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Lattice materials can be designed through their microstructure while concurrently considering fabrication feasibility. Here, we propose two types of composite lattice materials with enhanced resistance to buckling: (a) hollow lattice... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringMaterials Science
A portable, electrical impedance spectroscopy device to monitor the bioimpedance’s resistive component of beef meat by injecting a sinusoidal current of 1mA at 65 kHz was developed. In 4 slaughtered beef both right and left longissimus... more
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    • Materials Science
Waterborne-polyurethane dispersions, consisting of polyol and polyisocyanates building blocks are conventional finish materials for various applications in textile industry, particularly in denim industry. This study aims to prepare a... more
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      Materials ScienceTextile
Siegbhan and C.G. Granqvist. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of electrochromic hydrated nickel vanadium oxide thin films upon proton intercalation and de-intercalation. In manuscript (To be suttmitted to Journal of Physical Chemistry B)... more
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      Materials SciencePhysical sciences
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      Materials ScienceOphthalmologyMedicineNeuro ophthalmology
OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceAdvanced Functional MaterialsPhysical sciences
It is dangerous when human are working in and around the high voltage environments. The safety of personnel in and around electric power the installations has been a prime concern. Specifically, this safety is generally in terms of the... more
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    • Materials Science
The electromagnetic properties of materials are defined from the two following constitutive parameters: permittivity, ε, and permeability, µ; 'ε' indicates how the medium reacts when an electric field is applied (field E of the... more
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    • Materials Science
Stability of multi-story one-bay space pallet racking system studied experimentally and theoretically to obtain the buckling length and the critical load for the upright of the racking system considering the beam-column connection, and... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials Science
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
We show that the shape of electroluminescence transients in organic semiconductors can be conveniently used to obtain the diffusion constant D of injected charge carriers, enabling the study of generalized Einstein relationship under... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceChemistryPhysical Chemistry
The accumulated science base in public research centres (PRCs), current learning processes in firms and emergent knowledge flows among actors are creating knowledge spaces at the regional level in Mexico. These conditions represent an... more
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      Materials ScienceTelecommunicationsBiotechnologyPolicy
Optical glass and glass ceramic components with angstrom-level surface roughness and nanometer-level dimensional accuracy are in potential demand for sophisticated optical fabrication. In recent years, aspherical and free-form surfaces... more
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    • Materials Science
Perforated walls and transpiration flow play an important role in aerodynamics due to an increasing interest in application of flow control by means of blowing and/or suction. An experimental study was carried out which has led to the... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMechanicsAerodynamics
Novel high hydroxyl number and high functionality polyols were developed using thiol-ene reaction of castor oil with mercaptoethanol or mercaptanized castor oil with allyl alcohol (by photochemical reaction) and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials Science
Solid-phase techniques have facilitated the handling of biochemical analytes. This has stimulated the development of systems by which large sample panels can be analyzed with high levels of security and quality. We describe a sample... more
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      RoboticsMaterials ScienceTechnologyMedicine
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryMaterials ScienceArchaeological Science
Low-temperature plasma physics and technology are diverse and interdisciplinary fields. The plasma parameters can span many orders of magnitude and applications are found in quite different areas of daily life and industrial production.... more
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      Chemical EngineeringPhysicsMaterials ScienceSolid State Physics
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      Materials ScienceMaterials Science and Engineering
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    • Materials Science
This article reports the results of an investigation into the efficiency of mechanical activation to increase the reactivity in alkali activated mortar synthesized from low-grade clay. Mechanical activation significantly changed the... more
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      Materials ScienceFTIR spectroscopySolid State NMRCT scanning
Nowadays, tail lights using Two-Colour (2K) Molding Process with the material of PMMA is facing crack defects in automotive production plant. Furthermore, the cost of replacement of this component is expensive. Therefore, for this... more
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      Materials ScienceCase StudyRoot Cause Analysis
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
Volume 1 Physical Aspects of Cleaning Processes (W. von Rybinski). Laundry cleaning of textiles (J. Burckett St. Laurent et al.) Formulation of Carpet Cleaners (J. Williams). Dish and Household Cleaning (G. Szewczyk). A review of key... more
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    • Materials Science
