Marriage and Divorce
Recent papers in Marriage and Divorce
Poem in memory of the life of Julius K. Nyerere for Tanzanias President. History and facts
Poetry: in memory of Mwl Julius Kambarage Nyerere former President of Tanzania.
Die Kultur der Weimarer Republik begeisterte sich in besonderem Maße für solche religiösen Ideen, von denen man sich Hilfe beim Umgang mit den allgegenwärtigen Krisenerfahrungen erhoffte. Auf diese Weise wanderten zahlreiche genuin... more
On the eve of the English invasion (1169), Ireland’s marriage practices were regarded as barbarous and scandalous by contemporary European ecclesiastics. But were they really so divergent, and if so, why does it matter? This article... more
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State... more
Nationalism in Romania 2025
This article is an interdisciplinary study. The authors (a canon lawyer and a biblical theologian) endeavour to examine the text of the Book of Deuteronomy 24:1 through both canonical and exegetical lenses. They look at whether and to... more
A tribute to Shyam Benegal assessing his films and their place in the history of Indian Parallel Cinema.
Services and History and the knowledge and application of the theoretical frameworks is a necessity of every graduate of this school of thought. Of these academic fields under the educational system, the ones that would be discussed are... more
POETIC STRUCTURE OF LORDʼS PRAYER The Lordʼs Prayer is recorded in two canonical texts, the Gospel of Matthew (69-13) and the Gospel of Luke (112-4). The main purpose of this work is to look at their common poetic characteristics, and... more
The term amicus curiae is widely used in most of the courts in Nigeria and it is often used to describe any person, preferably a lawyer, who steps in
The practice of triple talaq, or talaq-e-bid'ah, has been a subject of much debate because of its legal, social, and economic implications for Muslim women. While the Quran has provided a structured and gradual process of divorce, triple... more
A comprehensive outlook of marriage and divorce in the 21st century. This books looks at marriage from different cultures around the world and the realities faced by couples. With the help of qualitative interviews with over 300 residents... more
A comprehensive outlook of marriage and divorce in the 21st century. This book looks at marriage from different cultures around the world and the realities and challenges faced by couples. It looks at the perspective of marriage from the... more
History, Geography and Human Services and it involves the knowledge of theoretical concepts and social imagination. Of these academic subjects, the two that would be mostly evaluated are a. SOCIOLOGY and b. SOCIAL WORK. Other courses that... more
The purpose of this study is to examine marital satisfaction and life satisfaction according to same variables. The study is carried out on married individuals in Adıyaman in 2015 year. The study group consisted of 279 (164 male, 115... more
The traditional perspective on divorce and remarriage is rooted in the interpretation of the term “apoluo,” which is often translated as "divorce." According to Jesus, remarrying after divorce constitutes adultery. However, the word... more
Islam, the Religion of Peace has predicted everything that would happen in society including the innovations of things through the Glorious Book, Quran as well as the book discussing various things such as marriage, divorce, orphans,... more
Islam, the Religion of Peace has predicted everything that would happen in society including the innovations of things through the Glorious Book, Quran as well as the book discussing various things such as marriage, divorce, orphans,... more
La ville peut être abordée selon des points de vue différents : milieu résidentiel, milieu de travail, milieu de culture. Ceux-ci peuvent être entremêlés ou séparés. Il en va de même des groupes sociaux qui communiquent à travers ces... more
Children are gifts from God, and parents are to love, cater, care and support them starting from the pregnancy stage. As they start growing, the children become their own people and the knowledge they gain from every agent of... more
Children are gifts from God, and parents are to love, cater, care and support them starting from the pregnancy stage. As they start growing, the children become their own people and the knowledge they gain from every agent of... more
Emphasizing the important impact of family dynamics, legal frameworks, and access to gender-a irming treatment, this study provides a thorough review of the junction between gender dysphoria and suicidality. Using a mixed-methods... more
