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The issue of managing change is becoming critical in channels with increasing mergers and acquisitions. However, few change management programs can claim success. We offer a model based on organizational justice theory to design and... more
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      MarketingChange ManagementOrganizational JusticeMarketing channels
Predmet: Kanali marketinga
Autor komentara: Katarina Stanojević
Godina: 2015.
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      ManagementMarketingMarketing ResearchMarketing channels
Special Issue of Journal of Retailing in Honor of The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009 to Oliver E. Williamson (Edited by Professor Arne Nygaard, Professor Robert Dahlstrom)
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      Institutional EconomicsOrganizational TheorySupply Chain ManagementInternational Business
Based on a survey of 505 corporate clients from the information technology industry, this study uses a logit statistical model to analyze whether such factors as loyalty, trust, client importance, intimacy between customer and supplier... more
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      Technology ManagementMarketing channelsVertical IntegrationOrganizational Boundaries
Partner ecosystems are liable for a widespread percentage of the price introduction of many organizations in the organisation software industry. Consequently, the focal point of competition has moved from the management of internal... more
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      Marketing channelsNon Monetary Incentives
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively explore marketing issues for foreign industrial companies of large, small and medium size entering emerging markets (EMs), particularly transition economies in Eastern Europe. The... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
Multichannel customer management is "the design, deployment, and evaluation of channels to enhance customer value through effective customer acquisition, retention, and development" (Neslin95-113). Channels typically include the store,... more
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      Customer Relationship ManagementMarketing channelsDatabase MarketingCustomer Value
Case studies were employed as research tools, for undergraduate and MBA students for 25+ years. The International Management course was taught in two classes at an undergraduate Business program. Channel of Distribution course was given... more
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      Case StudiesInternational ManagementMarketing channels
Today, the advancements of the Internet and new technologies have affected consumer behavior. This has led to the emergence of more and more channels which is causing consumers to change their purchasing habits. The omnichannel refers to... more
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      MarketingMarketing ResearchMarketing StrategyMarketing Management
This work aims at contributing to a vision of innovation in marketing channels, which is not limited to a few specific aspects of innovation or to the single stages of the channel, and which considers the channel as a whole. The analysis... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementInnovation statisticsModels of Innovation Types and ProcessesLogistics
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      MarketingSupply ChainMarketing channelsCase Study
The conventionalization of organic agriculture has been described as a process in which organic agriculture increasingly adopts the features of conventional modes of production based on industrial farming methods. The increasing supply of... more
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      AgroecologyAgrobiodiversityOrganic FarmingMarketing channels
DIRECT RESPONSE advertising is not only the preserve of marketers without retail distribution. It can be an integral part of communication strategies where the objective is to achieve accountability, customer information or sales leads,... more
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      PR and AdvertisingAdvertisingMedia effectsTelevision And Social Change
India is the sixth largest producer of maize in the world, and contributed about 2 per cent to the global maize production of 855.72 million tonnes (Mt) in 2012-13. Yield has also seen a high growth rate of 2.8 per cent as compared to... more
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      Marketing channelsValue Chains, Value Networks, Supply ChainsValue Addition
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    • Marketing channels
Master level course on Global Distribution and Channel Management (for the Master of Global Entrepreneurship and Management degree) that focuses on additional challenges and complications in distribution and channel management associated... more
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      BusinessMarketingSupply Chain ManagementMarketing channels
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      MarketingMarketing channels
This paper develops and empirically validates customer shopping motives taking account of customer channel selection in multichannel systems. As each channel is associated with certain advantages and disadvantages from a customer's... more
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      MarketingDigital MediaE-BusinessOnline Marketing
Szakdolgozatom célja a többcsatornás értékesítési rendszerek témakörének bemutatása és várható jövőbeli fejlődési irányainak felvázolása volt. A többcsatornás értékesítési rendszereket az autóipar kontextusában mutattam be és kitértem... more
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      Retail MarketingAutomotive IndustryMultichannelMarketing channels
JEL Codes: M11, M30, M31 Abstract - In this study, creating customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by channel integration with on-time delivery was examined as a result of using physical and online channels together in order to... more
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      Customer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyMarketing channelsService Delivery
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      MarketingIntercultural CommunicationTourism MarketingFestivals and music
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      Wireless CommunicationsRetail MarketingNetworkingDatabases
As the debate on finding a better and/or more effective marketing tool or approach rages on, one thing that is sure is the fact that companies can no longer ignore the importance of not only having, but monitoring their presence online.... more
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      Marketing ManagementAcademic PublishingMarketing channelsAcademic Journals
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      Innovation statisticsRetailingMarketing channelsInnovation in Retailing
Prior to the emergence of the Internet, the newspaper was a primary and trusted source of information on current affairs and public events for consumers. Its traditional distribution model of using retail intermediaries ensured the... more
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      MarketingSupply Chain ManagementPrint mediaHow digital innovation is changing the way we think about newspapers
This paper synthesizes five decades of supply chain-related research from premier managerially oriented marketing journals and provides a state-of-the-art integration and forecasting of where the field is heading. Such a review identifies... more
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      MarketingOperations ManagementOperations ResearchLogistics
To develop an innovative technique to apply retail marketing and export of grape improvement techniques to a complete supply chain from farm to consumer. Design/ methodology/approach - Action research based on a Andhra Pradesh case study... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementValue ChainMarketing channelsExport import Management
