Recent papers in Maronites
Hezbollah is the archetype and so far the most important and efficient of all Iranian proxy forces in the Middle East, and it demonstrates all the traits that eventually became the trademarks of Iran’s proxy networks in Iraq, Syria, Yemen... more
The mere mention of Henri Lammens (SJ) provokes unease, notorious as this militant “priest-scholar” has become in postcolonial circles. Yet his human failings notwithstanding, Lammens has been a victim of the academic conceits and biases... more
This new series provides a forum for exchange on a myriad of alternative histories of marginalized communities and individuals in the Near and Middle East and Mediterranean, and those of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean heritage. It will... more
Osmanlı Devleti'nin XVIII. ve XIX. yüzyıllarda yaşadığı siyasî ve iktisadî buhranlar, o devirlerde devletin sınırları içinde yer alan Orta Doğu bölgelerini de etkilemiştir. Bunun dışında; bölgede bulunan halkların sıkça yaşadıkları mezhep... more
Boom review of Abdul-Rahim Abu-Husayn, Rebellion, Myth Making and Nation Building: Lebanon from an Ottoman Mountain Iltizam to a Nation State, 61 pp. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 2009. ISBN... more
Cet aperçu historique comprend des détails concernant l'histoire des couvents, description des bâtiments tels qu'ils se présentaient en 1909 ; ensuite des détails concernant les propriétés et leurs revenus, et enfin les recettes des... more
يتضمّن البحث عرضًا موضوعيًّا للمصادر التي تحفظ النوافير السريانيّة، والتي يصل عددها إلى حوالى الثمانين، تنتمي إلى الرسل والآباء والقدّيسين وتُسَمَّى على اسمهم ومنها ما يحمل إسم العذراء مريم، كما تعود إلى شخصيّات لها تأثيرها ودورها في... more
One in Christ
أتناول في مداخلتي حول "الإلتزام الرعوي الماروني في بلاد الإنتشار: تحدّيات وآفاق مستقبليّة" والتي تأتي في إطار المؤتمر اللّيتورجي الخامس حول "اللّيتورجيّا المارونيّة في لغات الإنتشار" المواضيع التالية: أوّلاً- الإنتشار الماروني ثانياً-... more
Le corpus traditionnel d’hymnes syriaques monodiques modales de l’office divin constitue le noyau générateur de la liturgie de l’Église maronite. Ces hymnes s’inscrivent dans la continuité du syncrétisme qu’a réalisé Saint Ephrem de... more
لقد نشرّ المؤلّف في هذا الكتاب وثائق تُلقي الضوء على واقع ديمغرافيّ رهبانيّ في القرن التاسع عشر. تَمَيَّزَ هذا القرن بارتفاع ملحوظ في عدد الرهبان وفي عدد الأديار أيضًا، إذ أقدمت الرهبانيّة اللبنانيّة على إنشاء أديار جديدة، تجاوز عددها ثلث... more
This article aims to revisit the impact of relations between Rome and the Maronite Church on his religious identity in the 16th century. The starting point is the manuscript kept in Florence (BNCF) of the Missale Chaldaïcum, one of the... more
This study analyzes the identification process of Maronites in Lebanon, focusing on the autonomy they have enjoyed over the centuries in their own historical premise, called Mount Lebanon. This thesis suggests that the identification... more
In his book of memoirs, Jumblatt describes his military, political and social strategy during the Lebanese Civil War – explicitly analyzing Lebanon’s ominous situation at the time, and reflects on his experiences as the religious leader... more
آous avons publié dans cet ouvrage des textes inédits du XVIII° siècle, à savoir: la Règle des novices, Lettre abrégée sur la prière mentale. Puis nous avons effectué une recherche historique sur la formation théologique des moines de... more
Baroudy, Fadi – Akhrass, Roger-Youssef, « Le patriarche Sévère d’Antioche dans la liturgie maronite », SOPJ 56 (2018), 1-12 (arabe) Avant le milieu du XVe siècle, les Maronites n’avaient attaché presque aucune importance à l’anathème... more
Bu tez Lübnan'da ulus olgusunun inşa ediliş sürecini konu almaktadır. Lübnan, birçok farklı mezhebe ev sahipliği yapması hasebiyle Ortadoğu'nun en kozmopolit ülkelerinden biridir. Onu bölgedeki diğer ülkelerden ayıran en önemli... more
The presence of Maronites at Aleppo probably dates back to the early Middle Ages, but we can not speak about a fully organized community in this city before the 16 th century, when the difficulties suffered by the inhabitants of Mount... more
At the intersection of political science, history and social anthropology, this dissertation asks for the givens and conditions of inter-communal cooperation in the ethnically-plural setting of Lebanon. It explores the social base of the... more
The colonial view of Levantine society as a mosaic of religions established lasting precedents for communal self-governance and power sharing in modern states. Yet it ironically disguises the extent to which the region’s religious... more
The source of this paper is the travelogue of a Maronite Christian from Aleppo, called Hannā Dyāb. He travelled with the French traveler Paul Lucas, who hired him during his passage through Syria in 1707, and brought him to Paris, without... more
Ce travail profite de l’exceptionnelle richesse des fonds romains (archives de la congrégation de Propaganda Fide et de l’Université la Sapienza). Il porte tout d’abord sur le fonctionnement institutionnel des écoles de langue arabe. Sous... more
Syrian deputies' politic activities in Second Constitutional Era.
