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A narrative approach to the Gospel of John including point of view, literary and rhetorical devices, characters and characterization, and masterplot.
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      Gospel of JohnLiterary CharactersNew Testament Narrative CriticismMary Magdalene
This study examines the text transmission of the figure of Martha of Bethany throughout the Fourth Gospel in over one hundred of our oldest extant Greek and Vetus Latina witnesses. The starting point for this study is instability around... more
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      New Testament Textual CriticismGospel of JohnMary MagdaleneMary and Martha
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      New TestamentEarly ChurchBiblical ArchaeologyHistorical Jesus
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      Christian IconographyMedieval TextilesMary Magdalene
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      HagiographyNorthern RenaissanceWomen and Gender StudiesMary Magdalene
Mary, Universal Goddess – from the moment that I saw the statue of Mary in the pittoresque village of de Lutte (near Oldenzaal, the Netherlands) I was thrilled to my bones. This Mary was a Queen, a Sovereign. Feminine energy, strength... more
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      SpiritualitySexualityGoddess SpiritualityNeo-Paganism and Western Esotericism
The Talmud often suggests that male and female together image Elohim and that their separation reduced humanity from that reflective nature. The Gospel of John has Jesus seeking to restore humanity to this original ideal by his death,... more
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      New TestamentTalmudBiblical StudiesBible
Several methodologies have been used for the study of film. This article seeks to introduce a methodology that, in spite of a long tradition of critical approaches, has been little explored in this area: that of iconology. The elements of... more
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      ReligionFilm StudiesGender and religion (Women s Studies)Iconology
Sans connaître l’hébreu, l’abbé Boudet établit des rapports arbitraires et fantaisistes entre l’hébreu et l’anglais (qu’il croit être “la vraie langue celtique”)...
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      Mary MagdaleneRennes le Chateau
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesCult of SaintsItalian Renaissance Art
En hébreu comme en araméen, le premier mot du Magnificat (Luc 1, 46-55) – Μεγαλύνει en grec, Magnificat en latin – est construit à partir de la racine GDL (גדל) tout comme l’épithète araméenne Megaddela (מגדלא) qui signifie “la Magnifiée”... more
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      MagnificatGospel of LukeVirgin MaryMary Magdalene
L’argumentation de Thierry Murcia est double. D’abord, il déconstruit la manière dont divers personnages féminins du Nouveau Testament ont été combinés au fil du temps pour donner la Marie-Madeleine légendaire. De la même façon, il... more
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      MandaeismHistorical JesusVirgin MaryJesus
This article lifts up the Woman with the Alabaster Jar of Luke’s Gospel, chapter 7. The Pharisee saw her as a sinner because according to Pharisaic laws she was. Jesus, the Teacher at the Pharisee’s house agrees. He says the Woman has... more
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      Ecological JusticeVirgin MaryMary Magdalene
When I first began the coursework on Mary Magdalene in the spring of 2020, it occurred to me how central breath was to what was transpiring both in the study of Mary Magdalene, in my own lifelong connections to her and the pandemic that... more
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      CosmosMary Magdalene
A sinner converted into a saint, Mary Magdalene poses a paradox of representation. Conventionally portrayed as a beautiful and sensual woman with light skin and fair hair, she is most commonly shown in a state of repentance, shying away... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryPaintingPortraiture
The Tempelhof of Bergheim altarpiece, painted by the Alsatian Gothic master Jost Haller around 1445 in Strasbourg, combines images of two seemingly unrelated stories, that of John the Immerser after the immersion identifying Jesus as the... more
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      Art HistoryNew TestamentMedieval ArtGospel of John
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      Historical TheologyMary MagdaleneArt and Religion
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      GnosticismGender StudiesPatristicsHistoriography
Marie-Madeleine enceinte de Jésus ? (1er volet) : Marie-Madeleine aurait été la compagne de Jésus et le couple aurait eu des enfants. Voilà une théorie très en vogue depuis 2003, année de la parution du Da Vinci Code. On trouve sur... more
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      Mary MagdaleneSt. Mary of EgyptDesposyni
Journal of the Alamire Foundation 2 (2010), 233-269. This paper focuses on the Cistercian historia in honor of the beguine and recluse Mary of Oignies. It provides a context for the office by studying the musical and literary culture at... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCult of SaintsSaints' Cults
Maria Magdalena gehört zweifellos zu den bekannteren Figuren des Neuen Testaments. Das liegt gewiss nicht nur daran, dass sie als Person aus dem Umkreis Jesu neben Simon Petrus und anderen Nachfolgerinnen und Nach-folgern Jesu auch... more
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      New TestamentMary Magdalene
This is a reassessment of the Ghent altarpiece in the context of the upcoming third edition of The Gospel of John Restored and Translated, to be published in seven or eight volumes by Editores Volcán Barú, as providing clues that the... more
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      Art HistoryNew TestamentMedieval ArtEarly Medieval Art
Sulla figura leggendaria e misteriosa di Maria Maddalena, molto si è detto, molto si è scritto e molto si è favoleggiato. Annoverata tra le prime donne al seguito di Gesù e dei suoi discepoli, peccatrice da cui fuoriuscirono ben sette... more
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      Relics (Religion)ProvenceMary MagdaleneMedieval Provence
"Auferstehung" eine Interpretation zum Bild von Fra Beato Angelico
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      TheologyNew TestamentFeminist TheologyBiblical Theology
While it is common today to refer to Jesus’s disciple Μαρία[μ] ἡ Μαγδαληνή as Mary “of Magdala,” with Magdala identified as a Galilean city named Tarichaea, what do our earliest Christian sources actually indicate about the meaning of... more
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      Origen of AlexandriaSt JeromeMary MagdaleneBiblical Studies; New Testament; Gospels
