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Although interactive advertising is not new, its scale, scope and immediacy has increased substantially with the diffusion of new technologies such as the Internet. The growth of interactive advertising highlights the role of the consumer... more
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      MarketingAdvertisingResearch AgendaMarkting
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    • Markting
Although interactive advertising is not new, its scale, scope and immediacy has increased substantially with the diffusion of new technologies such as the Internet. The growth of interactive advertising highlights the role of the consumer... more
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Un Ejecutivo Norteamericano, Vice-Presidente responsable de la región Latinoamericana de HIT, Mr. Leonard Getzler, experto en MDI con el cual me correspondió trabajar por bastante tiempo, me dijo en cierta ocasión, que "un negocio pequeño... more
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    • Markting
Gerir -Guias práticos de suporte à gestão Fazer um plano de marketing A coerência e articulação das diferentes políticas da empresa ou produto(s) é responsável em grande parte pelo seu sucesso ou insucesso. O plano de marketing assume... more
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    • Markting
Drawing on the strategy implementation approach and the resource-based view of the firm, this study examines the relationships among competitive strategies (differentiation and cost leadership), responsive market orientation (RMO),... more
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      Market OrientationMarketing StrategyCompetitive strategyMarkting
Analizar los antecedentes y fundamentos de la mercadotecnia por internet.
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    • Markting
This pdf format will help you to read about marketing functions and how they irrelate with other marketing organizations
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      Public RelationsBuisness ManagementMarktingBuisness Law
المستخلص : أن ثورة المعلومات منذ عشرة أعوام خلقت متغيرات جديدة في عالم الأعمال, فرضت على المؤسسات التغيير, أو على الأقل التكيف مع التغيير الحاصل في كثير من الأسس, من ضمن هذه المتغيرات الجديدة, انتشار شبكة الانترنيت وكثير من أدواتها,... more
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      Social MediaMarkting
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The purpose of this paper is to identify and exam the main elements of entrepreneurial marketing mix in entrepreneurial enterprises. Our focus in this study is on Iran's top small and medium-size business entrepreneurs in 2007, which... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial MarketingIranMarkting
Investigates the relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and consumer attitudes toward foreign manufactured products in product categories in which domestic alternatives are not available. Such decision situations (i.e. product choice... more
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      MarketingMarktingCountry of OriginConsumer Behaviour
The global market of microspheres has seen a steady growth rate in double digits in the last decade due to their use in healthcare, personal care, and in many specialty research and development applications. The increasing demand for... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsMaterials EngineeringMaterials Science
Customer value is the difference between customer’s perceived benefits and customer’s perceived sacrifices. Zeithaml (1988) defined customer value as overall assessment of the utility of a product based on the perception of what is... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementData AnalysisContent Analysis
‬ Fundamentals of Marketing (Introductory Lecture)
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      MarktingIndusterial Engineering
Atrial septal defects of the ostium secundum variety are typically asymptomatic in infancy and early childhood. Congestive heart failure (CHF) may occur in the presence of significant mitral valve disease, pulmonary artery hypertension,... more
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      B2B MarketingMarkting
Mision: Ofrecer un servicio rápido, comodo, con estilo, barato y que ayuda a reducir la frustacion de usar el transporte publico.
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    • Markting
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementData AnalysisContent Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to identify and exam the main elements of entrepreneurial marketing mix in entrepreneurial enterprises. Our focus in this study is on Iran's top small and medium-size business entrepreneurs in 2007, which... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementData AnalysisContent Analysis
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementData AnalysisContent Analysis
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementData AnalysisContent Analysis
The objective of this article is to study the environment and event-commerce to implement an innovative company in this segment. The act of performing see increasing internet shopping. There is a change in consumption habits of consumers.... more
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      Internet StudiesEvent ManagementMarktingAntropologia do Consumo
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementData AnalysisContent Analysis
The paper summarizes the problems running through corporate website construction, identifies and analyzes the causes of the problems, provides suggestions corporate could adopt to solve problems, and offers user’s demand-oriented concept... more
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      Software DevelopmentMarketing ResearchWebsite VisibilityMarkting
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      SMEPublic RelationsSocial MediaPublicity