Starting from the lyrics of 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend', I develop some meanings of jewellery as personal objects. First I explicate some reasons why, as the lyrics suggest, jewellery might be considered a more reliable friend... more
Souvenirs and other personal objects: Reminding of past events and significant others in the transition to university. In J. D. Webster & B. K. Haight (Eds.), Critical Advances in Reminiscence Work (p.123-138). New York: Springer.... more
In the Copper Age, slate engraved plaques were produced massively in the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula. Researchers have speculated about the function of these palm-sized stone objects for more than a century, although most... more
ISBN 978-2-9069-0173-5Présentation du quartier Dossoémé des palais royaux d'Abomey et des efforts faits pour sa conservation en lien avec ses habitantes, les Dadassi, femmes incarnées aux rois.Les palais royaux d’Abomey renvoient... more
In the Copper Age, slate engraved plaques were produced massively in the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula. Researchers have speculated about the function of these palm-sized stone objects for more than a century, although most... more
En 1969, Emmanuel Terray relevait « ]'existence d'une mime conjoncture theorique, qui domine actuellement le travail en anthropologie et en ethnologie, apercue ou non des chercheurs. Elle se concentre daps une question apparemment fort... more
Revue d'anthropologie et d'histoire des arts
In the Copper Age, slate engraved plaques were produced massively in the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula. Researchers have speculated about the function of these palm-sized stone objects for more than a century, although most... more
La Base de Datos de Patrimonio Inmueble del SIPHA cuenta con un total de 452 registros referidos a las construcciones megalíticas funerarias de la Prehistoria Reciente. En la imagen 2 se puede observar cómo se distribuyen estos... more
Lineal Megalithic Scripts (LMS) have been found in the Alcalar Dolmen complex (Portimao, Portugal) in a stoneslab which is located close to the reconstructed Dolmen 7. Exact situation of the megalithic Alcalar Stoneslab and scripts... more
Lineal Megalithic Scripts (LMS) have been found in the Alcalar Dolmen complex (Portimao, Portugal) in a stoneslab which is located close to the reconstructed Dolmen 7. Exact situation of the megalithic Alcalar Stoneslab and scripts... more
Lineal Megalithic Scripts (LMS) have been found in the Alcalar Dolmen complex (Portimao, Portugal) in a stoneslab which is located close to the reconstructed Dolmen 7. Exact situation of the megalithic Alcalar Stoneslab and scripts... more
Paleolithic/Neolithic (Megalithic) Lineal Scripts have been found in big or small rocks with or without megalithic context. Huelva (South West Spain) megalithic rocks presented engraved signs apparently contained in the Iberian-Tartessian... more
Have ancestors replaces chiefs as the defining entity of prehistory? This provocative view from the Mediterranean world may provoke a little debate.
Mike Pitts (2003) is certainly right to claim that contemporary interest in ancestors is widespread. In A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh Piglet insists that he has an ancestor, 'Trespassers Will[iam]', whose (alas, fragmentary) sign is set... more
This paper explores the unsettling effects of the fundamental opposition between lived memory and constructed history. It studies how alternate history can be created by the timeless practice of recollecting facts through memory. The... more
The reuse of ancient burial grounds in prehistory is a practice that has long been testified through archaeological investigations for several periods in European prehistory. As burial mounds form a distinctive feature in the landscape—to... more
poco tiempo, el desastre se convirtió en una cuestión política, ya que se habían realizado graves acusaciones contra las autoridades y tomadores de decisiones con respecto a la negligencia, la corrupción y la falta de preparación para... more
Archaeologists who seek to examine people's roles in past societies have long assumed, consciously or unconsciously, the existence of individuals. In this study, we explore various concepts and dimensions of ‘the individual’, both... more
Lancashire. His current fieldwork focusses on the landscape setting and prehistoric occupation of caves and rock-shelters in the Forest of Bowland, Lancashire. His broader research interests include the British Neolithic, particularly... more
