Mary Wollstonecraft

475 papers
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Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate for women's rights, best known for her work "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman". She argued for the education and empowerment of women, challenging the societal norms of her time and laying foundational ideas for feminist theory.
[T]hat the science of politics is in its infancy, is evident from philosophers scrupling to give the knowledge most useful to man that determinate distinction. 1 In this talk, I discuss Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of... more
Nel Noddings, a prominent American feminist, philosopher, and educator, was recognised for her contributions to the ethics of care, educational philosophy, and educational theory. Noddings presents a radical transformation to this current... more
This research paper explores the significant contributions of Western women education thinkers to the landscape of higher education, highlighting their roles in shaping educational theory, policy, and practice. The work examines the... more
No século XVIII, pensadores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento inauguraram uma nova perspectiva epistemológica para o Ocidente. Na filosofia, economia e política, entre outros campos do saber, ideias inovadoras romperam com os paradigmas... more
In my paper, I employ the framework of feminist disability studies to critically examine how the intersecting factors of disability, gender, and the politics of recognition weave an interpretation of the narratives of Mary Shelley’s... more
July 25, 2024
La storica: "L'identità è come una persona si sente veramente, l'anatomia è un'altra cosa"
Dans A Vindication of the Rights of Men , Mary Wollstonecraft élabore une réponse à Edmund Burke en termes d'une opposition entre la justice et le statut de la propriété foncière aristocratique. Parmi les effets de la domination des... more
Ne zaman kadın ve erkek arasındaki eşitsiz durum ve kadına karşı tutum araştırılsa, göze çarpan ilk etken eğitim sistemi olmuştur. Feminist Felsefe kadınların her daim gölgede bırakılmasını haklı çıkarmayı amaçlayan söylemlerin öne... more
Do ponto de vista filosófico, interessa notar que Sofia é o modelo da mulher: o padrão verdadeiro e virtuoso por estar em conformidade com a natureza. Nas páginas que seguem, proponho-me a participar da longa conversa entre intérpretes... more
This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for a degree or diploma by the University of Tasmania or any other institution. To the best of my knowledge and belief no material previously published or written by another person... more
This article charts the rise of Mary Wollstonecraft as a international feminist meme in 1890s Britain, Germany, and the United States as a result of the centennial markers of her 1792 Rights of Woman and 1797 death. To this end, we... more
A função e o sentido do casamento são apresentados por Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), em “Reivindicação dos direitos da mulher” (1792). Escrito em formato de reunião de panfletos e publicado antes de partir para a França revolucionária,... more
In Wollstonecraft's early writings, she articulates the foundational theological and philosophical principles that would underpin her work throughout her career. One difference between her early and later work lies in the way that the... more
This paper explores the way in which Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818) illuminates the physiological dimension of the sublime experience and its profound impact on the subject. Frankenstein's creature presents... more
Aquest llibre aplega les veus imprescindibles per a comprendre l'evolució del feminisme al llarg dels segles. S'hi presenta la vida i les obres d’autores que van decidir pensar i repensar què significa ser dona, individualment i... more
A revolutionary figure in a revolutionary time, she took up and lived out not only the liberal call for women's educational and moral equality, but virtually all of the other related, violently contested questions of 1790s-questions... more
This article charts the rise of Mary Wollstonecraft as a international feminist meme in 1890s Britain, Germany, and the United States as a result of the centennial markers of her 1792 Rights of Woman and 1797 death. To this end, we... more
Against the background of the international political crises generated by the early phase of the French Revolution at Nootka Sound in 1790 and in Saint-Domingue in 1791, Mary Wollstonecraft developed a capacious political theory of the... more
Writers have long been attracted to the possibilities for thinking about contemporary political problems and debates in the format of a literary production. While this was often enough pragmatic—think only of the wisdom in moving court... more
Tem-se por objetivo apresentar como o termo luxury, principalmente por conta da polidez, altera-se na Grã-Bretanha, entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, tornando-se objeto de querela e, ainda, como essa querela se desenvolve até a segunda... more
This research note provides an analysis of several overlooked extracts from Wollstonecraft's writings, which were published in Britain between 1792-1795. It uses these publications to argue that although politics played a significant role... more
works and promoting cross-cultural understanding through literature. Her areas of interest include the Arabic novel, comparative literature, and women's studies.
Una notte, intorno al Sacro Fuoco al centro di una foresta, si riunisce un gruppo di donne fuori dallo spazio tempo. Siedono in cerchio, per condividere le loro storie alla pari e celebrare la Grande Madre fino al giorno seguente, alcune... more
Rokeya waged a persistent struggle for female education braving the social norms and barriers that dictated an all-male presence in education and stood between women and intellectual culture. She did not believe in any disparity or... more
This is the final author's draft of a chapter now published in R. Gibson and C. Whitton (eds.) Cambridge Critical Guide to Latin Literature (Cambridge, 2024) p. 395-446. It offers an accessible overview of reception theory as it evolved... more
Two rival accounts of women’s rights exist in American history. These disparate accounts map on to rival accounts of rights per se, which themselves map onto rival accounts of who we are as human beings. These rival accounts of the human... more
el ensayo intenta mapear las múltiples formas de opresión y dominio que, en el contexto contemporáneo, pueden comprenderse recurriendo a esta categoría. Un aspecto relevante, en el contexto de las esclavitudes contemporáneas, consiste en... more
This research tries to analyze the women’s struggle towards stereotypes in the novel The Case of The Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery. The objectives of this research are to identify, classify and analyze the phenomena of the... more
Since time immemorial, the universal notion of young women to take over the household chores, be taken as wives and take care of their children had been circulating. In José Rizal’s letter to the young women of Malolos, he expressed his... more
Critically appraised Rizal's views on women in nation-building. Examine closely how Rizal instigated the women of Malolos to rise and take an active role in society.
Letter to the Women of Malolos Women back in the days, were viewed nothing more than objects by men. Producers and forgers of the next generations. Man, from its birth is held and cared by the mother, while their father's role is to... more
Rizal's letter to young women of Malolos was a powerful call to action and empowerment addressed to a group of young Filipinas. In the letter, Rizal commends the women of Malolos for their courage and initiative in seeking education and... more
The Women of Malolos and Rizal's letter to them, including his hopes and aspirations towards nation-building with women and their roles therein, and his delight at the start of the steps of women towards becoming active members of society.
This paper aims to critically appraise Rizal’s views on
women in nation-building and to examine closely how Rizal instigated the women of Malolos to rise and take an active role in society.