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Social media can be perceived as forging one’s relationships and influencing one’s world view, but has it always allowed individuals to connect meaningfully? It mesmerises and grips the mind of its users. It fascinates, yet does not allow... more
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      Media StudiesSocial SciencesDigital CultureSocial Media
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society." -- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
Öz Bireysel toplumda bir kitle düşünürü, McLuhan, tipografik teknolojinin batı toplumlarındaki düşünsel değişimi nasıl etkilediğini tanımlamaya çalışmıştır. "Elektronik medya" olarak tanımlanan kavramın çıkış noktasını tartışmaya açan... more
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      New MediaMarshall McLuhan
The Byzantine in its formal and conceptual parallels to modernity has served as a dialectic for articulating new media and their technologies since the mid-twentieth century. This is perhaps most vividly demonstrated in two portraits by... more
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      Popular MusicPopular CultureMedievalismPop Culture
Marshall McLuhan'ın Hayatı, Kavramları ve "Araç Mesajdır" mottosu üzerine Doktora Dersi Sunumu
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesMass CommunicationMarshall McLuhan
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      ArchivesMarshall McLuhanMedia technologyMedia Archeology
An essay on the effects of media on humanity and its future
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      TechnologyMedia StudiesNarrativeStorytelling
Former President of the Media Ecology Association, Dr Phil Rose, ran for office in the 2015 Canadian federal election. This article presents an interview with Rose in the wake of his defeat. To stimulate and organize the flow of the... more
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      Media EcologyPoliticsCharismaMarshall McLuhan
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      Philosophy of TechnologyMedia EcologyPhenomenologyCommunications History
Elektronicko-mediální světy se vyznačují fenomény lehkosti, volné pohyblivosti, hry s dimenzemi a morfujícími útvary. Tuto lehkost Wolfgang Welsch nazývá příznačně "lehkost bytí". Je opravdu takové přebývání lehké?
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      Media StudiesNew MediaSocial MediaJacques Derrida
El escenario de la comunicación humana, basado en las interrelaciones que realizamos entre personas que manejamos un mismo código, sea este lingüístico, social o sensacional, ha transmutado en una carrera acelerada. La revolución de la... more
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      Marshall McLuhanComunicaçãoComunicacion SocialNuevas tecnologías
Resumen Introducción: En este estudio se establece un paralelismo entre el pensamiento de Marshall McLuhan, uno de los primeros en explorar el fenómeno del prosumidor, y los llamados nuevos medios. Y por la otra, se analizan dos... more
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      Marshall McLuhanProsumerMcLuhanProsumption
Cluster analysis of graph related problems is an important issue now-a-day. Different types of graph clustering techniques are appeared in the field but most of them are vulnerable in terms of effectiveness and fragmentation of output in... more
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      Marshall McLuhanNMI (Numero Mínimo de Individuos)RNSCCost of Clustering
This essay deals with the “Information” exhibition of 1970 at MoMA, one of the more significant exhibitions of Conceptual and related art of the period. The role of the curator as a type of artist is discussed, as is the importance of... more
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      Political PhilosophyArt TheoryMuseum StudiesContemporary Art
The monograph Media and Culture ( deal with the development of human communication – from the simply interpersonal communication up to the digital systems of the... more
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      Media StudiesGlobalizationMarshall McLuhanCyberspace
The delivery of news on Twitter and social media to an increasing majority of people has replaced the attempt to disseminate facts and truth on traditional news media, with the new goal of massive engagement via likes, retweets, and... more
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      New MediaJournalismAdvertisingDigital Journalism
The media-rich cityscapes of North America have raised new questions about public space and private space. How can we create and sustain cultural and economic spaces? What new images can we use to understand the city and what it might... more
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      Marshall McLuhanUrban form
O futuro do livro impresso vem sendo objeto de interesse de filósofos e outros estudiosos, pelo menos, desde o início do século XX. Walter Benjamin e Marshall McLuhan escreveram páginas memoráveis sobre esse tema. Como pensar esse futuro,... more
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      Walter BenjaminMarshall McLuhanTecnologias DigitaisLivro
Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění Abstract: Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s... more
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      Cultural StudiesJazz Studies And New MediaPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPhotography
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      Contemporary ArtBlogs, Blogging, the BlogosphereBertolt BrechtMarshall McLuhan
Scolari and Rapa's book on media evolution recalls the format of Marshall McLuhan's The Medium Is the Massage and War and Peace in the Global Village
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      Media StudiesMarshall McLuhanMedia Evolution
1. McLuhanism is an approach to the integrative study of the modern human condition via the lens of technology. It takes its inspiration from the writings of Marshall McLuhan, but its ambitions reach beyond them, just as 20th century... more
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      TechnologyMarxismG.W.F. HegelMarshall McLuhan
Para entendermos a gênese da rede mundial de computadores, a world wide web, dedicaremos, antes de tudo, um breve momento ao estudo das tecnologias que a precederam em termos históricos. Compreendemos que a internet é uma tecnolo- gia,... more
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      CommunicationTechnologyMarshall McLuhan
En la medida en que la «aldea global» continúe organizándose de acuerdo a los principios de eficiencia y practicalidad dictados por la mano invisible del mercado, el cambio hacia lo virtual será progresivo y cada vez más presente en el... more
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      Internet StudiesCritical Theory of TechnologyMedia TheoryMarshall McLuhan
Since the birth of modernity, Western thought has been at war with clichés. The association of philosophical and cultural integrity with originality, and the corresponding need for invention and novelty, has been a distinct concern of a... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyVideo GamesGeorge Orwell
Inspired by the growing attention to the politics of comedy in the United States and elsewhere, this paper asks what it would mean to think critically about relations of power mobilized through cheerfulness, humor, and laughter. The paper... more
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      Cultural StudiesGreek ComedyNew MediaPolitical Theory
Now available from Lexington Books. Black Mirror is The Twilight Zone of the twenty-first century. Already a philosophical classic, the series echoes the... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsMedia StudiesDigital Humanities
Tekst był publikowany w: „Zeszyty Telewizyjne” 2005, nr 7.