This article presents a new method to pre-cure natural rubber-compounding (NRc) by using microwave energy at a frequency of 2.45 GHz with a rectangular wave guide. The influences of microwave power input, specimen thicknesses, and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMicrowaveModeling
Aluminum is the one of the most commonly used metal due to its mechanical properties like light weight, corrosion resistant and ductility,etc. In situ synthesis of aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) has become a popular method due to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMetal Matrix CompositesIn Situ Composite
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    • Materials Science
Synthesis of nanomaterials by a simple, low cost and in high yield has been a great challenge since the very early development of nanoscience. Various bottom and top down approaches have been developed so far, for the commercial... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceNanocompositesNanomaterials
This article explores a new open-source method for developing and manufacturing high-quality scientific equipment suitable for use in virtually any laboratory. A syringe pump was designed using freely available open-source computer aided... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringMaterials ScienceMedical SciencesMedical Equipment
Currently, no consensus exists regarding the best adhesion protocol for zirconia used in dentistry; this is important particularly for restorations where mechanical retention is deficient. This systematic review analyzed the adhesion... more
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      Materials ScienceDentistryDental MaterialsMedicine
In this work, we report on the electrodeposition of ZnO thin films on n-Si (1 0 0) and glass substrates. The influence of the deposition time on the morphology of ZnO thin films was investigated. The ZnO thin films were characterized by... more
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      Materials ScienceSolar CellScanning Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinary
To prepare miscible polyethylene glycol diacrylate/polyvinylidene fluoride ͑PEGDA/PVdF͒ blend gel polymer electrolytes, low molecular weight (M ϭ 742) liquid PEGDA oligomer was mixed with PVdF-HFP dissolved in ethylene carbonate/dimethyl... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceScanning Electron MicroscopyPolymer Blends
Standard fused filament fabrication (FFF)-based 3-D printers fabricate parts from thermopolymers, such as polylactic acid (PLA). A new range of metal based PLA composites are available providing a novel range of potential engineering... more
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      Materials EngineeringPolymer EngineeringMaterials SciencePolymer science
Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) of films and coatings involve the chemical reactions of gaseous reactants on or near the vicinity of a heated substrate surface. This atomistic deposition method can provide highly pure materials with... more
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      Materials ScienceNanotechnologyNanoscience
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringMaterials Science
We studied the morphology, structure, and magnetic properties of Fe nanowires that were electrodeposited as a function of the electrolyte temperature. The nucleation mechanism followed instantaneous growth. At low temperatures, we... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterialsNanowire
Abstracts. Cameroon like most developing countries does not have a reliable network for collecting statistics on energy systems country. This has been a major drawback for an accurate assessment of the energy generation potential of the... more
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      Materials ScienceRenewable Energy
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
TiO 2 polycrystalline sub-micron fibers can be used as photocatalysts for the degradation of a variety of organic molecules. Here we report on the optimization of these fibers for decontaminating pharmaceutical agents in aqueous medical... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials SciencePhotocatalysis
This project, consisting of a guide, an information database, and preservation recommendations, is directed primarily towards conservators and restorers, and secondly archivists, collectors, and curators. This investigation can serve as a... more
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    • Materials Science
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials Science
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      Electrical EngineeringMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
Talk on Graphene and Graphitic Carbon Nitride given at a Workshop at Manipal University, Jaipur on the 24th April 2018.
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      Materials ScienceSynthesis of nanoparticlesNanoelectronicsNanocomposites
Product development is usually a response to an existing problem in a product, or it is identifying users' needs in order to ameliorate the living conditions of people or to enhance life in general. Some patients with certain ailments... more
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      EngineeringMaterials Science
Waterborne epoxy coatings were commercially introduced about 40 years ago, mainly as an environmentally friendly replacement to solvent-borne epoxies in countries with strong environmental and worker safety regulations. Their growth was... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceChemistry
Asphalt oxidative aging is one of the prevalent causes of pavement distresses which increase pavement susceptibility to fatigue and low temperature cracking. This phenomenon is mainly studied through oxidation kinetics and through... more
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      Materials ScienceNanotechnologyNanoscience
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A380/A380M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceChemistry
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      GeologyMaterials ScienceTectonics