Los ritos agrarios, mas proximos al ambito de la supersticion y del culto privado que al de la religion publica, permiten un papel especial de los esclavos y dependientes en las practicas religiosas. A traves del estudio de los Agronomos... more
In the article we consider the relationship between the poor condition of material remains of the Great War on one of the former Eastern Front’s battlefield’s in the Rawka and Bzura region with the long term attitudes of the local... more
In the late nineteenth century, art historian Giovanni Morelli attempted to formalise a logical approach in the attribution of Renaissance paintings. This ‘method’ was based on the identification of subtle cues unique to particular... more
L’article se propose d’aborder, a travers l’analyse du vodun Tchamba, la memoire de l’esclavage partagee par les adeptes du culte, chez les populations de langue ewe et mina des aires cotieres du Ghana sud-oriental, du Togo et du... more
Read the chapter open access at the publisher's website::
Se reporter à l'exposition sc Les Magiciens de la Terre >, à La Villette et à Beaubourg, & la mi-1989, à laquelle participaient les Béninois Cyprien Tokoudagba et Amidou Dossou. ' Le cardinal Gantin, qui occupe à la curie romaine le poste... more
Se reporter à l'exposition sc Les Magiciens de la Terre >, à La Villette et à Beaubourg, & la mi-1989, à laquelle participaient les Béninois Cyprien Tokoudagba et Amidou Dossou. ' Le cardinal Gantin, qui occupe à la curie romaine le poste... more
Revue d'anthropologie et d'histoire des arts
בילי מלמן: "האמבטיה של מארא: מודרניות, זיכרון והחומרים של ההיסטוריה" בתוך אורי כהן ומאיר חזן עורכים, תרבות, זיכרון והיסטוריה בהוקרה לאניטה שפירא, כרך I, ,תמונות זיכרון Billie Melman, " Marat's Bathtub: Modernity, Memory and the... more
This paper explores the unsettling effects of the fundamental opposition between lived memory and constructed history. It studies how alternate history can be created by the timeless practice of recollecting facts through memory. The... more
Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la cubierta, puede reproducirse, almacenarse o transmitirse en manera alguna por medio ya... more
Archaeological investigations of late prehistoric Iberia between the Neolithic and Bronze Age (6000-1500 BCE) have long been a battleground between indigenist and exogenous models, and understandings of mobility and alterity have played... more
El IAPH presenta el proyecto Datos Abiertos del Patrimonio Cultural de Andalucía. Dicho proyecto consiste en el desarrollo, implantación y distribución de un sistema de conocimiento abierto y estructurado del patrimonio cultural andaluz,... more
Though the presence of the past rightly may be argued to be conditional everywhere, its truth rests heavier on some places. Teriberka is such a place, a small coastal settlement on the Kola peninsula. Once a prosperous Soviet fishing... more
In this book, we focus on the interrelation of memory and materiality in art and popular culture to explore material culture as an integral aspect of memory practices. As such, we seek to account for the material world as a medium through... more
This review provides a road map through current trends and issues in archaeological studies of memory. Many scholars continue to draw on Halbwachs for collective memory studies, emphasizing how the past can legitimate political authority.... more
The paper examines the role of different types of memory in Early Mycenaean Greece, with reference to funerary rituals. It suggests a gradual shift from habitual/procedural forms of memory (associated with rituals) to semantic processes... more
Dziedzictwo militarne na ogół charakteryzowane jest poprzez opisy broni, amunicji, czy umundurowania żołnierzy biorących udział w wielkich wojnach XIX i XX wieku. W niniejszym szkicu kierujemy uwagę na rzadziej łączone z dziedzictwem... more
Zainteresowanie archeologicznymi badaniami materialnych śladów nieodległej przeszłości w Polsce skłania do zastanowienia się nad specyfiką, wartością i kontekstami uzasadniania tego typu działań. W polskojęzycznej literaturze nie... more
An overview of the Barbier-Mueller exhibition "Asen, mémoires de fer forgé , art vodoun du Danhomè" which highlights the styles and contributions of different artist workshops among the Fon of the Dahomey Kingdom in is now Benin Republic.
Biology Unmoored: Melanesian Reflections on Life and Biotechnology is a provocative attempt on the part of Sandra Bamford to further destabilize, in true Schneiderian fashion, the taken-for-granted biologicocentric paradigm underpinning... more