4e de COUVERTURE : Marie-Madeleine... La femme la plus importante de l'Evangile après la Vierge Marie. Libérée de sept démons, elle suit le Christ depuis la Galilée jusqu'au pied de la Croix. Au matin de Pâques, c'est à elle que le Christ... more
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      Mary MagdaleneMary of MagdalaMaria MaddalenaMaría Magdalena
Approximately fifty years after the death of Pope Innocent IU, Humbert of Romans (t 1277), retired master general of the Dominican Order, set about putting together his handbook for preachers, De eruditione prnedicatorum. In Part I,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Medieval Sermons
Author: Angela Ravin-Anderson Publisher: CBE International A popular question has been posed for a while now in contemporary American society: “What would Jesus do?” The theology behind the question suggests that, perhaps, in the absence... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentBiblical StudiesSynoptic Gospels
The essay analyses the Louvre Crucifixion by Paolo Veronese (c. 1575–1580) and aims to clarify the presence and significance of the woman cloaked in yellow in the middle of the composition. Alternatively identified with the... more
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      Venetian art and architectural historyVenetian HistoryRenaissance History esp Venice, Veneto and empiresVenice
Apostle to the apostles or whore? The “Woman who knew the All” or one who “perfumed her flesh in forbidden acts”? In a world looking for female voices from the past, where are the female voices in the Christian story? And why has... more
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      GnosticismFeminist TheologyPoetrySpirituality
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      SilenceSolitudeMary MagdaleneChristian Contemplation
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      New TestamentGospel of JohnJesusMary Magdalene
Noli me tangere in the Codex Egberti (Reichenau, c. 977-93) and in the Gospel-Book of Otto III (Reichenau, 998-1000): Visual Exegesis in Context, in “Illuminating the Middle Ages: Tributes to Prof. John Lowden from his Students, Friends... more
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      Anthropology of the SensesMedieval illuminated manuscriptsOttonian ArtIconography and Iconology
Who is the female character represented in this stained glass? Is it Mary or Mary Magdalene? For those who claim that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ mystical and sexual companion, there is no doubt that it is the second. And this is also how... more
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      ChristianityStained GlassVirgin MaryMary Magdalene
The Criterion of Embarrassment is an oft-used historical tool by those who seek to authenticate and validate the New Testament Gospels insofar as they are understood as historical literature. However, a thoughtful review of this... more
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      HistoryEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesBiblical Exegesis
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      GnosticismEarly ChristianityMary MagdaleneWomen in the Early Church
The traditional image of the Magdalene as a repentant prostitute, not to mention contemporary speculations about her being a priestess or goddess figure or bride of Christ, are quite mistaken. They fail to do justice to the biblical and... more
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      Feminist TheologyThealogyMary MagdaleneFeminist Biblical Interpretation
En el presente artículo se analiza la evolución de la imagen conceptual de María Magdalena, uno de los personajes bíblicos que más reinterpretaciones y mitología ha generado a lo largo de los siglos. Una imagen conceptual es aquella que... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtMedieval ArtIconologyMary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene would have been the companion of Jesus and the couple would have had children. This is a very popular theory since the publication of The Da Vinci Code in 2003. Some even go so far as to say that their supposed descendants... more
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      Rosslyn ChapelMary MagdaleneMary of MagdalaMary Magdalen
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      Art HistorySanat TarihiMary MagdaleneRönesans
Relationshop of Gnostic forms of the female Divine to Khokhmah, Isis, Ruha d'Qudsha and other traditions. Sophia, Barbelo, Arche, Eve/Zoë, and the theme of female creators "without a partner." Women in Gnostic scriptures, including Maryam... more
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      GnosticismHistory of AstrologyWisdom LiteratureMandaeans
Dr Marc Gafni discusses the verse in Songs of Songs, “It’s Insides are Lined with Love” in volume one of his Radical Kabbalah. (See Gafni, Radical Kabbalah, Vol. 1 pp. 120-123) which talks about what is described there as a Hasidic... more
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      Integral TheorySexualityMysticismAlfred North Whitehead
A peculiar feature of some early manuscripts of John has rarely been interpreted. At the climax of Mary Magdalene’s recognition scene, her name changes from Maria to Mariam. The immediate narrative context includes Mary’s double... more
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      GnosticismNew TestamentCoptic StudiesNew Testament Textual Criticism
In the final saying of the Gospel of Thomas (logion 114), Jesus speaks of needing to make Mary male so that she can enter the kingdom. Similarly, the male/female dyad is interpreted spiritually as a positive/negative opposition by many of... more
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      Gender and religion (Women s Studies)Moravian (Church History)Gospel of ThomasVirgin Birth
Mark did not create Christianity but wrote a compelling account about a faith that he already knew. Some modern scholars recognise that in so writing, the author we now know as Mark developed the story’s characters in order to focus on... more
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentHermeneutics
From a book restoring the hypothetical original version of the Gospel of John, in which the centrality of Mary called Magdalene is recovered, comes this discussion of the black madonna artistic tradition of Mediaeval Europe and elsewhere... more
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      Art HistoryNew TestamentMedieval ArtGospel of John
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      Early Christian Apocryphal LiteratureHistorical JesusNew Age spiritualityMary Magdalene
In Hebrew as in Aramaic, the first word of the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) – Μεγαλύνει in Greek, Magnificat in Latin – is constructed from the root GDL (גדל) just like the Aramaic epithet Megaddela (מגדלא) which means “the Magnified” and... more
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      MagnificatGospel of LukeVirgin MaryMary Magdalene
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      New TestamentAramaicBiblical StudiesBible Translation