Marriage and Divorce
Recent papers in Marriage and Divorce
As pornography use becomes more commonplace in the United States, and increasingly so among younger cohorts, a growing literature is considering its potential connection to key social and cultural institutions. The current study examines... more
Near the end of my academic career I became very interested in Sylvia Plath's poetry. This inevitably involved becoming familiar with Ted Hughes' work as well. I was struck as I became more familiar with their work and their biographies... more
Numerous studies have examined the connection between pornography viewing and marital quality, with findings most often revealing a negative association. Data limitations, however,have precluded establishing directionality with a... more
We have a problem in the arena of divorce and custody. We have a system that is not impartial and often serves as a breeding ground for disingenuous and unethical actions committed by players in the legal arena and sometimes (knowingly... more
The system of Israeli rabbinical courts has been recognized in Israeli law as an official judicial system of the state, and it has special authority to litigate matters of marriage and divorce for all Jewish residents of Israel. This... more
Kazuo Kamimura è un acuto e raffinato interprete della società giapponese del suo tempo, e Il Club delle Divorziate rappresenta un perfetto esempio di tale sagace sensibilità. Attraverso le storie di persone "ai margini" di una società... more
2016年度 秋田公立美術大学紀要 実践報告 p61-p67
A draft translation of extracts from the 'Annales Altahenses' (Annals of Niederaltaich, written c.1075) on Henry IV of Germany's marriage to Bertha of Savoy in 1066, his attempt to repudiate Bertha in 1069, and her mother, Adelaide of... more
Having a high-flying career sometimes may become a tangible problem for both the spouses. Daily routine and helter-skelter can make a marriage just a sham and make family itself inferior. Harry Silver is a TV producer, embarking on his... more
ازدواج موقت به رغم تردیدناپذیري آن از نگاه فقه شیعه، در چند دهه اخیر یکی از مسائل چالش برانگیز اجتماعی- فرهنگی بوده است. عده اي از کارشناسان، رواج ازدواج موقت را باعث شیوع فساد بیشتر در سطح جامعه میدانند؛ در حالیکه برخی دیگر بر این باورند... more
Men's and women's employment trajectories following divorce is an important issue for analysis because of the possible implications of the changes in employment characteristics on the economic well-being of divorced men and women and... more
From the above mentioned admitted facts, it is evident that the petitioner needs sufficient amount of money for the treatment of breast cancer. Hence, it cannot be ruled out that in order to save her life by getting money, she agreed for... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
One aspect of the data, one common theme, which should not surprise, but does, is this: every single one of these people is incredibly miserable here. My conclusions in this paper will be drawn not just from the interviews I’ve done with... more
The relational turbulence model argues that periods of transition in romantic relationships are ripe for upheaval due to heightened relational uncertainty and interference from partners (Solomon & Knobloch, 2004). This research explores... more
Négocier est un terme classique tant de l'histoire économique que de l'histoire diplomatique et des relations internationales. « Faire negoce, faire trafic (negocier en Levant ; negocier de draperie) » nous dit, par exemple, le... more
An exchange between Sam Schulman and readers on his July-
August 2004 Commentary piece, "How the Feminists Saved Marriage."
August 2004 Commentary piece, "How the Feminists Saved Marriage."
Der Beitrag zeichnet die Grundlinien des Ehediskurses in der katholischen Theologie nach und versucht, jenseits der Debatte über all die systematischen und pastoralen Schwierigkeiten eine bejahende Theologie der Ehe zu skizzieren.
The ever-changing trends in adolescent life have their roots in a myriad of sources. However, divorce rates and parent-child relationships (or lack thereof) are also a likely key player in the current movements of adolescent abandonment.
William Henry Webster was vicar of sleepy Waiuku in New Zealand from 1899 to 1902, but he had a varied and colourful life, as did his daughter.
Why is the American family in crisis? Some point to cultural forces such as pornography, popular culture, and secularization. Political scientist Stephen Baskerville argues that the most direct cause is the divorce regime: a government... more
This exegetical paper will focus on I Corinthians 7:10-16. In this passage, Paul both summarizes the Lord’s teaching and gives his own supplemental, apostolically authoritative teaching on divorce and remarriage.
The conflict in families disputing child custody cases across international borders continues to grow worldwide resulting in an epidemic of parental abduction. Governments and international bodies continue to work toward creating... more
The rise of modern capitalism in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries has brought significant changes in every aspect of social life, offering women the opportunity to enter the paid labour force and diminishing traditional... more
A collection of research on the topic of marriage from the perspectives of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Holy Quran, Bible & Scientology
Research report on religion and divorce/marital captivity, Maastricht University.
This paper compiles research pertaining to the education of children with disabilities. It is a synthesis, drawing upon various sources in order to present the picture and story behind special needs education. Instrumental to this... more
A number of studies have been carried out on divorce from sociological, psychological and religious standpoints. Studies on divorce from linguistic perspective in Nigeria are hard to come by. Therefore, this paper conceives divorce as a... more
Co-parenting after divorce has an impact on child adjustment, namely, when parenting gate- keeping and conflict occur. After separation/divorce parents coercive parenting and styles, conflict and triangulation co-parenting types can... more
War die Ehescheidung noch vor wenigen Jahrzehnten gesellschaftlich stark stigmatisiert und eher eine Ausnahmeerscheinung, gehört sie inzwischen für einen Großteil der einmal Verheirateten zur Normalbiografie. Erheblich gewandelt haben... more
It seems to be taken for granted by many that when Jesus condemned the practice of "putting away" a wife, he was talking about divorce as we understand it today. But, if that was the case, why have translators not consistently used the... more
Español: El convenio regulador y la compensación económica: una visión de conjunto En este trabajo se analizan las consecuencias económicas que implica la ruptura matrimonial, específicamente conforme al divorcio vincular introducido por... more