The marriage union and covenant bond are a revelation that was given to Adam and Eve while they were still in the Garden of Eden. This is telling because it denotes that marriage is not part of the curse, but it is part of God's original... more
This dissertation examines the racial identities of middleclass Mexican Americans, and provides a focus on how racial oppression plays a significant role in the formation, negotiation, and organization of these identities. Providing... more
Marriage, a system that needs the collaboration of two individuals to achieve some sets of goals which require values and intentions to be alike. The major sexual orientation that was focused in this article are the women because they are... more
This paper explores the concept of sex as an act of worship within a Christian theological framework, arguing that sexual intimacy in marriage can reflect divine truths and worship God. It examines biblical texts, the cultural context of... more
Przedmiotem artykułu są obowiązki duszpasterza w przygotowaniu do zawarcia małżeństwa kanonicznego kogoś, kto wcześniej pozostawał w małżeństwie cywilnym z inną osobą, a po rozwodzie cywilnym pragnie zawrzeć małżeństwo z kimś innym.... more
Niestawiennictwo strony pozwanej w procesie o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa Ius Matrimoniale 7 (13), 167-190 2002 lus M atrim o n iale 7 (13) 2002 Ks. P iotr M ajer Niestawiennictwo strony pozwanej w procesie o stwierdzenie... more
This is a one of its kind article as the penner analyzed three independent topics to form a comprehensive analysis of what some women face when it comes to marriage from those they refer to as their oriented family members.
La ruptura de una relación de pareja es una de las experiencias más dolorosas a nivel emocional, que puede afectar diversos aspectos del bienestar psicológico. No obstante, el deseo de recuperar a una ex pareja es una motivación común,... more
Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage)', criminalizing the practice. This paper analyses the religious practices in Triple Talaq and related judicial decisions for the same.
This article discusses the grief associated with a specific form of romantic breakup, called here unexpected divorce, and its repercussions on psychotherapeutic care. Being a complex situation composed by the concomitant occurrence of:... more
Maternal gatekeeping is the actions and attitudes of mothers that limit or regulate the father's participation in the life of their children, therefore fostering parental alienation. Analyzing their psychological, legal, and social... more
There are archival records of women in the Golden Age seeking divorce from their husbands while living in a convent, which may seem unusual today. So I am interested in exploring why a woman in the early modern period would enter a... more
Resumen: Este trabajo busca aportar reflexiones acerca del significado que tiene la Reforma Universitaria como acontecimiento histórico y también como idea que, 90 años después, se proyecta hasta el presente a través de un mito capaz de... more
En el presente trabajo se aborda críticamente la concepción de igualdad en la institución del matrimonio en Kant. Argumentaré que dicha igualdad no se sostiene si consideramos al sexismo y a la homofobia en los que incurre Kant en sus... more
Maternal and paternal gatekeeping is the practice of actions limiting one parent's involvement in child-rearing, therefore influencing the psychological well-being of the children. The association between maternal gatekeeping and the... more
The African-American struggle for civil rights has been a long one, one that began with the importation of the fIrst black person into the country as a slave, and continues today. I Through radical political struggle coupled with legal... more
Este estudio tiene como proposito determinar el grado de relacion entre el divorcio y la disfuncion paterna en una muestra de 220 familias: 110 de padres casados y 110 de padres divorciados, con hijos entre 1 y 15 anos de edad,... more
While academic research has focused on binational marriages (i.e., marriages between partners of different national origins), transnational divorce is still under‐researched in the field of migration and family studies. Drawing on... more
This study finds maternal gatekeeping behavioral patterns, whereby one parent limits the other's involvement in child-rearing, to be significantly more common. Maternal Gatekeepers (Mothers) are typically positioned as primary caretakers... more
Los alumnos son el centro de la labor del docente, aquellos para quienes nos preparamos día a día haciéndoles conocer el qué y el cómo del Derecho. De todos los alumnos hay siempre uno que destaca, uno que se ocupa y preocupa,... more