Recent papers in Massage
Injection-induced necrosis is a rare but dreaded consequence of soft tissue augmentation with filler agents. It usually occurs as a result of injection of filler directly into an artery, but can also result from compression or injury. We... more
Genital tract trauma following spontaneous vaginal childbirth is common, and evidence-based prevention measures have not been identified, beyond minimizing the use of episiotomy. This study randomized 1211 healthy women in midwifery care... more
Title. 'Being a Chameleon': labour processes of male nurses performing bodywork. Aim. This paper is a report of a study examining the labour processes of male nurses in the conduct of bodywork, and is part of a broader study of social... more
To investigate the efficacy of classical massage on stress perception and mood disturbances, 34 women diagnosed with primary breast cancer were randomized into an intervention or control group. For a period of 5 weeks, the intervention... more
La physiothérapie est l'utilisation, dans un but thérapeutique, des agents physiques naturels ou artificiels (en particulier la chaleur, le froid, le mouvement, les ultrasons, l'électricité, l'eau). Ses principaux effets sont de soulager... more
Background: Poly-L-lactic acid gained U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for use in human immunodeficiency virus-related facial lipoatrophy in August of 2004. Since that time, it has become available for use in the United States... more
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature for, and critically appraise, randomized controlled trials of any type of complementary and alternative therapies for labor pain. Study design: Six... more
Objectives: To explore the efficacy of reflexology on acute pain induced in healthy human subjects using a sham TENS control. Design: An ice-pain experiment was undertaken in which the volunteers (n ¼ 15; 11 female and 4 male with a mean... more
Health, leisure and beauty activities are increasing in popularity in the United Kingdom, with a particular emphasis on self-help and alternative health practices. One product type that has increased sales with this expansion is the hand... more
Objective: The usefulness of massage as a recovery method after high-intensity exercise has yet to be established. We aimed to investigate the effects of whole-body massage on heart rate variability (HRV) and blood pressure (BP) after... more
Tension and pain are common occupational hazards of modern-day nursing, especially given recent changes to the health care system. The aims of the pilot study were (1) to evaluate the feasibility of carrying out a series of eight... more
S.A., (800) 222-3911). Devised in France during the 1970s, L.P.G.'s original purpose was to soften scars and standardize physical therapy; however, patients treated with the L.P.G. machine also showed an improvement in body contour and... more
Postpartum depression affects an estimated 13% of women who have recently given birth. This article discusses several alternative or complementary therapies that may serve as adjuncts in the treatment of postpartum depression. The intent... more
There is now a general trend towards a more baby friendly, family centred approach in the Neonatal Unit. Aspects of that approach -including positive touch and massage -are gaining in popularity. This has caused much debate due to the... more
Background: Massage therapy is an attractive treatment option for osteoarthritis (OA), but its efficacy is uncertain. We conducted a randomized, controlled trial of massage therapy for OA of the knee.
Studies suggest that between 30% and 50% of the adult population in industrialized nations use some form of complementary and/or alternative medicine (CAM) to prevent or treat a variety of health-related problems. A comprehensive... more
Migraine is a distressing disorder that is often triggered by stress and poor sleep. Only one randomized controlled trial (RCT) has assessed the effects of massage therapy on migraine experiences, which yielded some promising findings.... more
The effects of three different regimes of chest physiotherapy were compared in this cross-over study. Mucus clearance was monitored in nine clinically stable cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. The patients performed: 1) postural drainage with... more
This article consists of a case report with a follow-up and a review of the literature. Approximately 30 million people worldwide suffer from Dupuytren's disease. In plain terms, part of the connective tissue of the palm of the hand... more
This study evaluated changes in shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder after 4-week rehabilitation combining exercise with electrical therapy and massage. Ten patients with frozen shoulder (mean +/- standard error (SE) age... more
Objective To determine the effectiveness of exercise and soft tissue massage either in isolation or in combination for the treatment of non-specific shoulder problems. Methods Database searches for articles from 1966 to December 2011 were... more
Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the musculoskeletal conditions and associated pain and limitation and the effects of massage treatment in a Filipino squatter community. Methods: The study was conducted at the Hands On... more
Eighty-four prenatally depressed women were randomly assigned to yoga, massage therapy or standard prenatal care control groups to determine the relative effects of yoga and massage therapy on prenatal depression and neonatal outcomes.... more
Chinese parent's use of nonpharmacological methods in children's postoperative pain relief Parental participation in paediatric postoperative care is common in China. However, the knowledge is limited on what methods parents use to... more
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a multisensory intervention on the physical growth and health of Korean orphaned infants. Fifty-eight full-term infants were randomly assigned to a control (n ¼ 28) or an... more
There has been little research on body therapy for women in sexual abuse recovery. This study examines body-oriented therapy--an approach focused on body awareness and involving the combination of bodywork and the emotional processing of... more
Many patients suffering from cancer make use of complementary therapies, with aromatherapy being a popular choice. Quantitative studies, using questionnaire data, have shown that aromatherapy may reduce psychological distress and enhance... more
Systematic literature review. To assess the efficacy of deep friction massage (DFM) in the treatment of tendinopathy. Anecdotal evidence supports the efficacy of DFM for the treatment of tendinopathy. An advanced understanding of the... more
This study was conducted in one multicultural dementia day-care centre over a period of 18 months. It introduced a gentle hand treatment for clients using three essential oils. The study evolved out of the process of action research where... more
Background: Allergic contact dermatitis induced by the occupational use of products containing essential oils has not been studied comprehensively.
Background: Aromatherapy and hand massage therapies have been reported to have some benefit for people with dementia who display behavioural symptoms; however there are a number of limitations of reported studies. The aim is to... more
Background: Childbirth is arguably one of the most painful experiences women undergo during their lives. This study aimed to compare the effects of ice massage, acupressure and placebo in reducing the intensity of labor pain in pregnant... more
Significant progress in understanding the physiology, clinical correlates, and consequences of neonatal pain have resulted in greater attention to pain management during neonatal intensive care. A number of nonpharmacological therapies... more
OBJECTIVE: To review recent findings on the utilization of massage by cancer patients, including evidence of effects in supportive and palliative cancer care, current understanding of safety considerations and adaptations needed,... more
Many coaches, athletes and sports medicine personnel hold the belief, based on observations and experiences, that massage can provide several benefits to the body such as increased blood flow, reduced muscle tension and neurological... more
Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop a method for applying calibrated manual massage pressures by using commonly available, inexpensive sphygmomanometer parts and validate the use of this approach as a quantitative method... more
Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a set of somatic and psychological symptoms that occur cyclically in the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle. There is no report of final result of reflexology on PMS. Therefore, the present... more
The aim of this study was to verify the effectiveness of traditional Thai massage (TTM) among patients with back pain associated with myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). Swedish massage (SM) was selected as the treatment for the comparison... more