Materials develpoment for ELT classes
Recent papers in Materials develpoment for ELT classes
Public Speaking is a main subject in the English Departments to be mastered by EFL learners. However, its supporting materials are insufficient and causing problems for the learners in mastering the skills. Therefore, education... more
This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language coursebooks in an effort to debunk two educational myths in relation to language teaching materials: the notions that they are neutral and... more
Reading skill plays a pivotal role in the process of acquiring information. An appropriate teaching technique should be implemented in order to improve the students' reading skill. This research aimed at revealing whether or not: (1)... more
Contemporary time necessitated the use of advanced, scientific and digital technologies to take forward the teaching-learning process uninterrupted, making teaching online effective, cheap, convenient, and an alternative to traditional... more
To Pinterest or not to Pinterest? – that is the question: Evaluating the usefulness of Pinterest as online self-access material at Southampton Solent University, UK. Whistance (2015) puts forward that the use of Pinterest at... more
This book is a collection of urban tales set in the North of Chile. It started as a class project with senior students of the English Pedagogy Program at UCN. The main goal was to offer these students the opportunity to write with a... more
It was written for English Lİterature Class as a term project. Hopefully it could be also useful for your academic courses.
Despite not being a textbook designed specifically for English language learners, Scott Foresman Science is wonderful and amazing for young learners and thanks to thoughtful design, definably very usable for an English language teaching... more
This paper proposes that a reading-centered approach is a realistic way to provide an English education to young learners, particularly in contexts where teachers are not adequately trained in English language pedagogy and may lack the... more
is a series of handbooks for teachers with innovative activities and techniques written by leading names in the field. The Resourceful Teacher Series offers teachers, teacher trainers and teacher trainees a discussion of new developments... more
Memorisation of new vocabulary is still the elephant in the room. It is a skill which a few language learners have, but most do not. This paper argues that course materials do little to help students to learn new words and could... more
The aim of this paper is twofold, firstly, it is an exploratory because it attempts to explore the principles of communicative language teaching (hereafter CLT) as used by Sudanese university teachers who involve in the process of... more
TEACHING PRODUCTIVITY AND ITS ENEMIES is a distribution of my original doctoral dissertation "Language Tangle : Predicting and Facilitating Outcomes in Language Education" ( ) with a new title better... more
In the new scenario of consumerism advertisements have become very popular and an indispensable source of information. The very language of advertisements triggers curiosity and surprise. Innumerous sophisticated and cotemporary printed... more
This study was designed to examine the effect of the redundancy principle in a multimedia presentation constructed for foreign language vocabulary learning on undergraduate students' retention. During the experiment, students received a... more
Till recently an unaffordable dream for lower middle and working classes, English medium education (EME) is now considered both a privilege and a necessity, and a way out of poverty and social exclusion. This paper reports on a modest... more
Bao, D. (2017). ‘Learner drawing as connected with writing: Implications in ELT Pedagogy and materials development’. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL Vol 6 (1), LinguaBooks, Pforzheim Germany, pp. 27-47.
Bao, D. (2017). ‘Learner drawing as connected with writing: Implications in ELT Pedagogy and materials development’. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL Vol 6 (1), LinguaBooks, Pforzheim Germany, pp. 27-47.
Creativity is a skill commonly associated with artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso, yet all of us possess the potential for being creative. We use our creative abilities every day to make decisions and solve problems.
With the emergence of internet and technology today, some teachers all over the world, especially in Indonesia where English is only learnt and used at school, try to combine both traditional teaching and learning with online learning in... more
Teacher-writers creating handouts for their classrooms should be concerned with the visual elements of the document (Romney, 2006) including how they use images. is paper proposes a three category, four purpose typology of images in... more
This paper reports the results of using the three-category classification system of decorative, instructional and supportive proposed by Romney (2017). Images in three ELT textbooks were analyzed. Results show that the majority of images... more
It is widely recognized that English is the only foreign language included as a compulsory subject in university level in Indonesia. However, few universities make effort to teach English according to students " needs and level which in... more
This paper concentrates on VOICE form of our speech in English language. And the first reason for writing on this topic is to EXPLAIN why some of the ideas about certain Voice conversions are incorrect. And why it was necessary to do it?... more
This is a report on action research that develops story cards for ELT based on Jungian archetypes, and empirical research demonstrating improvement in narrative writing versus textbook and PowerPoint taught groups. Improvement may be due... more
The paper deals with some pedagogical issues raised at the application of the constructivist educational ideology to language courses in web-based blended learning at university level. It presents a description of English for Specific... more
The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress.... more
Determining challenges, in fact, is one of the key tasks required for designing a syllabus. There are plenty of theoretical solutions to such problems, but in practice actions do not really appear to be sufficient to mitigate those... more
Issues in Materials Development provides readers with theoretical foundations and practical aspects of designing materials for EFL/ESL contexts. It starts with discussing some basic and preliminary principles of materials design followed... more
Bao, D. (2013). ‘Developing Materials for Teaching Speaking Skills’ in B. Tomlinson (Ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching – Second Edition. New York & London: Bloomsbury, pp. 407-428. This chapter first highlights some... more
This paper problematises the cultural content presented in many English coursebooks. It examines the issue of cultural bias in both written texts and visual images, explains how such distortion of culture has entered textbooks, highlights... more
The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress.... more
This is a brief and part of my lecture notes for the course Sophomore English
Younger learners (and older ones too) enjoy folktales, fairy tales of all kinds, and most EFL teachers know that. Textbook writers too, including versions of familiar ‘children’s stories’ from the international or English repertoire. But... more
Quick response (QR) codes, when scanned with mobile devices equipped with QR-code readers, allow a direct link to online content. Although they are ubiquitous outside the classroom, QR codes are yet to be seen extensively in language... more
Intro to Pragmatics: Teaching Speech Acts
Morphological awareness (MA) is essential for improving vocabulary, reading achievement, spelling and pronunciation skills, so emphasising on teaching morphology at secondary level is of paramount importance. Based on the relevant... more
This playlist is more current. I'll post the issue-7 soon, though, which will have the most recently-posted movies from YouTube. Every issue is annotated with related links that provide irresistible analyses which help students expand... more
Self-cleaning properties have received significant attention for the importance of their potential. Coatings at Nano-scales offer possibilities of using materials for self-cleaning surfaces. Recent efforts have begun to focus on the kinds... more
The integration of curricular content and language learning, usually known as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has brought about new possibilities to the learning of an L2, in this case English, by building bridges with the... more
Designing a language textbook is a multi-dimensional task that requires a nuanced understanding of the objectives of the language curriculum, a sound knowledge of the theories of language learning and their pedagogical implications, an... more