This work aims to analyze the theme of innovation in marketing channels with a perspective focused on the entire channel, with reference to its structure and flows (information, physical, negotiating), that drive the operations and link... more
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      Innovation statisticsICTCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)Supply Chain
The paper analyses the contribution of technological innovations to improve the relations and interactions among all members of marketing channels and those with the end consumer. The analysis focuses on marketing channel as a whole,... more
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      Technological InnovationMarketing channelsInnovation in RetailingVertical Marketing Systems
Pesticides are often used as the main options for combating plant pests. Because pesticides have high killing power, the application that is easy, fast and proven results. It is currently not difficult to find different types of... more
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    • Marketing channels
This paper presents a systematic method for classifying research on international channels of distribution, it is used to examine 79 articles published during an 18-year period (1988-2005). Based on content analysis, each article is... more
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      International MarketingMarketing channelsDistribution Channels
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      MarketingWireless CommunicationsRetail MarketingNetworking
"Innovation in marketing channels is a theme that has been treated in reference to specific areas of innovation or to single categories of subjects within channels. Fewer studies have been conducted with a perspective referring to the... more
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      Innovation statisticsMarketing channelsInnovation in RetailingInnovation in Marketing Channels
Power is a potential for influence, therefore, it is the ability of one channel member to get another channel member to do something. There are five sources of power: Reward, Coercive, Legitimate, Expert and Referent power, and there are... more
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      MarketingMarketing channels
Kashmiri saffron is facing marketing problems due to its poor quality on account of traditional post-harvest techniques. Technologies are available which can ensure the best quality of Kashmiri saffron, for which it is famous in the world... more
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      Marketing channelsSaffron Marketing
This study examines the factors that affect marketing channel selections of rice farmers in Thailand, which are believed to be distinctive compared with those of other agricultural products. One of the possible reasons for the differences... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourPLS (Partial Least Squares) MethodsMixed Methods ResearchMarketing channels
This book is the fruit of research and reading of several articles and books for several years. This is an update of a version published in 2010. This version is intended to be more complete and more detailed to meet the needs of teachers... more
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      MarketingCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)Marketing channelsStructural Equation Modelling
The objectives of this research are: (1) to observe marketing channels, functions and marketing institution who involved in siam orange distribution, (2) to analize marketing costs, marketing shares, marketing margin, profit and marketing... more
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      Agricultural marketingMarketing channels
In questi anni si assiste a un diffuso impegno da parte delle imprese nell’ampliare i fronti di miglioramento dell’efficienza, sia interna che nei rapporti con gli interlocutori a monte e a valle della filiera produttiva e del canale di... more
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      PowerMarketing channelsInterested in Marketing Management , Consumer Behaiour and Distribution Channels of the Sales and Marketing.Innovation in Marketing Channels
To mesh together their channels and better handle their multichannel management, retailers must better evaluate and coordinate their various channels. They need more precise and more complete measurement instruments to compare the... more
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      Multidimensional ScalingStructural Equation ModelingMultichannel ManagementMarketing channels
Multichannel customer management is "the design, deployment, and evaluation of channels to enhance customer value through effective customer acquisition, retention, and development" (Neslin95-113). Channels typically include the store,... more
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      MarketingCustomer Relationship ManagementMarketing channelsInteractive Marketing
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the IoT’s technology practices and performance in retail sector. This internet information technology is vital part of the evolution of retail sector. This paper develops an analytical framework for... more
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      Marketing channelsBusiness ModelInternet of Things (IoT)Innovative Practices
This document describes in detail how our app is going to achieve its goals. This business plan lays out a written plan from a marketing, financial and operational viewpoint. The plan includes the overall budget, current and projected... more
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      Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Business PlanMarketing channelsImpact of Dynamic soil structure interaction and cost effective foundation design
Found at the outer mitochondrial membrane, the voltage-dependent anion channel, VDAC, assumes a crucial position in the cell, serving as the main interface between mitochondrial and cellular metabolisms by mediating transport of ions and... more
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One of the central production of Citrus Nobilis Var. Microcarpa is in District Tebas, Sambas Regency. The research objective was to determine the most efficient marketing channels to know about the advantages of each institution... more
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      Market StructureMarketing channels
Traditional or village poultry, consisting primarily of indigenous chickens, make up over 80% of poultry in Africa. Most are kept as small flocks in free-ranging, scavenging, low input production systems. They provide vital nutritional... more
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      Food SecurityMarketing channelsInformal MarketsAgricultural value chains
Rattan, an important non-timber forest product, is a flexible palm used in weaving baskets or furniture. Rattan is light yet sturdy, making it suitable for furniture that can be moved often. Bangladesh has a large number of rattan-based... more
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      EntrepreneurshipApplied EconomicsMarketing channelsForestry Sciences
The study was conducted to assess the marketing and value chain of crab from Nijhum Dwip Island in Noakhali region during July 2015 to December 2015. Data were collected through questionnaire interview and tools of participatory rural... more
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      Value chain analysisMarketing channelsMud CrabNijhum Dwip
This study aims to increase knowledge of consumerperceived risk (CPR) and ways of relieving perceived risk in online shopping. A factorial design was used for investigating differences in CPR and risk-reduction strategies (RRS) by... more
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      MarketingEconomic DevelopmentMarketing channelsElectronic Commerce
The study was carried out from May 2013 to April 2014 to find out the fish marketing systems and socio economic status of aratdars of six upazilas in Gaibandha district. Four categories of fishes (Exotic, Indigenous, Live and SIS) were... more
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      FisheriesMarketing channelsLivelihoodsPrice