This work displays primarily the thought of Isaac the Syrian and his philosophy/theology of human knowledge of God. This work is a comparison with Karl Rahner and Walter Kasper, and the manner in which they discussed the same topic over a... more
The Maronite Library of Aleppo houses one of the most important collections of manuscripts in the Syrian Arab Republic. Comprising more than 1600 copies, the collection contains many different works on Bible, theology, philosophy,... more
On December 31, 1707, Josephus Simonius Assemani (d. 1768) completed the composition of his Turoṣ mamlo suryoyo, an innovative Syriac grammar seeming to introduce, among other interesting peculiarities, a new, simplified orthographic... more
Syro-Maronite music is an essential component of the divine office of the Maronite Church, which has undergone several changes throughout its history and which was always in search of its identity, until the last decades. This search for... more
يحتوي هذا المجلد على نصوص وثائق تُنشر للمرة الأولى،. يعود الهدف من نشرها لمساعدة الباحثين على كتابة حقبة من تاريخ الرهبانيّة لا تزال مجهولة.
Für die dynamisch wachsende, heterogene amerikanische Siedlergesellschaft hat Glaube und Religion eine integrative Funktion. Die Relevanz von Ethnic Churches wird in dem Aufsatz am Beispiel zweier maronitischer Gemeinden in den USA... more
Andrekos Varnava, “The Maronite Community of Cyprus: Past, Present and Future”, Al-Mashriq: A Quarterly Journal of Middle East Studies, I, 2, September 2002, 45-70.
Σε αυτό το βιβλίο έρχονται στο φως για πρώτη φορά οι υπηρεσιακές εκθέσεις των ισραηλινών διπλωματών, που χειρίζονταν τη στάση της χώρας τους ως προς το Κυπριακό, κατά την περίοδο 1948-1960. Για δεκαετίες οι εκθέσεις αυτές παρέμεναν... more
The article has got two important parts and dimensions. The first is rather methodological and concentrates on giving ideas that could refresh and enrich the interdisciplinary research on ethnic issues in the Arab world. The author's... more
Мараніты – адна са шматлікіх хрысціянскіх канфесій, якая аднак мае выразную тоеснасць, бо значным чынам адрозніваецца ад рэшты хрысціянскага свету. Па сваёй канфесійнай прыналежнасці мараніты з’яўляюцца католікамі ўсходняга абраду, а,... more
This article examines the establishment of friendly relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Papacy during the Ottoman tanzimat or reorganization period and the impact of this relationship on the Eastern Orthodox Church. The article... more
The Druze leader Kamal Junblatt once said that the Maronites were a Minority obsessed with its sense of being a minority, and perhaps his statement was right when observed during the Civil War, an era which exposed the community to the... more
Les chrétiens ont historiquement été des vecteurs de modernité au Moyen-Orient et des dynamiques qui en découlent en termes de liens avec « l’Occident », d’apports culturels novateurs, de circulation des idées et de mobilité... more
, the Maronites owe their name to the patron saint of their sect, Marun, who died about 410 A.D. Originally, they held to the Monothelite doctrine and they spoke Syriac which was a literary form of Aramaic. They continued to use their... more