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      Marshall McLuhanMedioznawstwoThe Medium is the MassageTeoria Nowych Mediów
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    • Marshall McLuhan
Since the rise of radio and television, we have lived in an era defined increasingly by the electronic circulation of images and sounds. But the flood of new computing technologies known as haptic interfaces—which use electricity,... more
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      Media ArchaeologyMedia History"New" senses in art: touch, smell, tasteHaptics
This dialogue foregrounds the interological nature of media ecology as a style of exploration into the human condition. Besides Marshall McLuhan, it also brings Gilles Deleuze, field theory, and the I Ching, et cetera, to bear on media... more
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      Field TheoryMedia EcologyJungian psychologyGilles Deleuze
Here, I follow one of the more exciting and under-explored consequences of grounding media as metaphor - the (not so) sudden compatibility of media ecology with the claim that fictional objects are real. This paper explores what... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia EcologyMedia Theory
Las prácticas culturales en su conjunto están enmarcadas en y atravesadas por un contexto informacional que traza el camino por el que transita el siglo XXI. Pero ¿cuál es la entidad de este ser al que llamamos información? ¿Bajo qué... more
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      MusicMusicologyMarshall McLuhanTiqqun
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      Social NetworksMedia EcologyMarshall McLuhan
Este texto comprende seis apartados y la conclusión. En el primero, explicamos qué es la ecología de los medios. En el segundo, señalamos cómo las tecnologías han observado a través de la historia un rol protagónico en la transformación... more
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      Media EcologyMarshall McLuhanMcLuhanNew Media Ecologies
Textos de: Octavio Islas y Fernando Gutiérrez Eric McLuhan Fernando Gutiérrez Octavio Islas Lance Strate Carlos Fernández Collado. Jesús Galindo Corey Anton Robert Logan Adriana Braga y Adriano Rodrigues Michael Plugh Jorge Alberto... more
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      Media EcologyMarshall McLuhanComunicacionMcLuhan
Using perhaps the most famous science fiction film ever made, what does it mean that we are determined by space? That the human individual was created by controlling its spatial environment(s)? Complicating matters further, that same... more
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      PhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
Internet es un elemento complejo de establecer, las variaciones en forma y contenido que ha sufrido a lo largo de su creación y la intervención pública, han fundado un espacio caótico y lleno de posibilidades. Es así que este estudio es... more
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      Internet StudiesWalter BenjaminMartin HeideggerInternet & Society
Media ecology is not the theoretical stream of communication studies and it is not limited to Marshall McLuhan´s work and thinking; however, we focus on McLuhan's approach to media ecology for this special issue on the philosophy of... more
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      Media EcologyMarshall McLuhanTeoría de la ComunicaciónTeorías de la Comunicación
Come esseri umani, «esistiamo in quanto operiamo nel linguaggio e conserviamo il nostro dominio di adattamento nel dominio di significati che questo crea; (…) siamo osservatori ed esistiamo in un dominio semantico creato dal nostro... more
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      Virtual WorldsMarshall McLuhanTribal studiesComunicazione
Indagine sulla natura e sulle omologie della prospettiva albertiana sulla scorta della speculazione di Marshall McLuhan
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      Visual StudiesMarshall McLuhanLeon Battista AlbertiTipografía
Texto traduzido por Ana Resende, Osvando J. de Morais e Paulo Schettino e publicado anteriormente em BARBOSA, Marialva; MORAIS, Osvando J. de (orgs.). Quem tem medo da pesquisa empírica? São Paulo: INTERCOM, 2011. 528p. PAlAbrAS clAVe:... more
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      CommunicationMedia TheoryMarshall McLuhan
The paper explores Tati's use of new film media in 'Playtime' in ways that reveal more fundamental modes of social, mimetic and situational mediation as performed in the film by architects, and architect-like characters, and by the... more
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm Theory
"ABSTRACT: This paper examines the theoretical and historical principles that shaped the development of Canadian communication studies. The analysis focuses on the University of Toronto as a historical site for the conception and... more
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      SociologyDemographyCommunicationMedia Studies
The famed Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan had an ambivalent relationship with the academia during his lifetime. Despite the renewed interest in his work prompted by the rise of the internet and digital technology, his media... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyMedia TheoryMarshall McLuhanPostphenomenology
In the recent elections in the US various views have been advanced about why mass media did not predict the rise of Donald Trump. This has led to a round of renewed critique of mass media and suggestions on what is wrong with the way... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalism