Markus Gabriel
Recent papers in Markus Gabriel
in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2017), S. 174-182.
This paper aims to get a general overview over this question : can the conception of reality as it is consecrated in Clément Rosset's theory, as being a totality and of which little can be known, be opposed to the one promoted by Markus... more
Este texto consiste básicamente en una presentación general de la corriente filosófica del nuevo realismo (realismo ontológico, realismo especulativo) surgida en 2007 y en la que participan autores europeos y norteamericanos. Un punto en... more
But Hercule Poirot, he sees nothing but facts. Agatha Christie Was POSTMODERNE auch immer heißen mag: Von Anfang an ist sie im Gerede gewesen und an Totenscheinen jeglicher Couleur hat es nie gefehlt. Als vielleicht couragiertester... more
Markus Gabriel, "El poder del arte". Santiago: Roneo, 2019. Traducción, prólogo y notas de Jean-Paul Grasset B.
Reseña publicada en Revista de Humanidades N° 37, 3 (Enero-Junio 2018): 341-345 (Scopus)
A partir de la recuperación de la ontología planteada en los últimos años por la corriente del nuevo realismo (realismo especulativo) proponemos aquí la redefinición y revaloración de la filosofía que se sigue de tal planteamiento. En... more
Con una doble faceta de filósofo mundano y académico, el pensador alemán Markus Gabriel articula en su obra algunos debates de la filosofía analítica contemporánea y cierta interpretación del Idealismo alemán, bajo la forma de una... more
This is a brief capsule review of Markus Gabriel's recent work Fields of Sense: A New Realist Ontology published in the Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal.
[Winner of the 2022 Hegel PD Prize and Awarded a Special Mention by the Metaphysical Society of America for the 2024 Findlay Prize] Contemporary philosophical discourse has deeply problematized the possibility of absolute existence.... more
The concept of “world” as a totality of things, occupies a central place in philosophical thought. The new realism of Markus Gabriel is for us, like a radicalization of the skeptical position about the world, through their project to show... more
In der akademischen Philosophie verläuft die Zeit anders als auf dem Buchmarkt und im Feuilleton. Im Dezember 2016 erschien nun eine fachphilosophische Diskussion [1] der Thesen, die Markus Gabriel schon 2013 der interessierten... more
We propose here that metaphysics is a form of fundamental violence, as discourse that denies the being of reality and imposes an abstract and idealistic conception of Being. Following the lines of the new realism or speculative realism,... more
What is the shape of the resurrected body? Origen of Alexandria was condemned for having apparently believed the shape of the resurrected body to be that of a sphere. We can perhaps trace the pedigree of this belief, through... more
El terreno de juego de la sociedad mediática es un ámbito incómodo para la filosofía. Aunque durante todo el siglo XX sus salidas a la palestra pública han sido constantes, tenía un espacio propio de creación, generalmente la universidad,... more
Conférence donnée lors du colloque "Nouveaux réalismes" organisé à Wuppertal les 24-26 novembre 2016 en présence d'Alexander Schnell, Markus Gabriel et Frank Pierobon.
Malaise dans le Royaume de Dieu, entre Culture & Foi, avec Emmanuel Carrère, Laurent Lemoine, Paul-Laurent Assoun, Cynthia Fleury, Tzvetan Todorov, Markus Gabriel, saint Augustin, Michaël Foessel, les films Le Déclin de l’Empire... more
Für die vorliegende Auseinandersetzung mit Markus Gabriels "Ontologie der Sinnfelder" sind hauptsächlich zwei Kritikpunkte entscheidend: Erstens kann Gabriel nicht gegen seine These eines ontologischen Pluralismus, der das Herzstück... more
En el presente artículo se muestran los argumentos y los supuestos lógico-matemáticos que están a la base de la fundamentación del realismo especulativo de Quentin Meillassoux y de Markus Gabriel. Se muestra que, en el caso de ambos, si... more
Recension de Fields of Sense & Pourquoi le monde n'existe pas de Markus Gabriel, via le concept de "libéralisme métaphysique" développé par Peter Wolfendale dans Object-Oriented-Philosophy, The Noumenon's New Clothes. Sont également... more
Contrary to the progress of the Postmodern condition – first recognized by J. F. Lyotard – the last century’s philosophical scenario saw the establishment of a new philosophical current shunning any kind of relativism and proposing a form... more
What are the prospects for contemporary continental philosophy in the wake of speculative realism's rehabilitation of ontology? In order to answer this question, I discuss the fundamental reasons behind the rise of antirealist... more
Resumen: Se analiza la tensión que hay entre ontología y epistemología al interior de la corriente filosófica-llamada por Ferraris-nuevo realismo, que trata de ir más allá de la correlación entre la realidad y el pensamiento humano. Se... more
DGPF-Konferenz 18 - 21.9.2019: "Fakt, Faktizität; Wirklichkeit"
Universität Wien
Vortrag im Rahmen des Junior Workshops am 18.9. gehalten.
Universität Wien
Vortrag im Rahmen des Junior Workshops am 18.9. gehalten.
According to Markus Gabriel, the world does not exist. This view—baptised metametaphysical nihilism—is exposited at length in his recent book Fields of Sense, which updates his earlier project of transcendental ontology. In this paper, I... more
This text is a draft version of a talk that I will be giving on November 11th as part of the NYU Space Talks series. I am posting it here in advance in the hopes of helping my listeners to better understand... more
Si nous pouvons parler de (ou penser à) ce qui n’existe pas, y a-t-il pourtant nécessairement quelque chose dont on parle (ou auquel on pense) ? On reconnaît la question classique du statut des objets inexistants, telle qu’elle a été... more
The purpose of this talk is to propose a middle position between relics as mementos occasioning a recollection of a saint and relics as magical objects with their own power to act on physical reality, and to do so by using Neuer Realismus... more
RESUMO: Neste artigo, discutiremos a relação entre determinação e existência na filosofia de Markus Gabriel, ao remontarmos a abordagem que Gabriel fez dessa questão de volta a Kant. Para tanto, visaremos mostrar como uma pressuposição... more
Pranešimas skaitytas 2017 metų Birželio 16 dieną VDU Agoros rengtoje konferencijoje "Problemos anapus mąstymo".
individualmente e collettivamente il con itto tra vecchio e nuovo, appropriandosi così della propria storicità, un superamento dell'estetica che non si limiti a portarne all'estremo la lacerazione appare poco probabile.
di Leonardo Marchettoni Il nome di Markus Gabriel, giovane filosofo tedesco, professore a Bonn ha iniziato a circolare in Italia in occasione del dibattito sul "Nuovo Realismo" inaugurato da Maurizio Ferraris. Questa circostanza è, in un... more