Digital technology can benefit the oil and gas sector by increasing hydrocarbon recovery, ensuring safety throughout the corporate ecosystem, and improving operational reliability. This study addresses the oil and gas supply chain digital... more
The word "e-commerce" means the buying and selling of goods, products, and services through the internet. Electronic commerce or internet commerce are other synonyms of e-commerce. These services were provided through the internet... more
Ekonomi kuramında fiyat; kaynakları yönlendirici, iş adamlarını bir alandan başka bir alana çekici ve tüketicilere fayda maksimizasyonu sağlamada yol gösterici bir değişken olarak tanımlanır. Bundan ötürü, bir ekonominin kusurlu olup... more
Nestes últimos 50 anos o pensamento econômico tem conquistado um enorme espaço nas ciências humanas e os economistas brasileiros tornaram-se atores políticos de primeira grandeza, tendo participado das decisões mais importantes do Estado... more
In spite of being one of the fastest growing economies of the world, and having taken steps to improve the country's health status after independence, India still has a long way to go. The healthcare system is challenging in India,... more
The Masters in Business Administration (MBA) programme is a global educational qualification with different forms of values for individuals and organisations and varying degrees of attractions from persons and companies in developed and... more
Higher education confers numerous benefits both to the individual and to society, including higher earnings, lower rates of unemployment and government dependency, an increased tax base, and greater civic engagement. Access to higher... more
Background: Hazardous materials have become a popular home item in many developing countries over the last few decades. It has become a huge global health problem due to their simple availability, marketing, accessibility, and lack of... more
This study addressed the causal association of entrepreneurial performance as predicted by entrepreneurial skills and innovative behavior. Respondents of this research comprised 205 business graduate students from colleges and... more
In questo lavoro, ci introdurremo all’interno di alcuni concetti fondamentali del marketing, attraverso l’esame dei ruoli che i responsabili di questa funzione svolgono nelle loro attività quotidiane. Compito del marketing è assicurare la... more
Teknolojik gelişmeler neticesinde internet kullanımının yaygınlaşması ile tüketiciler mal ve hizmetlerle ilgili anlık verilere kolayca ulaşabilmekte ve alternatifler arasında kıyaslama yapabilmektedir. Aynı zamanda veri teknolojileri... more
Resumo : Este estudo tem por objetivo evidenciar as ações sociais de doze (12) empresas gaúchas através da demonstração do Balanço Social. Destaca-se a relevância desse assunto, não só no Rio Grande do Sul, como também em outros Estados e... more
The study examined role of Mergers and Acquisitions in Growth of Deposit Money Banks in South East, Nigeria. The research objectives included: ascertain the extent merger and acquisition affects the profitability of deposit money banks in... more
Nhà xuất bản: Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội Năm xuất bản: 2008 Nơi xuất bản: Hà Nội Khổ sách: 16 x 24 cm Số trang: 245 Giáo trình Kế toán quản trị được biên soạn nhằm trang bị các kiến thức cần thiết cho các nhà quản trị doanh nghiệp tương lai.... more
Organisational Effectiveness: A Necessary Tool for Achieving Quality University Education in Nigeria
The role of higher education in producing graduates who can transform the nation cannot be overemphasised. As such, one must look for ways to ensure that the higher education received is of good quality and of an enviable standard. One of... more
Masteroppgave i bedriftsledelse (MBA) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201
In mid-February 2020 New Zealand released its long overdue 'Countering terrorism and violent extremism national strategy. ' This article draws on the experience of three academic commentators who cast a critical eye over the document and... more
Paralleling the business community, business schools increasingly face pressure from their various stakeholders to address sustainability issues. While sustainability can be delivered as a stand-alone business course, we assert that... more
Kerala has attained appreciably good health status compared to other States in India. This remarkable achievement in health in spite of its fiscal hardships has motivated many researchers to think about the unique "Kerala Model of Health'... more
The Out Patient Department (OPD) Services is one of the most important aspects of Hospital Administration. The main objective of the present research is to analyze the satisfaction of Outpatients with respect to the actions and care of... more
Objective -Based on the theory of planned behaviour, this study empirically investigated and significantly validated the relationship among hedonistic buying orientation, utilitarian buying orientation, pro-environmental orientation. and... more
In spite of being one of the fastest growing economies of the world, and having taken steps to improve the country's health status after independence, India still has a long way to go. The healthcare system is challenging in India,... more
The purpose of this research is to identify and examine the factors that contribute to bank switching intentions of e-banking customers and whether these intentions differ according to demographic characteristics (age, gender, education,... more
The purpose of this study is to explore factors that reinforce or obstruct business schools in Pakistan to develop managerial knowledge, skills and work-based learning experiences of MBA students. The study is prompted by growing debates... more
Executive MBA programs have grown in popularity in the United States as well as in many other countries. These programs accept students from a broad range of professional backgrounds: corporate executives, entrepreneurs, physicians,... more
The objective of this paper is to identify the factors related to students' satisfaction, measure students' overall satisfaction from the postgraduate courses offered at the University of the Aegean Business School in Chios and suggest... more
This paper describes some aspects overall of IT demand management, a key process in the IT governance, which has not been taken into account in companies and now has a very relevant importance in the IT business. The goal the paper is to... more
This paper describes some aspects overall of IT demand management, a key process in the IT governance, which has not been taken into account in companies and now has a very relevant importance in the IT business. The goal the paper is to... more
Professor Lewin has published 15 books and more than 150 articles in scholarly and professional journals. He is a consultant to businesses in the United States and abroad.
The Out Patient Department (OPD) Services is one of the most important aspects of Hospital Administration. The main objective of the present research is to analyze the satisfaction of Outpatients with respect to the actions and care of... more
Las pequeñas y medianas empresas son generadoras de empleo, contribuyen a la riqueza económica y constituyen una parte importante de las unidades económicas que integran las naciones. Sin embargo, estas carecen recursos financieros:... more
Health and education are among the basic capabilities that adds value to the human life. Good health of the citizens is a fundamental driver for economic growth and development of any country. India's healthcare system is challenging,... more
El salario emocional y la flexibilidad laboral podrían resultar siendo variables contrarias, por un lado el salario emocional supone bienestar para los colaboradores, mientras que la flexibilidad laboral es utilizada tradicionalmente como... more
The importance of an MBA in family business management is that it encourages the entrepreneurial spirit and the advancement of best family business management practices. It includes addressing continuity of operation, succession planning,... more
Develop an Essay:
( Business Intelligence Systems for Startups )
( Business Intelligence Systems for Startups )
Tez çalışmasında iki senaryo çerçevesinde iki katılımcı grubu karşılaştırılmaktadır. 1.numaralı senaryoda katılımcılar aynı uçak biletini 50 TL. satın almakta, daha sonra diğer bireylerin aynı uçak biletini 100 TL’ye satın aldıklarını... more
This study aims to review the MBA programs currently being offered by prominent Business Schools India from a Global perspective. The objective is to understand the global trends in business education and evaluate any gaps in the MBA... more
La definición oficial proporcionada por el Instituto de Gestión de Proyectos (PMI, 2013) dice: La gestión de proyecto, entonces, es el uso del conocimiento, habilidades y técnicas para ejecutar proyectos de manera eficaz y eficiente. Se... more
Businesses of all scales should hire only those specialists whose job makes a real value. This article argues the role of a financial manager in a small business. My own business experience shows that such companiescan be competitive by... more
Porters five force analysis of higher education; Balmiki Providence College MBA
Internacional de Denver, conocido como DIA por sus siglas en inglés, el mayor en extensión de los Estados Unidos y el sexto en tráfico de pasajeros. ¿Qué intentaban conseguir? En 1991 el aeropuerto hizo un intento por remodelar y... more