force" unit in 4 th... more
It's not unusual for educators to look for riveting and funny ways to teach Mathematics, a subject which is often perceived by students as abstruse and totally detached from reality. Among the alternative approaches which combined... more
This study is a survey aimed at ascertaining the attitude of academic staff in tertiary institutions in Imo State Nigeria towards the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching. It also examines their level of use... more
This study examined the attitude and academic performance of public single-sex (Boys' and Girls' only) high school students in the teaching and learning of Agricultural Science in the aspect of practical knowledge of Agriculture. We... more
40 Most primary school teachers would concur that mathematical games are a valuable pedagogical tool to deploy in the primary classroom; however, not all mathematical games are likely to be equally valuable. How might teachers decide... more
The use of enabling and extending prompts allows tasks to be both accessible and challenging within a classroom. This article provides an example of how to use enabling and extending prompts effectively when employing a challenging task... more
Mental computation strategies have become increasingly emphasised in the teaching of mathematics, because they help to build mental flexibility, efficient approaches to solving maths problems and mathematical fluency . Despite its recent... more
The purpose of this study was to develop an educational game for the "Speed of Sound" topic in 6th grade science lesson and to reveal science teachers' opinions about the game called "The Fastest Sound". In this study, phenomenology... more
Collage student are the generation of hope that is considered as an agent of change with a driving role in a better direction. Collage students are expected to be more responsive to problems that arise in the community and be able to... more
Ideally therapeutic processes ought to be context-bound; therefore culture plays vital role in setting the status quo for the interaction between the therapist and the client. It is against this background that this paper examines the... more